Friday, October 22, 2010

For My Own Family & Others & Lying & Crimes In Spokane

I think things were reversed at some point but thought it was normal afterwards. Hard to explain.

I had a small cup of soup and my fortune was to not worry about stocks but invest in family. As I left I wasnted to go to a Starbucks but forgot so went to a place called Aunties, thinking this might support my family.

But I don't know. I was avoiding the investment mag (market watch), with the BBQ grill and everything but then I thought maybe since this one has something to do with the last one, this is the one to choose. I don't know. So I sat there, or one chair over from it.

I might go on to a different place though because I don't know what's going feels different. I need to be sure my family is okay.

I was at this one place where the people were really horrible and gave me some green pen and I opened the Bible to see what I would land on at random. I got something about "emerods" which is hernias. And this is when the woman was being really mean and it was I Sam. 11, 12. About how taking my ark, (or God's ark), or being part of keeping the ark from the rightful person, will bring troubles. Emerods, I wrote down for her. It sounds very close to emeralds.

I opened up the Bible at this Chinese Restaurant called Changs and ordered egg drop soup and tried all of the condiments like a nerd (or, alternately, a chef?) and then at the end I had a dollop of mustard on a spoon, for luck, for thinking about "With faith like a mustard seed you can move mountains." I then opened up the Bible to read for myself and I landed right on Isaiah 35, and I outlined it. It is about rivers in the desert and how the rose will be in blossom and a way will be made.

I wrote, on the side of this passage: faith.

I did that before going to Aunties and they had something new in the window, a fork. I wondered what it was for and it said "Charity".

I was in this cafe and then I had one macaroon sample and then selected one rock from a dish and I got a musical note.

Then I read from I Corinthians 13 because I wanted to read about faith and was wondering from faith hope and love, how that goes again. So I turned and it said if I have all these things but do not have charity, I have nothing. In this Bible, it's charity (for love). I love my family...just don't know which of these candles or seats was the one to represent them. I was going to sit at the one with one candle because it's small and out of the way, but didn't know.

I turned the page on the one mag there and it was of a pig.

Then I chose the one with magazines about market bc I thought maybe it's the reverse or something and green for my family and for...I don't know.

I also, strangely, gave this man a tip that matched something another man who asked me for money had on him today--. I was thinking about him and then I left and it was a fork for charity (love) in the window.

I don't care what I'm this point I care about my family. I tried to call starbucks to see if they were still open but there were closed.

I like the music, it's French.

I was going to go to the other places though, or stay where there was music. I sensed very good energy at the mall where someone was singing but I didn't feel I had time to sit though I should have. Then, music again at a place, with a man playing guitar. I passed 2 live music acts and then randomly pulled out a stone from the batch, that was for a music note.

I was given "stevia" and I hope it's not to represent the guy I had to live with or stay with (Steve). So I'm not having any.

I then had Western Family matches and lit a match because I thought the candle needed to be lit. I hope if it is for my family, the match to them is better than average, despite myself. I don't know why these ideas come to mind later.

I was upset earlier this evening because this truly disabled guy in a wheelchair was with another person who had nike stuff on and they were both homeless but the thing is, I was rude to them for once, when the problem was that this woman had been stalking me and just out of control. Talking about her friend or family James, and on and on and right up against me and the thing is, I would have ignored her, but she did something that was criminal first, and I am NOT kidding, to have me follow her. AND I saw what she looked like before she played her fucking game.

When we were outside in public, she was very innocent and sort of ditsy. Not ditsy but just a little bit boring and cheery, but that was all. However, what she did first to me, was in the health food store, and it was criminal. Any game played that engages in the use of crime first, excludes that person who breaks the law, from everything. I may do a little jay walking, but I don't assault people. And this woman, was pretty and young, but she was not normal. She sounded like the most normal person one could meet, but she wasn't. There was something wrong with her and she was willing to do anything to get what she wanted and play it off as though she had done nothing wrong. At first I thought, is she trying to be like me? and then thought, no, I'm not that dull, and I don't know a James, and if I'm mean to someone or upset for a good reason, I don't try to disguise myself and pretend to others that I am sweet and carefree. What that woman did, was illegal. Period. And it was in the store of the owner, I think who was there and waiting for the whole thing, and this was at Main Street market.

