Friday, October 22, 2010

royal news, then other american news & stuff

I looked up Chelsy Davy for some reason today. Don't know why. I just looked at her facebook photo and saw her between 2 'o's, which made me think, naturally, as a mother...of my son Oliver. She looks very good in royal blue. She doesn't look sad at all, either, so she must be adjusting to civilian life. I wonder if she's planning to be an elf for Christmas cards again, and then considered what in the world would she want to be for Halloween? I am going to be one of my multiple personalities.

Anyway, it's the first I've looked her up in more than a month I'm sure. I very rarely look up the girlfriends because they don't have as much context with regard to Diana. Points of interest like side dish, but not main course of my interest.

Looked up cnn, bbc, msnbc, cbs, wenatchee world, and wikileaks news this morning over 2 eggs and a bowl of oatmeal with raisins. I had a ketchup on the side but usually eat eggs with salsa or tapatio or something.

Actually, I tried to look up wikileaks news but the site has been down for several days.

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