Friday, October 22, 2010

My Birthday Song & My Victory

This morning, I decided to play a song that I felt should mark my day and I didn't remember seeing the video for "This Is The Time" by Michael W. Smith so I played it.

I have probably seen it sometime in my life. But I don't recall having seen it, and not in a long time.

I am sort of surprised by the opening clip, about hypocrisy, because after I went to the healing room yesterday, I sat next to a birch tree and etched in the word, very light, as I sat there: "hypocrisy" or "hypocrites".

The next one I chose to play is one I've heard and I know I've never seen the video to, until today. Amazing Grace by Chris Tomlin.
I pulled up the Office of Professional Responsibility page or was trying to find it and then got these other songs. I have been trying to get the correct page for an hour though and I keep getting everything but the right one, which hasn't happened before. It's being hidden!

This is my first matter of business for this day.

I also listened to a lot of Delirious worship and sang to it a little in the restroom. I was down a little but I feel up again! I really feel great, for some bizarre reason.

The "This Is Your Time" video I loved, and cried to a little, and then thought was strange because this woman who prayed for me yesterday, said she saw me with my hands cupped as if holding a light, but both hands together and cupped. I didn't know what to make of that, and then I saw that video where the martyr for Christ is represented as having her hands cupped in this same way with "Yes" and "I believe". I also thought about how, as I wondered why I had etched the word "Hypocrisy" or hypocrite on this tree, thinking about some I know, and how in this video she talked about not being a hypocrite and at the end of the video the girls arms are out like a cross and I thought about how she had symbolically nailed hypocrisy, that was on the tree, with her sacrifice, and belief in Jesus Christ. It was a birch tree. I mean, the tree I sat next to where I etched in the word "Hypocrites" was a birch tree. I used a tortilla chip to do it so it was very faint. It wasn't like I sat there, carving into a tree...I sat there eating my taco and chips and took a tortilla chip and wrote into the bark paper on the tree, this word. Wasn't sure why I put it on that tree but maybe God knows. Sometimes God sends a message when even I don't know what it's about exactly. I knew it was for others, but not sure who was represented there in that spot where I felt I was to leave that there. To me, it wasn't about the tree but some who I have encountered in my life who are hypocrites and then the only corrollary was seeing this video. It didn't have to do with the color of the tree or people praying, just different people from different areas in life, who are this way. I write a crazy thing like that bc sometimes the smallest things are made important when they're not.

I guess I'll finish writing down some of the verses and scriptures I earmarked.

I just put on Bryan Adams' song "please forgive me" and first time (I think, don't know) I've seen this video...and I like how the tape is going forward at first, and then back. Or back and then forward. "Track back". Which was one of the passwords I used in downtown Spokane, for wifi, just yesterday. Not backtrack, but track back.

I have Psalm 116, 117, 118 marked.

Psalm 124:
If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, now may Israel say:
If it had nt been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us:
then they had swallowed us up quck, when their wrath was kindled against us: Then the waters had overwhelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul: Then the proud waters had gone over our soul. Blessed be the Lord, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth. Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

Ecclesiastes 10, 11, 12.

Song of Solomon, Ch. 1,2, 3, 4

Isaiah Ch 44 & 45

Ezekiel 16

Ezekiel 37

(I'm trying to look up Jean le Boulaire and youtube refuses my request)--

Okay, I have to give credit to God or the Devil here. Something just hapened that is beyond odds. However, it also helps me to see whether or not someone who has been supposedly "for" me, if they ever were or instead, were supporting someone else. So, yes, I am glad this happened. I have a couple of other things to write about as well. I have to talk to my Dad about "Vanilla".

If it turns out to be correct, this person was never on my side, or it is something that is supposed to be good, but I don't think so. I think what I find is that something that I got involved in, I always suspected was not right and that many people were involved in that end, in harming me and my son. So I have to talk to my Dad, because my Dad is cool, but some that he's trusted are probably not. I have to talk to him and tell him.

Because if it turns out this is correct, I am able to track back to a lot of torture that was even done by some from this group. I may be able to prove bona fide espionage for the purpose of destroying me and I'm not even kidding.