Then, the other thing was that I was standing under this sign when I met the men because this woman ran me into these guys. So to get away from her, I ended up running into these guys. It was all a set up. She looked head on Jewish. And she stared at me with DAGGERS before exacting her plan. I don't know that she was though. I have no idea. So then, I am so upset with what she had done to me in the store, and then being followed with all this stuff about James and how yeah, she would hang out with him soon and on and on (as if k. m. again) I am under the "Hart" sign and these guys who were down and out, I stopped to ask if they were alright. They said yes and I cared enough to stop and talk to them but then when I mentioned I was going to have to call the police about this woman who had followed me everywhere about a James, then they basically let ME know that THEY were with HER, in on this whole thing! So here is this disabled guy and his buddy, but they suddenly lose my sympathy because they were a PART of the whole charade so it wasn't even REAL.

I said, "You guys are with her on this" and I don't even want to get into how I figured this much out. So, of course, I'm going to be upset and not act like myself, how I would with any normal and genuinely homeless non-gaming person. The last time a "homeless" man approached me, in Spokane, he was in front of this same bookstore, but he was also gaming and was not homeless at all. He just wanted to be able to say I either gave him something or not. I am not kidding.

And believe me, I've been intuitive in the past, and I never turn down a homeless person, and usually give voluntarily and also if they ask.

However, in Spokane it's the first time that these people have deliberately tried to set me up a certain way, and these people have to be the same ones harming me and my son, because they know no boundaries.

So the other guy, the first one, he was newly tanned and strapping and healthier than a horse with great nails and haircut and there wasn't a homeless bone in his body and he was asking for money. So I told him I would but I felt he wasn't sincere and just testing me and there were some mission places.

Then, this guy passed me on the street, random, and it was fast and he asked for change and I told him I had hardly anything but I gave him all the change I had in my back pocket, which was like the widows mite, but it was all that I had in that moment and I had had someone steal money from me earlier that day so I had absolutely nothing. I had one $20 bill that was unbroken and this change and that was IT. And I had to get on the bus and change my ticket to go to Idaho still, on $20 with no word from family (everyone busy) and not "fine".

All of a sudden, my "money" conspiciously "reappeared" in my coat pockets after I had already discovered even money from my jacket was stolen. I think someone put some money back when I drapped my coat over my lap or wasn't looking or something, but I had checked my money and someone had taken everything (so I had theft at the Shari's AND from my jacket which I left at this "healing room" place). Everything except for leaving $7. They put $2 in one pocket and $5 in the other pocket.

I got my jacket back and had only $27 to my name, because of the theft.

I think there are a lot of serious assholes who want to cause problems for me, my life, make me look horrible, and steal from my family and our dignity in general. And they use fucking CRIME, discreetly, to do it.

And that's not even all.

I called police, out of concern for my family, and what is happening to others and the police didn't give a sufficient response. It got even worse and I know my parents are not doing okay. I know this and I know police are protecting these criminals and assholes who are trying to destroy my whole family.

Not for one minute, have any of these people had my family's interests at heart. Never.

There are a LOT of people involved in this but not all of them are criminals. They're just soft spined. No moral backbone to stand up to it and instead, this is seriously like a nazi state, but instead, the Jewish are involved and it's going all the way to fucking Chelsy Davies.

These people are not attempting to ascertain true character. They are trying to intentionally harass people and steer things in a direction that will best suit them politically and that is it. They're not doing it for good moral reasons, or for God, or any other purpose than selfish purposes, and on a grand scale.

I did not have to deal with this on the East Coast. Things happened normally until the end, and then people were really working against me. But no, I acted like myself because there were not bizarre tricks being played.

Several times, all day today, it was all about stealing from me, assaulting me (literally), provoking me, and humiliating me and my family. The horrible things that were done to mock my family, were unbelievable. I mean, unbelievable.

I don't believe my parents are really okay but the police won't do anything because they are also protecting assholes. There is no way that my own family is being supported or even knows about all of these horrible characterizations that are being made of them.

The people who are doing this are mainly professionals too, and they should be in jail.

Some of these people are going along, I can tell, but don't want to. I can see this. They don't know what else to do. As for the people orchestrating this, most of them, from what I've seen, are not good people. They are power hungry sadistic people. And that is it.

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