Wednesday, September 1, 2010

witchcraft and bizarre shit in town--get me and my son the hell OUT

I am tolerant of everything. Wiccan stuff included, and understand the outlook I think.

I am not tolerant of absolutely bizarre shit that has odd or horrible consequences for me and my son. And there are some SERIOUSLY weird people around here who do weird things and tonight I sat down at a table and thought about "Faust". Someone who sold everything they had to the devil. Yes, you get power, or people wouldn't do this to begin with. But not without cost and risk. Obviously. And wiccan is different from witchcraft.

Not only that, other people from outside of the area have come into town and it's like following me around and tracking where I go is this grand sport.

I think I might be the absolutely MOST exciting thing that has ever happened to this town. Unfortunately, there are some bad people who move in to screw things up and others who have come in and tried to help too, but, for example...

I can't sit at a picnic table without someone driving by in an SUV and throwing something over the wall. A professional woman. So I look at it and it's some kind of metal thing that has been cut and curled. This guy said it looked like it had been "surged" which is ridiculous. It was a cigarette lighter and it looked like someone had taken it to metal shop and cut and curled it. And then this woman is driving by who looks like an absolute Adams family charactacture and she's patting her curly perm.

I threw it away into a garbage at Hastings, a bookstore. But someone wanted me to see this. And it's weird.

I was HOPING maybe someone was going to try to give me serious clues about things at some point, but this just seemed to be a game bc then this woman is going by like....I don't know.

I do know that I went to get a simple sandwich at Arby's after passing 2 semis that had "OKs Cascade" on the side and the next server I got, at Arby's, said "O.K." about a million times and I'd had it and said cancel my order. My son used to do this and I feel it's mocking my son to have him involved at all in any of this stuff. So then I went to McD's and of course Vladdie was there but now I feel people think I go there for that novelty when I have always gone there. At any rate, this man came in with an "Independent" shirt on and actually seemed nice but I left bc I was given a cheeseburger when I ordered a hamburger and this happens about 9 times out of 10. I actually sometimes enjoy just getting a cheeseburger for less, and eat it, but after "O.K, Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay-lady" I just wanted something fucking normal.

Can't I have a fucking normal sandwich order? but then I wanted my money back and left and though about buying a t.v. dinner but wasn't going to go to a new place so I sat at a bus stop for a minute and considered just fasting. Then, I was getting something out of my bag, and a penny randomly fell into my water cup.

I am turning out to be as fucking nuts as everyone else here because then I started to wonder, "Does this penny mean something?" and I even looked at the year. It was 1981. So then I was thinking who do I know that was born in 1981? so ridiculous but I felt something was wrong with my having left the McDs. I thought, what?! Independent man wanted to meet me? or something bad is going to happen to my son?

The games here are NOT NORMAL.

Oh great, now this bitch of a woman just walked in, who is always around when I start having problems with my computer. The Broadway Bitch. Ew. I do NOT like her. I don't even think people who pretend they like her, actually like her. I think she came in to scare me off and I was here first and I'm not leaving.

So then this other woman who is waitress at the cafe comes in and she's been sort of pretender with me. A real fair weather person. Even brought her own son in to do weird shit and her boyfriend is a cop in tacoma or somewhere and it's a good thing he has sense not to be with her. Oh wait, that's the OTHER one. this one is fair weather only but then the OTHER one is the one who has brought in her kid to do weird things around me and had the cop bf. The fair weather woman is being very friendly with Broadway Bitch who should take her little Elkhorn camper back to the blue skies of Arizona. She had all this stupid star and Kate and other stuff email and directive things she gave to me. That, combined with how she is connected to state people here, with her possible NY connection makes her an icky hands-off for me. She's sitting there eating a bagel and drinking lemonade with a stupid cowboy hat with all these feathers and a long purple geometric shirt get up. I really really cannot stand her. I have seen even one of my better yet public enemies, act nice to her face and then give me a warning look about her. As if I didn't fucking know.

This other asshole comes in, who grins at her and then looks at ME and loses his fucking grand grin.

Anyway, tangent.

