Friday, October 22, 2010

Update On Birthday

I am having a good day. Which is completely bizarre, given the fact that I got lost several times and went all these places I didn't mean to go!

However, there has been a little strange stuff, but good people about. I feel it very strongly and have had such a peace all day...that people are working against me maybe, but it doesn't matter. Everything will be under control.

I got a few cool insights too, and found the library as needed. One thing that I thought was cool, was that I saw flowers right as I was getting on the computer. Almost like getting flowers for my birthday but on a psychic level. Very cool.

It's really strange what one can sometimes pick up on. I wish I could figure out more things at will and on my own though.

Okay, and I think a few new "kinda friends" where maybe at least we will have a good genuine healing or mutual respect. I think some cool things happened today. At least, for me, and in my spirit it did.

I went to this one church and it was empty but I selected a hymn book and opened right up to "Rejoice In The Lord Always" and "Alleluia" from a hymn book that was something like "Singing to the Lord" or I don't know, and on pg. 47 and 48 from the 1st Covenant Church, and I set it on the piano. It matched how I felt and then I hummed Amazing Grace. The Rejoice one was "rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. Rejoice, rejoice, and again I say rejoice..." (popular with children as well as adults).

I also felt there was going to be some healing in some areas and I tried to embrace this. I also did something funny which turned out to be right for some reason and made people laugh.

I can't say what. It will have to be folklore.

One other thing too, but it freaked me out a little.

And then, another right on thing, that is just amazing. I asked, after all this maze work and just trying to get some things done, I said to God, just now, out of curiosity, I said, looking at this dictionary that is to give away or take, I said quickly in fact, but in a prayer, "God, since everyone is about Kate M., show me something about her that is really her." I opened up the dictionary and I landed on, and this part is seriously unbelievable to me: "photographer". I am not making it up and not kidding and I wasn't trying to go to the right spot or anything. It just happened. And I think it's CRAZY WEIRD! I did one of these: "uh, yes, that's right God. Hey man, thanks. (high five)". It was so weird.

I looked some other things up too and found stuff that fit me or other questions that I asked. So it was interesting and today has been an interesting day.

Many things happened that were cool in their own right, and I got a great email from my Aunt Mary and the first thing my eyes came across, in the dictionary, after having a few interesting things happen re. Mary, and thinking about my Aunt, was that I got the word, randomly, "Mariana". Well, that one wasn't totally random at all, because I was looking up something else related. From the dictionary but it was at the same time as I was thinking of my aunt Mary and this morning I thought about her after looking at my Bible and whoever owned this one a long time ago, wrote Mary, Mary on it. So I looked up my email from my Aunt Mary after I thought about this and thought about her, and in her email to me she mentioned something that's connected, twice. I know it sounds weird but it all made sense.

Oh great. What time is it? Now more psychic stuff. Just for my Birthday. It's not bad either, it's good, just bad timing because I have things I need to do.


At any rate, I wish for the best for my Mom & Dad and everyone, esp. my son. Most of all.

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