Saturday, October 23, 2010

Psychic Sneezing & Princess Diana's Murder

I left the honkers behind for a quiet town where I already recognize one of the waitress. Honkers...I fed some geese a couple of loaves of bread in Spokane and they thought they owned me.

So I got on a red eye flight and they are sneezing in 3s here, as opposed to 2s. It might be the change of altitude, I don't know.

A different waitress sneezed twice and there was a pause. I said, "Alright, here we go on guessing psychicly about sneezing. One more. One more sneeze after a delay." A few minutes later, one more achoo.

I then said, "Bless you."

No, actually, I did sense some good energy in Spokane. I did and I had a few tears, but I am going on 5-6 days no sleep too. Last night I slept on a sauna. It was really great. All I did was detoxify all night, and get some good humidifying air for cancer prevention.

Decided I have to learn to fish (ick) and kill (ick). I might be living off of of the land Samson. I know I can't carry a whole deer around, so it will be rabbits. ? Maybe just fish. I brought a can opener for tapping into the trees here, but I don't know where the maples are yet.

I had an English muffin this morning, with strawberry jam, to celebrate my jam and my muffin. My middle.

I feel like I'm in the X-files now. Living in some kind of remote Alaska town or something.

Oh shit. I sneezed. One. No one said bless you--I'm sure it's because we are at different corners, waiting to outdo one another here in the middle of nowhere.

So who is making the brisket?

With the carmelized sauteed onions?

I felt like writing an odd email I guess. Lack of sleep.

I got a second thing about Katie last night, which was weird. After 2 things, I just stopped. I was at a department store, Nordstrom, flipping through a mag and asking different things and looking and I said, "Something about Kate" and I got a page that had a camera and it said "Snap On".

I got "photographer" about her, randomly, from a dictionary. No lying. And then, totally random, "Snap On" with a camera.

Oh, and I got "Snap On" and then some guy is asking to take my photo later that night. He said he liked to paint and might want to put me on canvas. I said, "silk screen for a burlap bag?"...I think I asked if it was a canvas knapsack or something. Joking. I said I would rather not though, but it's funny he asked and told him about the "snap on" and who it was about.

I got so many things yesterday.

I was in the kitchen of this church yesterday and they had things laid out. I guess hoping I'd go there and what for. There was a pink pad of paper laid out with the number 10 written out on it. In lines with the line crossing. I went from there to a Bible on a table by a microwave next to the door and got something very strange. I had been standing next to the pots and pans which were on the side where the pink pad was.

I opened up to...guess. Ezekiel 24, about how in the 10th month or day, fill the pot with water and bones and things to symbolize the corruption of a city. I wrote on this same pink paper, a couple of verses.

Umm. I wasn't so sure if I wanted to share this.

Then, I was in the cafe where I sat by the candle and this guy made a big production of carrying in this big metal pot. I'd like to know what they thought they were symbolizing, because I hadn't shared what I had received from the scriptures.

I went from the one cafe where they were bringing in this big silver pot, to the next restaurant where a couple was sitting together and given 2 silver chalices like grail chalices, to drink from. The only ones like that in the restaurant. Before I saw this, and before they sat down, I walked in and asked if there was a sword in that restaurant. There were decorations everywhere and I thought there was some symbolism with it. This bartender had a silver pen in his pocket. I said, "Is there a sword here or is the pen mightier than the sword?" Someone spoke up. It was so weird. I have no idea what got into me to speak up at all and do this question and answer thing. I think the man there who answered was a nice man. I didn't see any malice. But some of the people there were totally floored. What gave me the idea was something I read first, right before going to the next place. I read something about 10 concubines and a sword, a powerful sword of some kind. I didn't feel that this had anything to do with me but it did give me the idea of a sword somewhere. Then someone told me maybe it was someone who was there or had been there that represented a sword of justice or something...good or bad. I wrote this down for the man at the cafe where the pot was. Then I also wrote down a passage I got from Esther about persecution of my people. Also, I wrote "headfirst" and "first head". I think maybe one other thing.

When I went to the other place, there were 10 women total in the bar, which is what prompted me to then feel there was a "sword" of some kind there. I was right, in some way. Then I was given a small pink "sword" from a martini drink or whatever. He said, "Here's one." It was a little spear pick or something, in the shape of a sword. I sat down and in front of me the couple had drinks in these silver chalice things. A man named "Eli" came over to talk to me.

Then, as I was sitting here, about to write this, I looked to the Bible and saw a different passage. And this one includes an "Eli" which was the name of a man who came and sat down next to me to talk. This passage speaks of a pot and how people are harmed but then cured or healed from leprosy or from being outcasts, by adding meal to the pot. I was offered a sandwich by this Eli guy but I had already had something to eat so declined. He seemed nice, as did a few of the others as well. It is from II Kings, Chapter 4. Involving Elisha, and a woman whose son was hit on the head and how he is restored to life, awakes after sneezing 7 times, and returned to his mother and then someone gets a pot that has death in it and it is remedied and something about a chariot and everything into Ch. 5. Anyway.

Weird coincidence. I also got the verses for problems that will come to those who take the ark of the Lord, which meant something to me, since my son is my ark. It was from ch. 11 and 12.

All of these leaves are falling all of a sudden, here, where I am. Then it quit when this waitress came out. But it was enough to where I looked up because I noticed all the movement.

The final thing I got, which was suprising, was a confirmation to something I "felt". That if I prayed for this one person, they would probably be healed. I got a verse, when asking about that same person, and it was a verse that refers to a situation where someone is told if they pray for this person they will be healed. But I take that with a grain of salt bc I don't know the person myself and it was just an idea and may have come to mind or random.

