Thursday, October 21, 2010

WA plates: B74062E, Bad Food (getting sick) & Suspicious Person

I am starting to get sick.

My stomach is very bad and the only things I've had which I didn't really monitor were a beer at a place called The Riff where a man bought it for me. I have seen him at Cafe Mela in Wenatchee. He showed me earrings and said to take these ones made out of Jasper and one was slightly brown with the other slightly green. One side they looked like peace symbols and on the other side they were nuclear hazard symbols. I thought about how my son has been joked about, by Wenatchee state workers, as being like "Casper" and didn't catch that right away but I did know that I didn't feel good energy with it. So I was going to give them to someone and didn't bc I felt they should go to garbage but I wanted to separate them too. So I put one, threw it into this sink or something that was like a wishing well or small fountain that was locked up. Then I threw the other one in the Waste Management trash can.

The other thing I had, which may have been it, was a hamburger at the mall in downtown Spokane where they have their food court. It was the hamburger place.

The reason I'm writing this down is because I saw someone I was very suspicious of, who gave me a seriously bad vibe and he pulled up into the 7-11 as I was walking up and stared at me with his girlfriend there, and cracked up laughing as he was cramming a hamburger into his mouth. Not like normal...making a production of eating the burger.

I mention him because my stomach has been cramping and swelling up or bloating and I had a couple of things which looked sort of suspicious but so far not worrying.

The only things I had, oh, also, before the one beer, I had a small bottle of champagne which was the cheapest thing this place called Madeleines had. I said, to them, joking "I hope this isn't the CIA reserve bottle for finishing me off."

I have been feeling bad for about an hour, my stomach mainly and this doesn't usually happen to me. Never.

The fact that this other man was getting off about eating a hamburger makes me wonder. However, it could have been anything from today. My list today:

1. Squash soup at Aunties Bookstore and then plate of salami with cheese and pear later. About 9 a.m.

2. Chicken taco with chips and salsa and beans, at Azteca at about 1:00 p.m. or 2:00 p.m.

3. Glass of champagne (individual bottle) at Madeleines at about 6 p.m.

4. Glass of beer at The Riff.

5. Hamburger from the hamburger place at Mall 20.

I noticed a few weird things when I had the champagne but very small and didn't pay attention. Didn't notice anything though, like stomach bloating, until about an hour to 2 hours ago.

6. Now I'm at Shari's in Spokane and just asked for lemons for hot water and sugar and I was given 15 small chopped up lemon pieces.

The man driving the truck, whose plates I listed at the top, was driving a beige regular sized truck and had graduation strings (tassle) hanging from his rearview mirror, and it was yellow.

I am positive something I was given was bad because I never get like this and don't have a sensitive stomach. My stomach has been doing a lot of cramping. I would say, actually, I probably first noticed something possibly before I even went to the place for a beer. So that would be right after having the champagne. Because I used the restroom and thought something sort of small, was odd.
I also knew that people were partly preventing me from leaving because they wanted me to go to the Mall. It was all set up and I knew this. No one told me, I just knew. I knew people wanted me to go and it would be some kind of maze or determining thing. So I didn't go. But rather than be forced and obstructed to stay in town, as I was in Walla Walla, for 4 days until I completed their maze as they wanted me to and had money riding on, I just decided to go in and give them all what they wanted.

So I went in and just got a burger and looked around at things and that was it. I started to cry when I was eating the burger, thinking about my son and all that has been done.

I left a newspaper section with the Money section in the ranger station because there was a Mountain Dew bottle and it made me think of my brother and if I could give money to anyone, I would give some to him. I don't typically do symbolic things but I did that. Just thinking about my brother.

I went from the Mall to the carosel and felt good energy there for some reason. There were a couple places I didn't want to go the other night.

I just noticed, just now that there is a piece of cardboard and tape in the shape of a peace sign and then a box of Sutter Home wine behind it. It's the peace sign on to of a lightbulb box and right behind this, a wine box.

When I first came into Sharis I was going to be seated and then I saw this ghost above the table, like Casper, and I had asked for a table with a plug in. I saw that ghost and said, knowing it represented my son to them, "I'll use a different table" and went to the back and found a plug in.

I am trying to take a photo of this and the control for taking photos is missing. Someone is preventing it from showing up so I can take a photo.

I have pop up ads saying "Defeat 1098" (some measure in WA) and Shari's has been playing all of this loser music.

Because of what people here have done, and last town, and obstruction, I am spending my birthday having had no sleep and at a Shari's.

After I went to the "Healing Room", this woman who was wearing cross earrings and a green sweater brought in 2 Irish kids and they gave me a cartoon, that was about a woman or person who falls around or down and gets hurt and is crawling around asking for money and then something about a big eye. It was basically insulting and grotesque. From kids, and their grandma.

I don't just get harassed by people out in the open, but also through telecommunications and other things that most people never deal with.

I started thinking seriously about some things because of this. Just wanted to detail some of the things that others have done.

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