So the other thing that happened tonight, is that first I was over at McDs and maybe it wasn't this one guy "Independent" at all, but instead was someone else there, so I had this penny and miscalculated dates like an idiot and thought the person would be 19 and thought, "Does that mean I need to go back there?" and then I am walking back and realize it's for 29, not 19. Hmm, throws a loop. I went back anyway and that guy wasn't there, but I felt better, for some reason, just going back and getting a burger.

Now these guys are coming in wearing yellow shirts grinning at her. Believe me, if this woman is connected to anyone who represents with "yellow", no thank you, I don't believe it anyway.

So then, I sat down at the picnic table and...seriously, I think these people are nutters. Nuttier than the peanuts in the butter.

I went to the picnic table and oh, of course all hell breaks. I guess it's because I am sitting next to a wall that looks sort of like the unicorn wall and someone thinks it would be cool if I sat there and had a beer or something, one day.

So, I am just going to write about what I did and what I thought and what I got from GOD and then how others try to tamper and pervert and distort that.

I wrote: Ale. Got 1 young's double chocolate stout--spent $4. really good--with nice symbols (didn't want to get the porter with a guy holding a blade and then the head of a statue up). like wheat & grapes & pure indulgence (as symbols) & alcohol vol. 5.2 percent. w/an orange ram's head & something about twist and then I find, ironically after the fact, that I'm sitting next to a wall that looks like the "unicorn" wall and then had to use a black can opener & it was already out.

--I was at Arby's & she did some weird ok's so then I went to McD's and they gave me cheeseburger & after oks didn't want to bother so then--come to think of it, now I'm writing with a fuckin' prison style pencil bc I am chained like the mighty unicorn I guess--next to a tree with a Master lock holding the table to the tree. and then yellow gum.

So anyway, felt bad about leaving McDs. really bad feeling--oh, this "independent" guy came in too, and seemed nice but I left over cheese on my burger (ordered other but it's a nice gesture too)--so then I went back after a penny dropped into my cup--1981 and mistakenly though tit was age 19 & thought, maybe it's vlad but then realized it's 29. then combined the numbers & it was 11 which made me think of Russian stuff & then I guess 1+1=2...I sound completely crazy! but anway, got it to go & left feeling better and then sat at this picnic table by

(oh, now everyone who is wearing a yellow shirt or who is jewish decides to parade in...just now. ok, exaggeration. only 2 but wanting me to notice)

by...baskin Robins & staring across from windmill of Dutch Brothers.

Washington state lottery pencil is a short prison-style pencil.
So, for my random thinking, I deserve to followed all over the fucking place and stolen from, and that's just while idly thinking in a creative mode, for writing.
A few latino women drove by making fun of me today.

I think they find it hilarious to see me wearing a flannel shirt and jeans with tennis shoes after coming into town in style. These chihauhaus and dobermans have a little money and they don't even know how to use pomade on their hair and they make fun of me. I may not look good, but I wouldn't laugh when I can make 20 dollars work better for me at Goodwill than you can with $2,000 at Macy's or any of the other stores around here. I mean, God's sake, if you have the money, why not learn how to style your fucking hair and make it look shiny and glossy? The products are out there and it's not the fucking 18th century. I mean, keep your fly aways as I keep mine, but I wouldn't feel so incredibly haughty when you are not only unable to keep yourself up the way you should with a small amount of money, but you can't even respect yourself in your romantic relationships. One single woman who has some independence and self-respect is worth 10 involved women who allow themselves to be abused and degrade the reputation and worth of women as playthings for men.

So these 2 latinas were in this stupid silver mini cooper (a kind of car which suddenly came into fashion around here, after I made one comment about minicoopers, over a year ago. there was 1 minicooper then. now there are about 30-40 as if a minicooper dealer moved into town).

What was sad was that as they were there driving past and making fun of me, I saw one of them being thrown up against the wall. Like a man or someone else, grabbed her arms or upper part of her body and pinned her up against a wall, not in a good way.

She's laughing at me and I see this about her life. someone she is with has something to say about her, a man, that "this is the kind of bitch i like to throw up against a wall" and I got that. it was not an actual thing, but some man in her life who feels this way about her.