I know for sure that I have to speak with my Dad. Wouldn't it be crazy for my Dad to find out he's been misled all this time and thought his daughter and grandchild were being looked out for when really, the only interest was political? But I have to talk to him because I might be wrong and need to check a couple of things out. If I end up being correct, I have been seriously deluded to ever think certain people were on my side or the side of my son at all. And if this is the case, a psychic or kaballah contest was won maybe, but at the expense of full and total exposure of a LOT of individuals. Who I would then feel very comfortable "outing". One thing that this woman and man prayed for, was for my vision to be clear and my eyes to be opened, and possibly, this prayer even trumped, ultimately, the entire game. If I discover this is what I possibly think it is, I can start proving who has been behind a lot of bad things.

But I have to check on a few things first and then I will know for sure, what the confirmation is, one way or the other.

I think it's time for the Pretenders.

Something is off though. I never threw a white cloth napkin into the garbage at The Peacock, in the restroom. And the "fresh" thing was taken out of the garbage too. Which sounds weird, but it wasn't there because I removed it knowing someone was playing and constructing some weird shit. And no, I did not throw the cloth napkin away, as you'd hoped I would.

Then, this waitress comes up and does some weird stuff, after they refused to give me a clean mug, first giving me one with lipstick on it (which I patiently wiped off) and then giving me a second mug that was dirty all over it, she gave me one that was solid white and they put chili sauce all over it and after the second time, I just asked for a different cup. So this woman gives me a new mug now, that says "Arosta" and talked to me in a specifically Jewish or yiddish accent and said thank you for making her morning so wonderful. First she used Yiddish and then she switched to British. Actually, she used 3 different accents, Yiddish, British, and American and I'll tell you wht she said in conjunction with this.

Her name is Francene but I don't know that this is her real name. Then she had her district manager, (supposedly) who said her name was Julie, come over.

I knew, last night, when I went to this construction zone, that I had to out some people. I knew, and knew who had been torturing my son and I too.

What this means is that someone got a really bizarre game together which involved a lot of people and deliberate setting up, but actually lost everything at the same time because I am getting my confirmation on all of it. Even on Chelsy Davy. :)

The elf photos were cute.

But now it makes sense that I had some people who were international and Australian, on my ass in Bainbridge and Seattle.

Probably, someone will want to kill me now, because now, I do know way too much.

I can't drink this coffee, because this new pot has a weird taste. It's not normal.

I do not think I will be taking any food or drink from anyone at all afer this. But I have some serious evidence to bring out now.

If anyone wanted me to write about what was going on before, I couldn't, because I didn't have enough information because others were pretending to be allies or friends.

My enemies have been Jewish. There have been a few others, but the main ones, I think, harming me and my son, but pretending not to be doing anything wrong, are Jewish. I am not discounting a few Russian or other international people. Not at all. Different people may not like me for different reasons, but a big group that is doing most of the power plays are Jewish. Or pretending to be, but I have to speak to my Dad and once I tell him about everything, he will be able to help me figure out if these people were Catholic or other.

The other thing which is concerning, is that my mother was prompted to write

Now this Francene just walked by with a box for the garbage, of a sun or something.

This is the Shari's where they have all this crazy stuff out and I wasn't able to take photos because my laptop wouldn't work. Because it is someone connected to this whole thing that is keeping me from being able to photograph things.

I have a few things written down and documented but I'll write the rest down later.

What I know, is that my family is in danger and serious danger becasue the other thing others have implied is that a child and a parent are going to die.

My mother and father, and brother, as well as those I care about, need protection and my son, now, more than ever.

I know for a fact that Chelsy Davy is not an innocent either. Which sounds crazy, but now I can draw all of the conclusions. It is probably a good thing that Harry broke up with her, but for all I know, he wants to get back together with her.

I know Chelsey Davy was dating a Jewish guy. I don't know who she's dating now, but there are some that may want to steer clear.

Someone who is possibly innocent is trapped or for some reason, they are all bad. I can't imagine they are all bad. I just don't believe it.

The mug I was given just now, has "Arosta" on it but, to note, the "O" has 2 dots over it. I forget what that is called, when the dots are above.

I saw a few Russian people who were also coordinating with the Jewish. Some hispanics too, but this has involved the English royal family, or those who want to influence the outcomes of who is connected to the English royal family.

Someone just moved the yellow car after I mentioned someone who others have been planning to kill.

This facebook photo of Chelsy has her wearing a royal blue shirt and centered inbetween 2 "O"s or circles and then with round circular or "O" earrings on and she is pointing in either direction with her fingers, to the "O's" on either side of her.

So, for some bizarre reason, Chelsy Davy is that interested in me. I don't think I've had more than passing interest in her and actually always felt sort of supportive of her. I thought she was more independent than Kate.

