Thursday, September 2, 2010

this morning: Fast & Man In SUV (not writing down plates)

I noticed a man in some long white SUV, with a pink shirt and blue tie but after I wrote his plates down I decided not to publish them at least for now. I sensed that was no need to, or an expression on his face which I felt indicated he was okay. Maybe he can help.

I told a houseperson that I was fasting and I am. I refused to eat anything last night and I'm not going to eat anything until I feel it's right. I will drink things, but not eat, and I'm doing this for my own personal reasons and there is nothing wrong with me and I am not going through depression though I am being harassed and provoked to distress.

Obviously. My post of last night is one of absolute distress and brought forth such sentiments as I would never have normally and haven't had or expressed in that way, ever.

It was wrong to cut a mother off from even speaking and visiting with her son when the entire grounds were based on cover up for lies and criminal activity. And then the kind of group harassment and bullying I've experienced, in addition to not having anyone zealously represent me, is more than any human being could handle.

Having had some sleep, I feel a little better but not much, knowing what things have been going on and having no power or ability to anything at all.
hearing this song "straight from the heart" by bryan adams and yesterday I had it running through my mind all day. I haven't heard it in a long time but kept having it go through my mind and then I sang it in the shower.

In the last two days, a few things have mellowed out a little bit. Then I realized, people are in school. Which is sort of interesting, since the most problems my son and I had were over holiday breaks, which would match the approximate span of a college holiday break.

There is at least a 50% drop in the harassment rate when school is back in session. Then, over the longer holidays, I know there were adults involved, but the worst times for me and my son were at night (people off work) and then holiday breaks. Also, some of the people who come into town from out of the area are occupied with other things too.

I think some of it might have been stemming from teens or even college age students who were trying to avenge their parents, friends, or mentors for some imagined idea that I'd offended them or was a threat to their livlihoods. I know there has been military involvement, but also there has been this other pattern which would indicate working people and college students. If it was strictly military, they would do this kind of thing throughout the day, whenever they wanted because that would be part of their job. I know the military come into play later and some bad apples earlier too, but the pattern fits for civilians who have military, law enforcement, or medical contacts. As for general harassment, that's cut back simply because it's school and the population for harassing me has halved. However, some of the computer stuff was all day and that would have to be someone sitting at a desk doing this with leisure time on hand. Even right now, at first no problems and now there is the computer overheating. I also heard some concern about Navy experiments for some reason, around the time my son and I were harmed. I know the military was 100% interested in me after bc they had to have known what was going on becaue I met too many people in D.C. interested but then some tried to help but then it became obvious my son and I were being examined over the psychic stuff.
I had a dream and it was about Chris, wait, the other one, Rozollo. Probably a planted dream of some kind because it was half-waking and the whole dream involved food and meeting some woman he knew. I can't remember the whole thing. I only remember it from the part where supposedly someone thinks he is someone I shuld hang out with and then in my dream, I went to this woman's house that I've been to before in a dream. I have been to her house one time before but I didn't remember it until this morning in my dream. I was driven there and it was white I think and like a country house and then she told me to go in and I did and she left and I took a bath in the kid's tub but then the windows faced the whole town of Wenatchee so I went to the master tub instead and then I remember then, it was all about food. The bathroom that was the kid's room was like you walk in the door and the white porcelain tub was behind the door. There was one large square window straight across but sort of to the left on the wall across from the door. that faced all these lights and houses on a hill across from it. It was upstairs. I don't remember going up stairs but looking out the window I could see it was at least a two story house. There was a very small light brown, tan, or tiny little spider with fine legs in the tub, and I washed it down. (I don't always do this in real life, I recently removed one from the sink with a jar and put it outside). Then I wrapped myself in a towel and went to the other bathroom and there was a different master tub. The woman was light haired and I think it was curly or frizzy or something. Not dark hair. Shoulder length med. to light hair and some variation of blond I think. She looked like a country woman. Maybe 30-50 years old. I think she was wearing jeans of some kind but maybe other pants. Not a skirt. Probably bc I said I was going to fast the night before. I went to some bar and sat down and it was sort of an outdoor bar. I sat and looked at the drink menu and decided not to get a drink. I asked if I could have a cup of water. Then this man who sat next to me left and then the woman said it was only $1.99 for the steak. I said what was it? and she showed me and she had her own thing of rice with seared steak to the side and was eating it. She stirred it and I thought it looked like a pretty good deal. It looked like sirloin tip pieces and in her tray, they were all to one side and then the rice was mainly to the other side and it was white rice. No veggies. Just the steak and rice and maybe sauce on the steak pieces but the rice hadn't been mixed into it. and I said okay and said I would have one of those. Then there was more but I don't remember. She had her own food, the owner, in one of those oblong or oval containers that is maybe black on the bottom and has a clear top for covering it or whatever.

It was like a big food fair. Food outside. A bar of some kind outside. With maybe a tent type thing over it or some kind of shelter thing.

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