Wednesday, October 27, 2010

slight impressions (not very good)

I am so tired. Out of 10 days, I've had maybe 48 hours of sleep total.

I only have one small thing to add about impressions. Yesterday I was looking up news and wondered if I could guess what Putin was wearing and I saw something pink somewhere. Knew it wasn't what he was wearing, but pink and then this woman comes around the corner in a pink and blue scarf, smiling directly at me. I thought, "Oh my gosh, she knows what I was just thinking of." This morning I saw the news of Ukraine topless protesters and they're wearing blue and pink scarves like the one this other woman was wearing. It was afternoon that I thought this and the woman came in. I saw her scarf and knew, because of what colors I was getting while thinking of Putin, that she had to have known maybe, that I had just asked for information about what was around him or something "about" him. Really weird huh? I wonder what time it was though. I might be able to go back to my email and see when I was writing things and track time.

I still have to write to my Aunt Mary too. I promised and then forgot.

I also tried to think about what he was wearing today but I am too tired and not focusing. I thought maybe something gray out there, but that's so general. Like a more casual gray cotton (?) pullover or shirt of some kind but I don't think this for him today bc I think it was more just picking up on something somewhere and crossed wire.

I have to get on a bus.

I am so tired.

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