The only time I ever wondered about her, at all, was when I started getting this weird harassment by a few people from Australia and I didn't know why. I knew nice people from Australia in D.C. but different ones were interested in me when I was back in Seattle and Bainbridge.

I questioned why she would put out that card which I felt sort of mocked things I had written and wondered why she cared at all, about me, enough. But I didn't want to read into it so I dismissed it from my mind, but thought, if she had really done that, she's not a very good person. This is where I think about people who have everything and then they want to harass someone who has almost nothing but one loved child. This makes me question character.

I'm not kidding. The guys who gave me food to eat, that had rat poison in it, it had to have been these guys who had or were faking a British accent.

Oh shit. The kids who gave me the cartoon, at the bus station, of a big eyeball, those kids were Irish. And the guy who I met, who gave me the bad food at the hostel in Seattle, had a tatoo of a huge eyeball on him.

People have intentionally blocked me from going certain places in order to have me hit all their stops and knew ahead of time that I was going to Walla Walla and then Spokane, and probably, that if they forced me out of getting out of town, I would be stuck at a Shari's.

There is seriously going to be a breakthrough of some kind. At least with suspects in who has been harming me and my son and why.

But I am also worried about my family.

This waitress, Francene, is still serving people but keeps looking out of the window nervously. She knows I know. I thanked her.

My mother was either trying to tell me someone was going to end up as a widow or that W, I, and D, stood for initials of people. This whole thing has been using the number 3 for a kind of small, medium, large, and who is going to, the rest of the message has been, die.

And no, I am not making this up because I was poisoned in Bainbridge and also in Seattle, and have been tortured and seen my son tortured other places.

If I put this down in order, it will make more sense.

Right now, I know I'm not making very much sense, but I am all over the place because of some things that have happened.

I still do not have capability to take photos. Someone has removed this.

What they did at this restaurant, was seat me next to a Casper the ghost kind of thing, which anyone would know would remind me of what the State and some military were doing with my son, implying he was like the ghost in this movie one military guy wanted me to watch--then the state workers had the ghost stuff in the bathroom at the courthouse, to imitate this about my son

Anyone would know that I would not want to sit next to a similar ghost thing so I looked for a different table, the only other table with an outlet. So I plugged into the outlet here and noticed a huge bag of clothes: royal blue, hot pink, black, and white, and looked like snowsuit stuff. I didn't ask. But it was sitting back here in the corner, right next to a large box that says "Royal Cup" and has a lion on it. They gave me 4 different cups here.

First a dirty white one with purple lipstick on it. Then a cup with chili sauce all over it. Then a cup that was clear (a glass), not a cup, because they refused to give me a clean cup and I had to get whatever was clean myself. Then, the waitress took the cup from me when I asked if I oculd just have a regular coffee mug (felt weird drinking hot coffee out of a glass water cup). So she gives me this Arosta mug and I stuck with it but I can't take any water or anything from them bc they've been so weird and something is wrong with this coffee.

They put a Sutter Home Merlot box with a camping tent with a glowing light inside it, behind a lightbulb box with a piece of plastic where it's twisted so it has the same shape that was on the earrings this guy gave me at The Riff, the green and brown ones which matched my plaid shirt, and which had either a peace sign or a nuclear waste or toxic hazard on the other side. This piece of plastic was facing where I sat with piece and then someone moved it to have it different so it looks like the toxic waste sign.

There is a United Van Lines box with the number 52 on it, if I look to my left, on top, with a couple of space heaters. Then there's this Red and green brute vac with the black dolly and sutter home merlot to the right of the opposite countner, and then beer and other wine to the other side.

Bunch of other things. I guess the only other "O"s I saw, in the whole place, were when I then went to the restroom again and someone had left the baby changing table down. I sat and looked and noticed 4 O's all to my right side all together, with a baby, and changing table and instructions on where to put the baby diaper. I don't know why, but I didn't put the table back up. It felt like bad luck. That is one small thing. Like closing the door on 4 O's for Oliver and a baby, because these people are doing so many weird things, I don't know what I'm doing and how it affects things.

I think since I've been given so many pitchers and cups, that someone thought I was going to end up...

I have to get out of here. I made some notes on things and I don't like any of this.

I took down some notes but I may as well write down the other scriptures I had earmarked. I got sidetracked. I feel sad energy. It was like yellow car and then it was ukraine color cars, and then blue and anyway. The colors I faced, in the bathroom, on the baby changing board, were dark blue and other colors.