I got a few other things but will keep them to myself.

oh, I guess the other thing I could say...

I don't know, I know I sound really harsh in this post. and lately. But I do not think one single person in this town has been through what I've been through. No one has this kind of intentional harassment, alienation, torture and deprivation of their own child for simply not "agreeing", and is lied about. Show me ONE person here or anywhere, who has gone through what I have, in the United States.

Show me my mentor.

It is very easy, as Satan would even say of Job, to be "nice" and have wonderful ettiquette and politically correct in every way, when you're not being harassed and stripped of everything you ever owned, on a daily basis.

You SHOW me ONE person here, one WOMAN even, who has been so envied and hated and crushed. And then exploited and used all at the same time.

Show me my mentor.

You don't know SHIT about me. You have done every single thing that could possibly be done, and then parade your lowlife assholes around me, feeling big in your little pool, some of you, and freak out if I take off and you can't keep tabs on me and my whereabouts bc you just might be exposed for being the liars and criminals that you are.

Now I have Canadian taxi man asshole parading himself in here, in a suit no less.

Which is really laughable.

They say people can't "change". Take some tips from the Gothic Taxi Man Turned Corporate Steward. You too, can cut your hair and shave and get a real ride.

Then he walks past me saying "ouch"

I'm sorry, but when is the last time HE really had to say "ouch" because someone was fining his corporate ass. Because someone was torturing his kid. My guess is that he will be impotent if he is not already. But he knew what was happening to me and my son and then decided to help set things up against me and my son in Canada.
At least, thank God, at least, I have seen something which approximates fear from a couple of men, and I would never say who, but thank God, there are people who are aware of the dolphin massacre. And of the very sick things which are happening currently with my son and me, and even a few others. But thank you God, that I have felt the apprehension and seen the very brief glimpse of fear that proves to me there are SOME REAL people who still exist. Who are not fucking slabs of ice. Who know I am not crazy and I am not bullshitting and that this is all very real and very horrible and dangerous and thank you JESUS CHRIST for allowing me to even see this in SOMEONE when I feel this has turned into an underground genoicide of human rights.

May God kiss and bless the wounds of the fucking righteous.
I had another impression not too long ago but I don't know if it's wise to share. Extortion of a powerful, seeming powerful small group. There are many royals and royal groups and they are NOT all English but I have had the impression that there is someone or some persons who are being extorted. And the power could be taken at any time of refusing to go along with greatest powers that be so there are concessions being made. But I can't say which royal family or group I sensed this about and also, I don't know why I got this. It might be wrong and a false projection someone tried to send.
Oh, for once in a whole several hours, I don't have any messages from babylon. I guess it's bedtime or something.
At 6:30 p.m. tonight, I knew my son wanted me. He wanted to be with his real mother.
God sanction and punish AG Tomas Caballero for allowing these things to happen. For knowing all about King Solomon and what I said. For keeping quiet as my son suffers. For daring to put a cigar in his mouth that spoke lies, when the mouth of my son was crying out for his mother. For setting his buddy up to prod me with questions and try to take me to a hotel room after asking questions about uranium and wanting me to drink. Knowing who I was. Knowing Tomas. God forgive you for ruining a little boy's life as you have Tomas and for being the person at the start, who did not do his duty to the country to be honest and serve the justice system well. With Even Paul as your neighbor. No shame, to this day. Where is your confession Tomas? God doesn't need it. The priest doesn't need it. The OPR needs it. The offices of Eric Holder need it. Where is your conscience? as long as you only see the faces of the mothers and fathers and never see the sobbing faces of the child as they wither away, you are "safe". Fuck YOU. You fucking hypocrite who stands for NOTHING. Give your fucking CONFESSIONS to the authorities who will DO something or to wikileaks or SOMEONE. God looks at YOUR hands and sees you have the fucking blood of my son's life on them. Because of YOU and your inability to stand up for a little baby boy, YOU have caused his torment and suffering for over 3 years for which he could have been spared if you had done the fucking RIGHT thing and dismissed this case in the beginning.

