Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blocked To Stay In Town By Several People

I just found out, or figured out, that I was blocked to stay in town on purpose, with government persons and other fuckers influencing this.

I also figured out my lawyer, Tanesha Canzater, probably has got to go. Made a few connectinos about people she is using, to harass me. At least, that's what other people in town think, for some reason.

Also, a bunch of harassment and retaliation over Alvaro Pardo and people parading about with orange and blue and making a whole huge show to stalk me and provoke me, which, after I've had 3 days of zero sleep, worked.

Cops. Undercover cops and persons in town. Other people as well.

I just stopped at a cafe for a few minutes to check mail and asked if it would be okay. The guy said okay and I handed off a washcloth that had a orange and black stripe on white, along with a dollar, to the bar and said, "I think this is yours."

She said oh, she was cleaning, but she wasn't. She was done. So the owner instructs her to give me a glass of water. She did and I took a drink. The waitress came by and said, "Can I get you anything else?" and I said, "Could I have a larger water?"

She said yes and gave me a large glass. The owner didn't like that, for some reason. I guess the idea is that I am the small cup that is supposed to fit into someone else's larger cup. Which is what this entire assinine town has been about since I got here.

I wrote down a ton of good plate numbers and people were from Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, British Columbia, Wenatchee, Indiana (truck but maybe not person) and South Carolina. The South Carolina guy was very careful to pull up alongside this woman who basically begged me to follow her and then I just watched who was tracking and watching her and got their plates.

It wasn't her I had to watch--it was all the fuckers following her around like she was a fucking pied piper. Orange and blue shirt and she was African American. Just like my lawyer, Tanesha, who refuses to get any records or evidence for my child custody case, and who lived in South Carolina. Who is also connected to the Benedictine colleges, when I've had lawsuits against a Benedictine monastery. When she realized I knew she wasn't doing anything on my case and was protecting people by refusing to obtain records and evidence I need.

When she realized this, she sent me an email that ended with "Yours very truly" which she never ended with until she realized I knew she was doing nothing. Then, she pulled out this closing phrase, which Abbey and Archdiocese lawyers made me upset because it was the falsest form of signing off that one can make.

And then there was another Kate Middleton lookalike, who looked far more like her than the other women, but still.

And the nice B.C. people watching from their little hotel windows, at the blow out with the orange shirt supporters.

All of those states that I listed above...they were all people driving by who had specific interest in this woman and in me and that was it. And then this woman drives by with peace signs on her plates and another woman in a large SUV who wanted to remain an anonymous harasser, peeved that I wrote her plates down and yelling out the window at me.

Debbie wanted me to stay in town because that woman, along with some others, was bound and determined to try to provoke me and humiliate me.

I don't think any of it is funny.

Tanesha is fired. She's done nothing and already proved I can't trust her when she revealed her conflicts of interest and then got nasty with her sign off.

I don't think any of this is funny.

I don't want a part of it and I'm completely through with this. I am making my complaint to the UN.

I think Obama has already received my complaint and he's done nothing about it but been amused and encouraged and supported further harassment by not intervening.

He reads my blog. So does Michelle. At least some of the time, or they've read parts of it.

They already know.

And instead of getting someone involved to put an end to this, it has escalated. His back up man, Biden, is just going to degrade me, along with his wife, to cover for all these others who have seriously harmed me and my son. They know, the people who have done harm, that they have Biden to act as a guard, along with many others, and Jewish hate me as long as anyone ever thinks I am any kind of threat.

I'm tired of this.

The AG Eric Holder is going to do something about this?

What I know is this. I'm still papering it up. I had to paper Judge Warren, and I will paper the others, just to paper them and take it up to the next level.

And that's it.

If any former boyfriend thinks I am pining for them, either, forget it. Nothing is affecting or influencing my decision to report the crime that was done in illegally taking my son from me and holding both of us hostage.

I consider blocking my freedom of movement to be another attempt to entrap me for further harassment and BULLSHIT.

No one had a right to do that.

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