The other thing. I had not even read this verse, that I now found this morning, randomly opened up without my trying to even turn to this page (I am not lying). But when I was in the restaurant, I also said aloud, "The pot thickens" and some of these people just gaped.

I think some people are really horrible to me and trying to ruin me and those I love. But someone loves me and has a connection with me. Just don't know what.

I will say, this one woman prayed for more eye opening things and for me to see more clearly and I think I think this is happening. How else can I explain, to myself even, getting things about Kate that were so right, and so random?

I got stuff for myself too. I got some things that were random from the dictionary and also from the magazine and other books. But I don't want to share this right now.

Then, wanting to know what the vocab is for those stick things, I asked this waitress if she knew the word. I asked both and they gave me different words but I said, no, I don't know. So they brought out a box and showed it to me.

So I saw the box and what they were called.

I have never received so many answers from the Bible and books, that fit, on first random try. I often do, but not in such succession.

Today I thought about the 10 virgins too, which was strange, because having no idea of this other verse something came up about "virgin" in some kind of context but I don't know what. Mabye in reference to 10 virgins who were good and 10 who were not, in keeping oil. I think the one verse helped to lead to the next one that I got the next day.

The part I got about Esther was 7:3-5.

I also got PE from Job. It is the 17th letter of the hebrew alphabet. This waitress came over and said "How are you doing" and I said, "Good, I just have 2 Pee." I added 1 & 7 together for 8. Which is weird bc I use this number sort of for myself. I like 7 and other numbers too, but 8 more recently as well. And then the next thing I went to, was about the woman who gets her child back.

I hope those who know these things, understands this and that more confirmation of a positive kind will come from God through me to the people that need to hear it. My son needs me. I am not after anything except for my son.

I think that what some have tried to do to harm, backfired in some ways.

It was pretty mean what some have tried to do though. I think someone thought they could do a lot of things to me and that God wasn't going to give me things in return, here and there.

Even here in Idaho, someone had things worked out to insult me. Again. And one of the waitresses I know and she acts like I don't know her. I know her outside of Idaho. They had me sit for breakfast facing 2 hot pink flags and then next to a porthole. I don't know. If it's good, I guess I don't know how to take it. To my side it says "Assisting Victory" and then there are 3 fish in front of me with baby, or S, M, L. Now they had a couple come in to, I guess, symbolize me as both a man and a woman! The man is wearing what I had been wearing several days in a row and then the woman is wearing the same plaid shirt I have on now.

They basically are attempting to insult me as myself having a meal with myself. That's what I think at least. I have had people telling me to use the mens' room and also the women's room, even since I've been here.

What they were doing in Spokane was super super mean, all the way from Wenatchee to Walla Walla to Spokane, to here in Sandpoint, Idaho, these people are doing horrible things.

I know this waitress. She's a bitch who followed me around and harassed me not long ago. And now I find out she's been in Sandpoint and traveling to my other location to harass me. She just walked by, wiping a fake tear from her eyes.

I am going to at least have enough evidence for getting criminal things on some of these people.

And I know for sure this has been going on a very long time.

I just reamed this woman who is a waitress. I looked over at this couple that walked in, and what has happened over all this time, to me and my son and I thought about Princess Diana. I said to the waitress, "I was just thinking, do you think what happened with Princess Diana was just a quick thing or is it possible that there was collusion and coordination over some significant period of time?" Having all of this happen makes me fully convinced that she was murdered and it was planned and involved a large number of people and planning over a significant period of time.
She said, "I believe the simplest explanation is the truest." I said, "I'm starting to feel more convinced that it was collusion."

When I see how much work has gone into this, with me, I know that the same thing is possible, on an even more discreet and covert operation and manner, to bring about the harassment, provocation and then eventual demise of someone who was going against the flow in some ways.

This waitress is something else. She is a piece of work. She said her name is Brett but I am not sure. What I know is that it will come to me where I saw her. I said she looked familiar and she said, "Where, the airport?" and I said no, I didn't think so. But I will figure it out. Her voice is the same, same face, and same disgust, of me.

This couple sitting at the table, they have him wearing a black nylon pullover like the one I wore, over a white cotton shirt. So he has the same thing on and was imitating some of my mannerisms. The woman he's with has her hair in a bun like mine, similar color of hair, and green plaid shirt like me. I have only had a few different shirts to wear in the last week of being stalked and followed around by these assholes. Blocked, and barricaded from leaving the state.

They are playing songs about "someone else catching the gravy train" and other bizarre selections. What this comes down to is people who variously have hated me, been threatened by me, don't want exposure over illegal things they've done, and want to punish me for bringing up anything royal so they're able to exact their own plans. Add to this, people who were directly responsible for Diana's death and the fact they have wanted to make me sound crazy or jail me because things I was getting were hitting too close to home. Now they're playing "Somewhere Over The Rainbow."

It's not exactly an Alleluia by Cats. It's the Fat Man Singing. Not the Fat Lady, the Fat Man.

I don't think I can live in this country at all. Too many people have been involved in this and in harassing me and my son, and torturing us and then all over our asses for fun. When I see Chelsey Davies into it, and I don't even know her, and Steve May's silver van in a photo of a church in the UK, and my personal things leaked to UK and being tortured...

Something isn't right.

But these people don't even care that I'm even writing about how I know what is going on. Maybe they think I'm going to cry or something.

I think they're very poor mind readers and have no clue about my connection with God, in that case.
I have to keep more to myself now. I know this. Going back to discretion in some things.

But this was very random.

It is very cloudy and cold here. Decent energy. Very strange birthday for me. It was hard and I had some truly horrible things happen.

But I know God is looking out for me. No matter what other things are going on.

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