You fucking FUCK UP

God DAMN YOU until you Fucking CONFESS to the people, about what exactly happened.

You are going to have a tie around your neck that is too tight and when I see this, a red tie, around your neck, I seriously wonder if you are such a coward that you would even hang yourself before you admit to what is happening and tell the proper people. I should clarify that I do not mean this as a threat of any literal kind but is intended as a figure of speech for legal problems getting too close for comfort and closing in. I knew what I meant and then read it this morning and it sounded not the way I meant it at all. Including the part about that he would hang himself, I believe he's already hung himself up with things and has become a hangman of sorts..But I wanted to clarify this form of creative speech.

Did you see what I got, at random, today, about my enemies, from the reading for my enemies? King Solomon was right there and you read it.

The first people to do some of these things to my son, I wrote into my laptop at the time, something about a green shirt and suddenly, everything stopped.

There was someone who was wearing a green shirt at the time my son and I were being tortured, who was doing some of the weird stuff and monitoring what I had on my computer. I know this for a fact, not a guess. A fact, and it was freaky enough that all of the bizarre hacking immediately quit. I believe this was a younger person. Whoever it was, they were freaked out about it enough to quit for some time.

All of you, are going to be caught and held accountable in this life. I do not forgive and forget for the "next life". Your judgement will be in this one. Everything that my son has suffered, you will suffer and worse. Your children are going to be cursed for the next 2 generations. You will not find any way to release your children from this curse because it will come from God and you will find out for yourselves that it really was God and not some other entity or psychic power. You will ask pastors and priests and healers and doctors and others to deliver your children and your families from the curse, and those of you who have harmed my son, will not find a way out. God will designate for each of your families what He feels is appropriate punishment. You may have different curses, but you will not find any way of being relieved from them.

God knows who is just petty and going along and who has really been the problem, and those of you who have been a real problem, have your families and children cursed this day. In the name of God. If you want to say I am crazy you go right ahead. I have not been at liberty to ever ask for this until this night and I don't ask for myself, but on behalf of what I know I am supposed to say. You want 2. You want games and numbers and the suffering of my son and I. Your families get 2 generations of curse. God will send out his angel to spread this out among you and to put it into effect. Almost like Raiders of the Lost Ark, but real. And while I still cannot feel any truth in praying for earthquakes in Washington, I feel the reality and rightness of this and freedom to pray this. Those who continue to harm my son in any way will not receive deliverance but an increased curse. Those who attempt to further obstruct justice and my right to my son, will be brought into the curse. This is not a witchcraft curse or a gypsy curse (though I do like these gypsies) or a military psychic curse. This is one from God and you will find out for yourselves as it unfolds and after 2 generations you will say, "She was right. There was this woman one time, who said this thing would happen if we didn't change and it did." In this sense, I do not mean to incite violence but only in the vengeance of the Lord, which is spiritual source and not from man, so this is why I prayed the curse. I don't go back on that. I regret if anyone misunderstands what I meant by it but I felt fine this morning. Aside from clarification problems, I sensed a good peace this morning.

And God curse those who extort others to do unjustified things and for their own benefit. God bless those who have done good for my son even from great distance. Please protect them and please bring forth others who have power to help change things.

Guess what? freaks matter. What I have written sounds very freakish I'm sure, but the real freaks are those who have done horrible things to me and my son and anyone else. YOU are the freaks that do not matter when you behave in this manner, like congealed glue.

