Thursday, October 21, 2010

Attention Depart of Defense & CIA: Your Psychics...

There are some military psychics who work for the U.S. and some who work possibly for others and I am about to give out their names and affiliations and what kind of work they do.

I have had it.

I shouldn't have to say 100 times that I am tired of having my son and I used and abused out of interest to the U.S. or with no protection from others who are not U.S.

There is no excuse.

I should not have constant telecommunication harassment either, with, evidentally, most of the U.S. lthinking there is nothing wrong with it.

I am tired of my belongings being stolen and police smirking and thinking it's funny and refusing to hold others accountable when my son and I suffer as a result.

I am tired of being targeted by a lot of Jewish people who are doing some seriously CRAZY shit to me, and only God knows why. It's not all Jewish, it's a lot of others, but the stuff by Jewish is very coordinated by those who are Jewish. The Catholics, the bad ones, do whatever they want whenever they want. The Protestants aren't much better but there are fewer of them and the main ones are in military. Then my son and I are left open to the rest who are not even U.S.

When I said my son was illegally taken and kidnapped, that didn't mean, "Let's see how long we can hold onto him and how much we can get to him before his mother gets him back and puts an end to it."

It also didn't mean that the whole idea was to watch and see what I do next as people act like total imbeciles with the intelligence and emotional and social intelligence of a pre-schooler.

I can't tell the adults apart from the kids, which is probably why I've been thinking these kids are so smart lately. Because the adults are freakin' NUTS and act worse than the children.

It didn't mean that people were allowed to track me to Walla Walla and treat me like shit and even deliberately entrap me to stay there so groups could work their "psychic magic" and play competitive games.

It also didn't mean I should have been tracked to Spokane where the same thing has happened and then culminating with some Jewish assholes who are connected to my old ex Chris Dabney, doing seriously shitty stuff to me while I'm in town. Since when is the Jewish religion about working out your fucking Kaballah shit on someone and hoping they forget certain things or do certain things because you're praying and breaking your stupid fucking galss all over the streets and sidewalks (along with a lot of wiccans too I might add). And mocking me along the way, hoping to keep me under your thumb one way or the other.

How many military do I run into, who are not just normal military but doing psychic stuff or are connected to people who do? And useing me and my son as targets for practice? This is fucking BULLSHIT and you haven't done ANYTHING to protect the rights of me and my son, to be able to move freely, have a normal job without obstruction and some female getting her entire Jewish posse pissed because you slept with her boyfriend (who was with me first) a couple of times. Oh, and I'm a real big threat to Kate fucking Middleton and before that, it was someone with a suspiciuos idea that it was about Chelsea Davies and believe me, Chelsie Davies knows.

It's fine to have me fucking end up sleeping outside in the fucking DIRT after what I have done "for my country" and what THIS country KNOWs has been happening for a very long time. Don't fucking tell me you don't know, when I met that many high and top people in the Department of Defense, CIA, and with the Department of Energy across the street from the house I lived in in Maryland.

Instead, I get chased all over fucking Bainbridge and Seattle and threatened with the end of my life, and my son and I tortured at the same time and developing rashes at the same time, and weird things, while the fucking visitation monitors and state workers are coordinating efforts to keep experimenting with my son in visits as they write down each detail of what he does, which colors he uses, and how the brainwashing is coming along. "Gasp" ...Oh, the amazing things! that my little monkey could do, with Anne fucking CRANE as a government shitty bitch. Whenever my son hit a certain mark, as rehearsed, how PROUD and AMAZED everyone was! And she duly documented what was happening in the visitation notes, being sure to make me sound nuts, and blocking any audio recording by me to prove what was going on. It was fine for almost the whole town to know about it, but not for me to have records to take to court.

FUCK YOU and FUCK YOU ANNE CRANE. I would also throw in Ms. McIntosh, who had her similiar moments for pause and to gasp as, shock, I read her mind and then said what I was supposed to say in court. Shock. How cute, the little Altoid tin she put out on the court table after she looked over and saw what I was eating during court. She then had to go OUT, and fucking BUY the same small Altoids tin and make sure I saw that on the table as she reamed my son's rights. BITCH. FUCKING BITCH. It was convenient to have Judge Hotchkiss crushing on her.

Then, I go to this "healing room" out of simple respect for the wishes of my parents to touch base there, for some reason and okay, I will go mom and dad. The fucking woman there, here, in Spokane, had a fucking Altoids tin laid out for me to see as she was praying for my "soundness of mind" and telling me she wanted me to accept and go to some RECOVERY home for women. I said, "Recovery for WHAT?" and she's telling me I could live in some fucking home that would be like a psych ward, for up to 3 years. It's like, "safe", but not really. No men, but plenty of surveillance right? almost as controlled of an environment as a psych ward would be.

