Friday, October 15, 2010

My Bad Review of The Wine Cellar

I decided to have 1 glass of wine, because someone told me it's good for you as it actually expands the blood vessels, allowing more oxygen in.

I am not so sure what to think about this theory.

I don't really know if it's true. This guy told me wine opens up the blood vessels while hard liquor constricts them. ? However, both kill brain cells. I wonder how many.

I would sort of like to know, and think this is important. If there is a U.S. RDA on everything, what about brain cell quota? Scientists should know, if they're telling people this stuff kills brain cells, how many they have to spare.

I don't know though. I am actually seriously wondering if I should drink this at all because it was a bottle already opened. In this town you can't be too careful. Believe me. All it takes is a few drinks or a sip of soup, and someone can mess with you and I'm not sure that I trust the server when they have all this weird kaballah or wiccan shit laid out in advance.

For example, I went to the counter and they had Nutella displayed which I don't really think is a staple at this wine bistro. They also had this large dish for caramel creme laid out. With no caramel anything in it at all. Just a large ceramic dish and then someone put a smaller dish by the window. Who does that? no one except for a wacked out kabbalist or wiccan. They had, as a centerpiece at their bar, an empty cup of crema de leche or flan or creme brulee. I was thinking it looked like crema de caramel or something. But all this weird stuff all laid out like a frickin' spell and that is seriously not God-like to me. It's messed up. Whch is part of the reason I am getting the hell out of this town at the soonest date possible, and with my son too. You have no idea what kind of weird stuff I have seen here, and people have done this frickin' shit with my son and I as their aim. It's messed up.

I don't think I will drink this water either.

It's kind of like going to the train station today, with Dennis yelling for "WALLY" when I walk in, eating roast beef with tea.

NO, I am not drinking this wine.

Oh, and this smaller little custard dish by the window, has water in it. Because everyone puts water in a custard dish by the window.

It is one thing to pray to God and get an insight that is visual that shows something about a person so that one can be better helped. It is another thing to do weird rituals of any kind, and even normal jewish people don't do that. They know it is enough to pray to God or focus on something and one doesn't have to resort to what I see as a form of idoltry, by doing weird voodoo crap, whether it's in a wiccan or Jewish or any kind of spirit.

It's idoltry and this town has a LOT of it and the fucking military encourages it now as well.

I took the wine and water back and said, "I can't drink this" and the woman and bartender said okay and then I went to the sill where the dish was, the custard ceramic that was smaller, and I took it back to them and said, "And here's your dish." She said, "You don't need to come back here" or "Don't come back here" and I said I wasn't planning to.

It was the The Wine Cellar and the woman was blond and the man was tall with brown hair. It was at about 3:45 p.m. or so, so it was that shift.

I am never going back to that wine place. The last time I was there, there was equally weird stuff and I just figured that was one time.

When I took the dish back, guess what was in it? chardonnay. With 2 gnats floating inside the chardonnay and then sealed at the top with plastic.

It was just one of those messed up spells or whatever and then although it was white people there, all these hispanic people were the ones walking by who thought it was hilarious.

I think it's messed up.

I have respect for genuine psychic stuff. I don't have respect for weird shit that people do, to cast spells or do anything in order to predict or hope something comes to pass. I think if they keep it to themselves, that's one thing.

I also think it's a sign of weakness with regard to spirituality but that's my take on it. I feel that if one needs all kinds of props and things, there is something wrong with their approach to God to begin with.

I now understand what "Faust" is about, because I was just saying to someone, that there are psychics and people who will essentially sell their souls to the devil, and trade in normal things for a more rapid increase in power, but this eventually backfires.

It is better to come by psychic gifts honestly and the normal way, and to have only a little bit, in my opinion, than to start dabbling in weird things that will cause problems or which God will just quit one day without any warning.

And believe me, this can and does happen.

I think it's one thing to sometimes ask for a "sign" or pray for things, or to even lend symbolism to some things or have little idiosynchrisies (msp) and another thing to habitually be targeting one person for the purpose of humiliating them and trying to alter free will of any number of persons or for sabotaging or gaining information about someone through weird means to do so.

To me, getting a mind's eye or an audio even, on something, an impression or image or whatever, is much more reliable anyway, and honest for what it is, than hoping that by some random coincidence setting all these little items out and hovering over them, is going to grant ones wishes. And then if something does, by chance, occur, most of the time it is simply guesswork or hunch or intuition and has nothing to do with anything else.

There is so much shit going on, with ME and my son as targets, I can hardly turn a fucking corner without someone thinking they just "got me" on something or that I just went to such and such a place or bought this or that, because THEY had something to do with it. It is not normal.

To me, there is something inherently fucked up about it. And heaven forbid should anyone guide their decisions and lives by what course one person appears to tread, as if that, is, by chance, the defining moment of someone's life, when half of the time, things happen by chance and they do not mean anything, except that sometimes someone is messing with someone.

If someone needs props, and voodoo dolls, and has to perform some kind of elaborte incantation and ritual for things, I just think there is something wrong with it. I respect how wicca is different from witchcraft and how most keep to themselves, but I guess I don't agree with what has been going on in this town. I can also be empathetic about foresight, or premonitions or predictions, but shit like hypnotizing animals and doing this to humans or casting spells or laying out weird stuff is just weird to me and replaces reality.

I think it's interesting in small doses, to some small degree, but when I end up finding myself completely surrounded by this all the time, I think it's messed up.

Anyway, I felt so weirded out by all of this, and having had even a small few sips of that wine (I returned it while it was still over half full), that I mixed 6 eggs into apple juice again and finished off the dozen.

I felt there was something odd about the wine. I don't know why, but it was either that, which I noticed later, or something else, but I had these little twitching things (light) happen and I didn't know if it was the wine or something else. I just figured it was best to leave. I don't mind a glass of wine now and then, but I need to see it is sealed first, and I bought it.

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