Friday, October 15, 2010

Bad In Town

I just saw a whole line up of "bad people" as I was walking down one road. My impression was that they were from Seattle, some of them, or a lot of them. They were in vehicles with WA plates, so unless they are complettely from out of the area, they are from Seattle.

But more than anything, even aside from guessing some other State, I just had "Seattle" going off like a sound alarm.

So the same Seattle fuckers who mocked me and got off on driving by and feeling some kind of satisfaction, can know I got you pegged, without even talking to you, and that's for starters.

If you want to take it farther, I am sure I can do some praying and figure out what kind of personal shit is going on in your lives that others might like to hear about.

You may be well-coifed, but your energy stinks.

Which is probably why I kept smelling something like throw up all day yesterday and even for awhile this morning. Which also might explain why I sensed the sad and bad vibe, that someone was sad because they knew what kind of shit was coming down.

Thanks for coming in to stink up the whole town.

The road I saw them on was the one which goes torwards the courthouse, up alongside Dees. A whole row of assholes came driving by like some kind of fucking caravan. They were headed southbound on Chelan, and I saw them as I was passing by the Conoco at about 7:45 a.m. thereabouts.

A whole sleazy line up and then some people who looked nervous and didn't want me to take note of any plates.

Then I turned and went one street down and cars going northbound on Mission, just to wrk or normal places were predominantly normal. I mean, probably some of the same weird stuff if seems a lot of people have in this area, but more normal than what I was seeing going the other direction, and weilding a little more sophistication, but a lot more of a negative and haughty attitude as well.

Since I've posted this a few decent Seattle-ites came through the cafe. But what I saw going the other way...I don't know. Maybe some of them were fringe Wenatchee people but I had the distinct impression it was Seattle fodder.

How can I tell when they're in cars and driving by? I don't know really, because I can only even see their heads basically. I have no idea. I just sense it or pick up on something. Sometimes I can even pick up on other countries or other states when someone is driving by, even if they're in WA plates.

For example, there were a TON of international people in town when the McKenzie Cowell murder happened. Right about that time, when I was living in a house where my legs were swelling up and my things being stolen, and everything, and then this murder and I sensed there were people from different areas in the town, before I even knew that there had been a crime. Over the course of a week, I picked up on people from other countries, different states, and also Seattle and I was even feeling the media vibe. And that was before I should have known. But it wasn't 100% reliable, just this kind of impression.

Then today, there was this one man, sort of sandwiched in a small line of cars, as I was leaving Safeway early in the morning and I can't forget his expression because it was just terrible. And the woman driving behind him even looked afraid of him. He had sort of thinning wiry hair that was kind of wavy and tousled lookeing and I didn't know if he was maybe a doctor or a lawyer from somewhere but just NOT good. The others, maybe made faces, but his energy was scary. He was white with lighter hair and was driving up 5th street torwards the light that intersects Miller at about...let me see...around 6:30-35 a.m. thereabouts. He was openly really loathing and hateful and the others were not really more reserved, just a different style...Their style was still open but it wasn't sheer loathing and hatred and delight (like the one guy looked like some kind of wacked out mad scientist), but the others were smug and gawking, yes, but a sense of privileged (or assumed priviledge because I wasn't picking up on upper crust with any of them, just more of a materialism) where, for some reason most of them had brown or dark brown hair, well-coifed, and white or predominantly white in their genetic make up. When I distinguish between materialism and upper crust, I mean more nouveau riche.

Like, they have figured out how to get the hair and appearance right, but there is still something lacking with regard to decorum.

Sorry, I'm not upper crust or nouveau riche either but I know what I know and at least I'm a pretender.

And really, some poor people or middle class, have far better manners and knowledge of these things than some who have money. I guess refinement is acheived through different means. And I suppose there are different forms of refinement and this doesn't mean one is an introverted conservative...anyway...not going to go very deep on that topic--I have sum fuckin' train jumpin' to do!

1 comment:

  1. Paranoid schizophrenia is one of several types of schizophrenia, a chronic mental illness in which reality is interpreted abnormally (psychosis). The classic features of paranoid schizophrenia are having beliefs that have no basis in reality (delusions) and hearing things that aren't real (auditory hallucinations).

    You belief bad people from Seattle are driving by. This simply isn't true. You are having hallucinations. Medicine can help you live a normal life
