Friday, October 15, 2010

My Prayer (& don't freak out blue and yellow people, it was good)

I prayed.

That's all.

I went to the music store with my Jack Daniels Old Time #7 bottle and had to use the restroom. By the door was Christmas stuff. Red, green, and white. I went in and prayed. I emptied out the bottle, filled it with green shake stuff and shook and added a drop of oil from another bottle that I carry with me.

I then dropped it into the garbage, but it wasn't dissing green. I just did it. Then I felt I was supposed to get down on my knees and pray.

I knelt where I was and right in front of me was the pipe for under the sink and a red sticker that was partly coming off.

I noticed it after I was finished praying, not before.

All I did was pray for everyone, and that some might even believe in God despite me and my failures. I prayed for my son to be returned to me and I prayed that I would somehow emerge from all of this victorious.

I opened my eyes and saw the sticker curling right in front of me.

I picked it off and it said, "Do not remove until construction is complete". It said it was a shield sticker and not to remove until construction was complete. I figured the fact that I had just knelt on my knees and prayed to God, facing that sticker, was a small sign that I should take it and wear it on my sleeve or something.

As I walked out with the sticker, I passed a woman who appeared out of nowhere (she hadn't been there before) wearing black and pink and lying on her back reading a book. I don't know who she is or why she was there. She wasn't there when I went in and I didn't recognize her--she had brown hair.

So I walked past, leaving the green bottle and taking the red construction is complete sticker with me and went out the door. After I held onto it for a short time, I threw it into someone's pick-up bed who was driving by and saying WOW, "WOW".

So Ms. Wow got a sticker.

And as I saw so many people who looked really pissed at me, thinking I know what I'm doing, when I don't all the time and all I did was a little bit of praying, don't be pissed! be blessed

Also, it wasn't that I was throwing green away. I was just leaving it as a sign that I saw the red and green music books by the door and was leaving my mark. Sort of like a can't have one without the other thing. In a sense, give and take. I gave green and took red for myself. Awwww, it's like a locket with 2 halves. Well that truck lady has the other half right now--that was me throwing the bouquet...YOU"RE GETTING MARRIED honey!!!!! and GUESS WHO YOU ARE DESTINED TO MARRY???? MMMMMMMMMMEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
(I'm referring to truck lady)

I had better have a GOOOD Christmas SANTA.

(i am really kidding about all of this except it is true that I prayed and took the sticker off and that part). At any rate, I think I was accomodating of all the rainbow colors today. I think.

This guy offered to buy me a coat yesterday and I had been thinking about how I was offered a coat in the past. But I turned it down and put out all of my clothes, in a line up on the couch, from red, to orange red in a scarf, and then yellow, green, and blue and purple. I later looked at it and thought about it...what did I just do? is this like Josephs' coat of many colors or a rainbouw? I took off with my shoes and stuff to leave for a visit with friends and then found out that the bus had already left.
Then I went to Quiznos and the song playing was "livin' on a prayer".

At any rate, it was no big deal, but I do feel and know that if I am praying to God there is no way that something can be turned around for my or my son's harm. Even the bad things people do to you can be turned around for good, somehow, and I believe this.

Maybe what it means...just kidding, is if red and green are (just kidding again) Philip and Elizabeth, maybe Philip is Old Time #7 with a little lube and green food remedy and I borrowed Elizabeth's seal of approval for a minute. Anyway, it had a U.S. flag on it somewhere. But all in good fun. Me & Lizzie were going for a sub at the deli and then Lizzie wanted a ride in the back of a pick up. She's gonna get that girl (the one who kept saying Wow, Wow, WoOOOOWWWW out of the window).

Then I bought some original Sun Chips and the package is blue and yellow, just so you KNOW.

I went to the music store to really just see if they had the strings in for my Dad that I was going to get him. They weren't in and I asked if I could use the restroom.

I also saw some Indian people (East Indian) right after I was thinking about Ganesha and elephants. I thought, "Did they know I was thinking about elephants?"

At any rate, my plan before I went in the music store, was to write about Hagar later tonight, in support of single women.

I am also super excited because I found a possible place that might be interested in helping me publish a book about and for kids traumatized by CPS. I couldn't believe it. So now I am more motivated than ever because I was doing it for my son, but didn't know how much work to put into it if it just goes to his house and is ruined or thrown out by mistake or lost and this way it could be actually printed and shared with some others maybe.

I didn't know if it was possible at all and then I found out it is possible to be published, at least small volume to start. So I have to work on this and submit it to the guy.

I wonder if you can use crayons at all or that's a no way? I might have to look it up. I mean, crayons and markers...I haven't seen too many books with just crayons, I don't think.

I looked it up and I guess you can. Probably on regular paper too as long as it's acid-free like most paper is.

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