Tuesday, October 19, 2010

International Spy Discovered & Different Bitch Transit Ticketer

I just met someone who is a spy for some agency (another undercover bitch) and a woman who runs the grapeline transit in town who gave me wrong information yesterday about when buses leave and then intentionally blocked me from leaving today.

The woman who decided to get close to me and extract information was a blond bitch who comes across very soft-spoken and sweet and she's a fucking velvet hammer and worse.

She was sweet until she got on the bus and when she saw I was being blocked from getting on as well, when I've been trying to get out of town, she got this smirk on her face and I saw through her eyes what her actual sentiments were.

She also knows a ton of people in Walla Walla and people were passing and nodding to her. I knew she had something to do with government and she denied it. I said, "So do you know any social workers or government employees?" and she said no and lied well, but her friends' faces fell in shock when they somehow knew I had guessed correctly.

She thought it was hilarious that I was unable to board the bus, after first trying to pick my brain and extract information and telling me how much she loves "Jesus". She doesn't love Jesus. She loves her side job. This is a woman who will do anything for her job, period.

But she has a very innocent demeanor. The kind of woman most would never suspect as being up to no good. And she knew and grinned and smirked along with the woman who was trying to keep me from leaving.

Whenever I was around this woman, this tall blond woman, I started having a physical problem which could have only been from something she was carrying on her person that was somehow directed torward me on one side. She would leave, and it quit. Then she got close again, and it started up again.

She said she is studying Hebrew. She said she lived in Israel but worked with "Muslims" and that her father was from Pakistan. She allegedly loves "Jesus" but that's bullshit.

And this is the perfect kind of woman most would never guess about, because she comes across as so sweet and innocent and fresh faced. Hardly any make-up, soft clothing and she was even wearing a fucking wooly sheep-like sweater. She was the epitome of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

She was not a christian. She is also never going to be successful at her job again, because now that I've outed her enough, someone is going to keep their fucking eyes on this bitch.

Goodbye side job honey.

You made your fucking bed and you will lie in it.

She claimed to be Swedish. And that she knew a little Spanish and also Arabic and Hebrew. She said she was going to tri-cities and then Kansas City but how much of that was true, I don't know. What I do know, is that she was raised around another language and she had an accent. She said she lived in Israel for a few years.

If anyone wants to track her down and find more out about her, she left at 11:45 a.m., thereabouts, on the Grapeline transit from Walla Walla, WA. She will be arriving at the station in Pasco at approximately 1:18 or so. She will get off of a small computer bus.

She is wearing a pale green shirt underneath a white "wooly" appearing zip up sweater. It looks like a bunch of cottonballs all stuck together and is pure white. She is wearing pants and little ballet flats with sparkly decoration around the toes. She had a pale pink scarf at the top of her luggage and it had small paisley print. She also had a yellow ribbon tied around the handle of one of the bags and pointed to this as if she was trying to be trustworthy, for whatever reason. There was a red sticker also attached to her bag that said, I believe, American. So possibly she travels on American Airlines but the tag was red only and maybe with some white.

She works on a couple of different levels. One, the local level, is just using collegial and familiar connections to go along with game and extract information for damaging someone or getting info on a ground or basic level. The second level she works on is international and I am quite sure she is employed as a legitimate spy for some country or group.

She is about 5'7" or more and average build, small bust. Shoe size maybe 8. Possibly 9, but my guess is 8. She has little nylon socklets that she wears with her shoes. Her hair is medium to light blond and it is just to the top of her shoulders, and it is straight.

She has two pieces of luggage with her and both pieces are black.

I asked her what church she went to and she didn't want to tell me. She said she just "loved Jesus" but didn't go to any church.

To me, her accent was that of someone who is Eastern European, but what she told me was different. She said her mom knew a lawyer in Walla Walla, by the name of Heiner or Heirer. Something like that.

Someone should check her out.

She has full lips and a longer but oval, proportioned, face. I think her eyes were light brown but I don't remember.

I wouldn't say a thing about her, if it were not for the fact that she was doing me and my son a disservice. She said that in order to take Hebrew in college, you have to live in Israel or study abroad so she did that.

She also sounds like she has a very slight lisp or possible speech impediment which she corrected successfully at a very young age. At first I thought she was Canadian.

I don't care who she works for or what she does--all I know is that she was not my friend and she was lying about a lot of things. There was another woman who was getting on the bus and I halfway thought she was nice. I don't know what nationality and it may be that she and the blond woman knew eachother.

Trust me. When you see her and meet her, you won't believe me, but trust my intuition. I am right about this blond. She is a velvet hammer and talented at lying. She doesn't look away and is able to screen herself. It was other people who gave her away, as well as her own expressions later, which she wasn't able to conceal...she was too delighted to see how distraught I was that I was being blocked from getting on the bus. She said she lived in L.A. most of her life.
Now, about the other woman, who has blocked me from leaving town, and who then tried to extort money from me to pay for a new ticket and then refused to pay for another ticket at all.

Her name is "Debbie" and she hated me from the moment I stepped up to her window. She already knew who I was and made this clear. She gave me incorrect information about which bus to take.