And then I have someone STEAL my ticket OR I left it behind at that fucking "healing room" by mistake. Why? Because I was a little distracted by the fact that as I was leaving the "healing room", and being told to go to some recovery place, someone--a really good christian or jewish asshole possing as one, set out some fucking little yellow cup that was full of what looked like piss. Thanks for telling me how special I am and recitng one of my favorite psalms, bitches (lovely "international" christian bitches at that), and then sticking it to me by intentionally placing what looked exactly like a urine sample on the end of your counter where I could see it. Sure, and then you can just say it was "honey" even though you knew very well that it was the same size and shape and exact appearance of not honey but urine. And labeled across the middle like a urine sample. And then you put all the cool little things in the trash can in the women's restroom just for me to notice. The fucking pink tampon insert that someone keeps throwing all over the fucking sidewalk, in Wenatchee and then also, dear GOD! in Spokane, but no, not just a pink tampon like one would expect in the ladies room, but coordinated with other colors like yellow so we get that cool yellow and pink thing going and then, lets throw in a lavendar thing with 5 lavendar petals on it, just like the stupid bath pillow I was given to use at the women's shelter and which has been reappearing in every town since.

Meanwhile, you tell my family: parents, that you're "praying" for me. Yeah, like the Jewish bitch who was scared I was about to let some kind of crazy cat out of the bag in Vancouver who had an empty baby bassinet in her car when she didn't have a baby and wanted me to spill beans as she annointed me with oil. That was when I was going to Vancouver from Seattle and saw at least 5-8 people driving around with empty baby bassinets and cradles and wanting me to see, in order to scare and intimidate me. Did my mother know this? I reeally do NOT think so and I do not think my parents really know what kinds of things these assholes wo make vain claims, are really doing to me and my son.

Are you people FOR REAL?

YOu are SOOO fucking screwed up it is not even funny. You are SOOOO messed up to even think this is normal in any way. And then there are stupid people doing dumb things like this while real psychics are in there, pulling some seriously CRAZY shit.

I was basically forced and coerced to live with an asshole who fucking hypnotized me and drugged my drink. Ever since I've been in Wenatchee, constant monitoring and the refusal to allow me to have my own place or live on my own independently because the U.S. is too fucking self-interested in experimenting with me or allowing others to do this. These guys, from Wenatchee, are all military. Every single fucking one of them that I've had to live with. And military is fine, until it's a bizarre combinated of forced slavery to push me out of even FEDERAL HOUSING PROGRAMS so I am basically TRAPPED and forced to live with assholes who use me for their own personal gain and research for the U.S.


You couldn't just do the normal thing and enforce lawyers taking cases of serious discrimination and harassment. You couldn't bring in a normal military person who was just a nice guard of a kind. Instead, you wanted your fucking psychic rats to be all over me and then try to charge my family for what you are claiming is a fucking favor.

My family doesn't owe YOU and YOUR assholes, no matter who they are, ANYTHING. The U.S. owes MY FAMILY for he shit we have been put through. It may be better than gangsters, maybe, but YOU, Department of Defense, are LONG overdue in your compensation to MY family for what you have put MY family through.


You got away with harassing me for a long time but now that I have got enough psychic things right, no one believes your bullshit that I'm crazy. People know. They may say I'm crazy but they know that I am not making things up. But for the longest time, assholes from the Department of Justice (McKenna's office) and even the Pentagon, full on harassed me and belittled me over the phone. You have allowed telecommunication groups to go to SHIT, harassing me at every single turn. Every single time I try to make a call to get somewhere about something important, you are allowing operators from how many fucking companies to disconnect my calls, harass me, refuse to connect me, redirect my calls to others...

I mean, is this the U.S? or are we be fighting big foreign mobsters who took over the U.S?

I was intentionally barricaded by several operators, from contacting the Navy Bethesda hospital. That was one of the last things.

Then tonight, I ask for a simple phone number for local police and if I don't have operators faking a British accent (because it's really special and a nice touch when I can't get through, to let me know through Emma Thompson with a bee in her nose and a stick up her skirt).

Then I am getting, tonight, not Spokane, like normal, but a whole bunch of Wal-mart ads first. That was a nice touch. Wal-mart, 3 times in 2 telephone number requests. FUCK YOU FCC. It was necessary to know that I couldn't leave Spokane now, because you fuckers aren't finished with me yet here and want to prolong my stay, and get this bitch at the ticket counter: Linda, to refuse to even look up the fact that I bought a ticket and didn't use it. She blocked me from getting on the bus when she had the ability to look in the system just like any fucking airport person, and see when I bought the ticket and if it had been used and void the first one out if it was lost or stolen and issue a new last section.

But no. The bitch LINDA was getting a serious kick out of blocking me from leaving this FUCKING town which was fine on Day One and shittier than an outhouse by Day Two.