I have zero interest, at this very moment, of being "pc". I have a serious interest in justice and you have all of the normal warnings which were warranted and an incredible measure of grace. Those who backed out of duty because of cowardice have themselves to worry about, not me. But those who have intentionally been behind orchestrating things and ordering things and making the calls, or in trying to incite matters when I and my son were only innocent mother and child--you are being held accountable this night and 2 generations forward. There is no court of law that will have a remedy for this, because what will happen will be from the hand of God and no other. I also pray for more continued accountability in what happened with the sex circle trials in Wenatchee.
What is sad is that these parents got help, I now realize, from the Innocence Project, not because they were innocent, but because others thought strategically how this could benefit other people or groups. It wasn't out of pure interest of helping others. There is always money and power, it seems, behind justice here.
While in court last, I prayed for everyone there. Not that it matters because I am sure not everyone was praying for me. But I did anyway. Because I am so "mean". I prayed that there would be justice in the court that day and leniency wherever it could be given, justly. Right after I prayed this, the Prosecuting Attorney stood up and negotiated a better deal for someone. That is a fact. The clerk probably saw me praying but she didn't know what I was praying. Then, with his back to me, he got up, right as I opened my eyes and looked at him and he stood up, turned around and wanted to talk to my lawyer about another person and negotiated something better. I don't even know what he said to my lawyer, but as I watched I saw they negotiated something better and I also saw that my lawyer then looked over at some other people and nodded like he was happy or nervous something good might happen for them. Probably the only person who saw what happened was the clerk who saw me praying and who was looking at me when then the Prosecuting Attorney stood up and worked out a better deal.

God answers prayer. If God won't answer my prayer to have this bullshit cut through and my son returned to me and be spared the harassment and torture, then God will hear my prayer to have others held accountable. I know this and I believe this. Amen.
I looked at the headlines for the first time today and found something on bbc about a star in a steam bath which is sort of funny, because steam is what I got when I closed my eyes and had the impression that something would go forth about a curse. It is hard to describe.

I hope it happens and I also hope Princess Diana is fully avenged.


  1. Cameo, what do you think would be the best way to convince a paranoid schizophrenic that he/she is indeed a paranoid schizophrenic?

  2. Psalms 10:7
    His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity.
    - King James Version

    Psalms 59:12
    For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride: and for cursing and lying which they speak.
    - King James Version

    Psalms 109:17
    As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him.
    - King James Version

    You are not blessed because you curse others

  3. Dear BRAVE and forthright "Anonymous",

    You are a like a new baby who has not yet been weaned from their mother's milk.

    You have picked out little sections of the Bible and highlighted this to your own advantage, not to the glory of God, or the Book which you at least are claiming is the Rule Book.

    If you were a real student, you would already know that GOD Himself brings "curses" upon others. And so did every single one of his prophets.

    Read the Good Book my friend. And then come to me and start a discussion.



  4. you didn't answer the question

    what do you think would be the best way to convince a paranoid schizophrenic that he/she is indeed a paranoid schizophrenic?

  5. Actually,

    Most who are paranoid schitzo, literally, can accept they are.

    A few might think they are right until enough people show them they are not and that something does not exist or is untrue.

    Paranoid schitzophrenics hear what sounds like audible voices and they also do not just see "minds eye" but literally believe things are present in that moment, affecting their own current reality.

    I have known people with this disorder and it is easy to detect.

    I also dated a well known psychiatrist in the Seattle area who knows plenty of people in the CIA and some other diplomats and he said, for example, in my case, where people claimed I had this, they were dead wrong.

    I don't believe a trained psychiatrist would date someone he thought was paranoid schitzo.

    The people I have known personally, who were, accepted it for what it was and took medication. Most of the time, the disorder can be proven to the person who is schitzo.

    Even Nash, knew that it's not possible to see something or hear something if no one else did.

    Psychics on the other hand, and artists, and writers, and remote viewers, can go to a dimension most sensible people cannot go to and it's not schitzo, it's having a creative mind or psychic abilities, which are proven to be real and do exist or joint governments would not spend billions on this research and use people to do this.

    So if you have a friend who is paranoid schitzophrenic, or if you are personally, and you need a tip on how to be convinced yourself, that you really are as messed up as people tell you you are, then I would say the first step is to describe exactly what your symptoms are first.

    There is no general pat answer to your question. It would depend upon the specific things that the person sees or hears or believes, which are not just "implausible" or hard to imagine, but can be literally proven untrue.

    If you cannot prove it's true, and it is a possibility something they say is right, regardless of how remote or what your experience with other perspectives or situations is, then you have no case for even assuming someone is disorderred to begin with. You would have to definitively rule out all other possibilities and prove it.

    So, to continue this conversation, what specific traits does this person have?

    Then, I will tell you how you might go about convincing the person they have this problem.