Debbie works at the Grapeline ticket counter. I already had a ticket because I bought one on Saturday, right before I got off the bus.

Debbie knew I was trying to get out of town because I went to her counter at about 4:00 p.m. or so, trying to leave. I already had my ticket to Pasco transit and I was asking her about other things...about
These people in Walla Walla areas nuts as the others.

Two white women came in wearing navy blue with grey stripes after I started making this blog and acting like idiots and then some woman just walked by, paraded back and forth, with a stupid rolled up green carpet or mat thing, rolled up like a rug. These people are FUCKED up. There was another guy sitting her at the library who was from Middle East and paying attention, but he left. Now this woman who either had, or was faking a British accent, nodded off at the 2 wacko girls in the navy blue and grey sweaters (who are, incidentally, drssed like, and have their hair up like twins but they're not related) and is leaving the library now, wearing a coral pink shirt with light stripes or check and a light jean skirt. Her hair is grey and up in a white butterfly clip. It is 1:15 p.m.

Now, the woman who paraded around with a green "rug" rolled up, wearing a red vest, had a woman come through the library with a huge camera on her shoulders but she wasn't filming anything. She was just pointing it my direction while it was off.
So I asked Debbie about what time a specific bus left from the Pasco transit. I already had my return ticket to go to Pasco.

None of the ticket people go up to the buses and take tickets themselves. The driver does this. I have seen people boarding buses for 3 days here, and today was the first day that Debbie got right up and tried to keep me from getting on the bus.

She said my ticket was already used. I said no it wasn't because I had been trying to get out of town and if it had been used, I would have been gone. She said, yes, she knew I had been trying to get out of town because I went to her counter yesterday. She admitted she knew I was trying to leave and I said, "Fine. I will pay for a new ticket." So she looked very happy and smug then and said fine, good, knowing the other bus driver already had told her I had paid for a ticket and there was a carbon copy. She said he slashed it through and that meant used. I said, he didn't tell me this and said he was just making it good for any time of travel.

So this woman was then trying to take an additional amount of money from me, and then she said, "No, you are not going. I am not selling you a ticket." She had her name tag off of her shirt today, on purpose, and refused to tell me her name, or give me the name of her supervisor, or a business card.

I asked this other bus woman what her name was, and she was wearing a St. Jude medallion (who knows what actual affiliation she was) and said she didn't know her name. She DID know the other woman's name.

They were both blocking me from getting on the bus, and getting to where I needed to go safely, and trying to keep me in this shithole of a town when I have things that I need to do.

She was first acting happy to be double charging me and then just cut me off from leaving town at all, knowing already what connection I was trying to get.

I said out loud that this woman had been discriminating against me for her own selfish religious reasons and hatred. I knew that much was true. Debbie looks Jewish, but she might be a different religion. I only say "looks" because some features, a little, and Debbie is a traditional name, but she could be absolutely any religion at all--the point was that she hated me and tried to obstruct me from leaving town. I sensed her animosity yesterday and it was far more pronounced (with her removal of her own ID as well) today. Debbie also has a kind of NY or East Coast or yiddish style (or bronx, who knows) accent.

She and the other woman thought this was hilarious, that I wasn't able to leave.

Debbie is going to lose her job.

I was so upset that I started sobbing when I was trying to find a way to leave (I was already missing my connection) and knowing I am here another day with no place to sleep or go.

That BITCH needs to lose her job.

I went to the police station and they just expected me there and smirked and said to talk to an officer. I said no, I was going to document it through an audio recording and a report of obstruction, and harassment, trying to extort money from me and blocking my freedom of movement. So then they said they wanted to send an officer out and I said no, I doubted they were "competent enough to handle such an important and large matter" (sarcasm) and that I had other things to do and was documenting this for the future.

(someone just deleted what I wrote just now so now I have to type it over. The library computer said there was "cross scripting" which was a nice sarcastic touch to the fact that I was writing about intentional harassment of me by people trying to make fun of the concept of "doubles."

The driver who was driving the bus was a new guy they said, his first day, and Debbie wanted to be sure to tell me it wasn't the other one. But they were both the same age, same height, and one only had a slightly different hair cut and they both wore square glasses. Today was his first day.

So I guess the sarcasm and humor for others, is with "doubles" and then these two idiotic woman in navy blue come in looking like fucking twin cheerleaders with sticks up their skirts.

They have the exact same color of hair and cut almost and both are wearing it in ponytails high on their heads. One is wearing solid navy blue cardigan and the other a navy blue cardigan with grey stripes. Both wearing the same kind of blue jeans and shoes and with smiliar faces. Oh, maybe one is trying to pretend, or thinks, she bears a resemblance to Kate Middleton. Which is fucking hilarious.

Let me give you some more license plate numbers.

One guy who thought my being barricaded from leaving town was hilarious, drove by as I was on the phone to report what happened. I called in his plate number as he drove by. It was: 723 XAH Washington plates. I called it in to the police.

Another one I noticed this morning, when I had problems at the Sharis, with the waitress (see how all they have to do is come into town?

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