So I have to use this fuckers phone, who I already I already know is connected to some military guy I knew and met in Wenatchee, and I am getting 3 fucking Wal-mart ads and Insurance and one more...wrote it down but will have to check. Then, the fucking operator is not a normal operator. NO, first she's telling me she's looking for a listing for "SpoCAINE". Like cocaine or just plain old Cain like Cain and Abel. It was a recording. It wasn't even a live operator. It was a fucking pre-recorded message about SpoCAINE but it gets better. It was SpoCAINE and then I was offered 5 different options because the cool number now is, I guess, 5.

The first one was an elementary school when I had specifically asked for the police. That was option one. Elementary school. Thanks fuckers. So I said yes, I wanted option one and I was then asked, did I want the one listing or did I want KEYSTONE elementary because, it would be SOOOO cool man, if Theo Keyes, Army asshole extroidinaire could get some points for that one. Maybe his Daddy too, or maybe just some fucking Jewish asshole who helped foot his bill as the fucker was jumping on my bed and trying to pick my brain. Oh wait, that was Michelle Erickson. He was giving info to the same state shitter who tried to say I harassed HER when these fuckers have been ballistic.

So I called again, for Spokane police. Spokane is pronounced "Spoe-cann"and operators know this. I was given 2 groovy options from our wonderful federal communications department. I was asked, "DO you want "SPOCAINE" or Spoe-CANN?" and not just different terms, but both were spokane, WA, and yet the options were recorded by 2 different female voices.

Lets see...I've had harassment by operators from Charter, Qwest (not quite as much), AT&T, Verizon, and Frontier. Frontier or Pioneer was the group that refused to connect me to the Bethesda Naval Hospital when I called to report something and just get a normal number.

So, this is what's up guys.

You give me my son back or your military shitheads are being exposed. That means NOW.

That means you find someone to take over for the Tanesha Canzater that the Bullivant Houser firm and Benedictine Abbey really favors (maybe, because she went to their school, but maybe not and maybe I shouldn't blame them), and you get me a REAL fucking lawyer or you investigate and turn this one around FASt.

Because you are NOT fucking with me anymore and if you were listening to my 911 call this afternoon, you heard what I am willing to expose and say, even about the Ukrainian bus crash that killed 40 people or more.


Then keep allowing assholes to harm me and my son. My son is the big deal and you are still using him.

You know very well that there is sufficient material and evidence and grounds for reversing everything and returning my son and you also know I am being harassed and used.

You can fix it or you can ignore it.

And I want compensation to my Dad, for what happened to my grandfather, and to my Uncle, for his agent orange injuries, and to my great-aunt Mary, who still greives over the loss of her brother who was probably another experimental guinea pig. If she thinks something was strange about the whole thing, she is probably right.

I think it would be the right thing to do, for my other family members. However, because my main focus is my son and my life, I want someone investigating this case as what is rightly coined "crime" and I know that someone knows there are grounds for overturning it.

I see a lot of amused and laughing fuckers out there driving around. Just wait until your kids and your family die in a bus crash. Keep smiling. I really do not think that you even know what you are tampering with. You keep up the laissez-faire attitude of laughing over the misery of others, and you are going to fucking bombed.

Do I prefer military or state to look out for my son? Yeah, if they're not screwing him over. But I know some assholes went in and hypnotized my son and used him.

Is it U.S.? I know some of the people harassing me and stalking me are U.S. I mean, maybe they're getting paid something but I'm not.

I know that some people are not maybe tied in with U.S.

I shouldn't have to come to this town and go to the Greyhound station to discover


  1. How long until your illness drives you to homelessness? Suicide? Murder? I don't even know if it's possible for you to receive help at this point. It's so sad - reading your blog is to watch someone sink deeper and deeper into psychosis. The very worst part is that you refuse to see that what you are sick. I feel so sad for you, for your parents, for your son. I wish someone would take responsibility for your well-being.

  2. What is sad, is that people like you even try to convince anyone that I am delusional. Delusional people are not followed and hounded.

    I would bet Princess Diana would just love you and count you one of her most reliable fans. It's people like you that drive women like Diana to cut their wrists and smear it on the plane cabin walls.

    Because THEY are mentally ill? or because they are finally so distraught over being so pressured and harassed and belittled by people like you, when they are 200% more sane than you will ever be.

    A non-starter is someone who doesn't want to be a part of George Orwell's Animal Farm. Or, someone who refuses to be as crazy as the crowd.

    It will be better when I write about even more of what has happened. That much I know.

    No one buys your mentally ill shit. There is not even a point to your trying.

    If you wish someone would "take responsibility", send a letter to Eric Holder and President Obama.

    As for people like you, we need less of you which is why usually, people like you, thank goodness, perpetuate your "kind" through myths and generational brainwashing rather than through genetic prowess.