Last night, after duly going to the Mall, and crying and feeling horrible, I sat down once at the hockey rink and watched for a short time but felt sad there, so I left, although I'd felt good at the merry go round place. Then I was walking and just stopped and sat at this construction site, on top of some foundation for a building and prayed. I said "I give up." I told God He alone knew my heart, but I couldn't fight all these people and where I go and how I was trying to surrendure to His Will and I didn't care what it was and may his will be done no matter what, but mostly, I need my son. So I just prayed for my son and gave up but hoped it would work out anyway. My son.

When I sat there I thought about the dream I had about a foundation and then about a scripture I read and came across again, as it had been earmarked by me, about foundation. So I will just finish what I was writing, about the verses I had.

Matthew 17, at 25 (which I've already written about in my blog and hadn't unmarked it). About stranger and children and the free.

Matthew 27 (I skipped over bc not earmarked but just wrote notes in it on the way to Spokane), about being betrayed with 30 pieces of silver and how Judas was sorry and upset and threw all of the money onto the floor, and didn't want it and regretted what he had done. What I wrote, exactly was: "Threw down his money into the temple. Judas repented of his sin and betrayal and strangers buried in a field." (I wrote this at top of page and at the bottom I wrote, "She gave me $30, someone changed it to $ section in Isaiah about strangers and Jews.). I wrote this bc I was thinking about how I had read about this foundation in Isaiah and then found another reference, in the NT. I just miswrote the above but corrected it. So in this section, the chief priests took the money Judas threw down and didn't want, and they used it to buy a field for strangers to be buried in and it's called the field of blood to this day and then how this fulfilled a prophecy that the field would be called the potter's field. So I made a note about this mention of strangers because after the crucifixion, the law changed. There was no more division between Jew and Gentile, stranger and accepted. And then I had the passage where the chief cornerstone is rejected and becomes the head one. Which I will get to, but it references the foundation.

Luke 14. About healing and about not taking the best seat but allowing it to be offered. (just talked to someone about that yesterday).

Acts 4:25 or thereabouts and to Acts 6.

I Corin. 9:19. About being a person of service and all things to all men, weak, if needed, to minister to others. To gain that which is incorruptible.

Ephesians 2:4
(this is the one, with the passage from Isaiah about the foundation, that I was going to write a long thing about and then this is also what the church journey spoke about, and I had gotten the same thing).

"But God, who is rich in mercy, for his greeat love wherewith he loved us,
Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with christ, (by grace ye are saved;)
and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus; that in the ages to cmoe he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace, in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. For by grace, are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; That at that time ye were without Chrsit, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and stangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: But now, in Christ Jesus, ye who sometimes were far off, are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make himself of twain one new man, so making peace; And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby; And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
In whom all the building, fitly framed together, groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the spirit."

So this is the passage I had wanted to share for the longest time, which I had saved and kept referring to, as it tied in with scriptures I got from Old Testament, about the rejected one becoming chief cornerstone and then ths fulfilled with resurrection of Christ. And then there is one I got this morning, which I think I wrote down or underlined, about rebuilding Jerusalem.

I guess that was my last earmarked one. The one about the foundation and unity.

Anyway, this is the one I've been meaning to go into detail about, because it keeps coming up, the Old and New brought together. My son's name, Oliver, means "affection" and it also means "peace". So I like this whole topic.

I've read so much more and didn't mark anything, but this I did mark.

Well, I had no problems at all with the computer overheating until I started writing the other earmarked sections I had, after the field of bones one about raising up the dead to life (which is actually what Christ did, in removing the old law of fire and death to raise us to sit with him and be resurrected as Christ is resurrected, and important to the building of the temple.

I still want to detail it and expound on it and find the verses which fit this theme.

The verses I was given yesterday, were:
Psalms 139
Lamantations 3:22-23
John 8:12

Which actually, miraculously, fits the Old testament theme of stranger but promise and protection and then the middle one about being broken and lost and the last one about Jesus as the light of the world who gives us His light to then share with others, for new life.

I also did not show this woman my Bible or what I had marked in it or what I'd been thinking and writing.

I also walked in when there was a program mainly about gypsies which I thought was sort of cool. Anyway. Gypsies who are healed and orphans that are healed.

There is more, a little different, as well, which I might bring up some other time. Just leaving it for now.

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