Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dangerous in Wenatchee Again

I got a ride from someone to a health appointment and the whole way over, there was something being done with non-lethal weapon of some kind. I don't know what it was but the same thing as from the clinic last night. And then nothing at the health clinic or while walking back until I set foot in a Starbucks and it happened again, where 3 grown men were just waiting and watching me.

I also went to an appointment and described things accurately except for the fact that my memory has been affected, which I forgot to mention to her.

She said, "With what has being going on (referring to other things) is there ANYTHING else you could mention that has been a result?" and I forgot, because someone was blasting me on the way to the Dr. appointment. A man.

The thing is, I noticed that at least a couple of people knew this was happening. They were not jovial like the rest, and thinking it was funny.

I am in much more danger and have been harassed much more since someone trashed my laptop, because, I think, people have decided they can come out more and do more and I won't blog about it in the same way.

Either that, or they think someone or something else that is large enough is protecting them and anything they do, but not me or my son.

I've had swelling of my legs again, and stomach problems and other symptoms, which, I believe, are pointing to a medication that someone gave me without my consent, which others then use as a screen for what other problems they want to cause.

If someone is medicating me, for any reason, they can excuse my description of what is happening as simple "crazy talk".

I know that there is a lot going on which no one wants to admit to.

What I know, is that I told my lawyer I would sign the original agreement I was offered, which came through Miller, the Prosecuting Attorney, and submit this tomorrow. I also told him this new one by Tonia Winchester just sounds like something Bullivant Houser Bailey and Dick Whittemore put together, along with the City of Seattle and is not reflective of what I agreed to before someone wanted to push her into place instead of Miller. So he said yes, since I had the first one, I could go with this. It's pretty much the same thing but the wording is slightly different.

However, there are a LOT of people right now, taking liberties with harassing me. And torturing, and then wanting to have their activities dismissed and discredited bc it must be that there is something else going on which no one wants me to know about. It's making it easier for the criminals to get away with crime, and is endangering my life.

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