Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Had To Contact Police In Spokane

I had to contact police in Spokane to make a report.

I was followed all the way over to a medical appointment that I was instructed to take. I had DSHS telling me they were faxing the form over as well and then I went all the way out and found this was untrue.

Instead, I was followed, tracked, harassed and then had the same thing happen in that medical office that I've had happen quite frequently in the Wenatchee medical offices (and rarely at any other location unless it involves a computer).

I am guessing medical offices are great places for concealing certain things or maybe it's that some of the medical professionals have connections that are beyond the normal scope of their duties.

I was refused the name of one woman there who was dressed in a nurse uniform and I was told she was just a "float" but they gave me names for everyone at the 1stcare clinic except for the name of this one nurse, and whether it was a big deal, or just made into a big deal, I don't know.

Several other things happened, and I made note of some plates and interactions.

Apparently, when I first called crimecheck to report, both times none of it was documented at all. The third time I called, I said I DID want to make a report and if an officer had to come out to give me a case number, that's what I needed.

So I was then told nothing had been recorded. That all of my attempts to make any record at all of what happened, was not recorded.

Then, from this place, where someone used non-lethal weapon on me AGAIN, but for the first time in days, and at this clinic, which caused severe burning of the upper chest region, heart, and palpitations, I left and it was like a valve had squeezed my heart and then there was no more burning. It occured there, and was similiar to what's happened with my laptop. I was not holding my watch and I didn't have my laptop on either.

But enough people knew I was going to report it to authorities because when I went to the Walgreens to do so, I was given a phone next to a watch battery in the shape of a small silver puck, and it was sitting out there on its own.

My son, my child, was also mocked. Harm to my son was mocked by both the people at the clinic I went to, and then the Walgreens.

I went to a couple places looking for a tracfone and was told an officer would contact me but so far no one.

I was so upset about what happened, I left one of my bags at one of the stores.

I then ended up at a place where some woman who looked like Celine Dion (maybe trying to look like Kate, who knows, with a big pink and black crown queen symbol on the butt of her sweats and smirking at me) was on a treadmill thing and I asked to use the computer and the guy already had out a pen that matched the color of my laptop and had on his desk a large stack of paper with Uncle Sam's photo on it and "I Want You!" on it in that old symbol.

I said, "So are you in the military?" and he said no. I said, "You have friends who are?" and he said and I said what branches: He said--Army, Air Force...-

And I cut him off to say, "Oh yeah, I noticed there's an Air Force base in this town."

And a hell of a lot of FUCKERS who have no heart, who enjoy abusing others and the children of others, and think it's all a game. A fun game.

This is the America I know.

I hope not. I am hoping I am just in the fucking wrong place, wrong state and wrong pacific NW. Because if I am tortured deliberately wherever I go, so others can get their fucking kicks, and my son is withheld from his mother, you have the promise of God of disaster.

So I am waiting for this officer to arrive so that I'm able to report and then get a taxi because this was another waste of my time, in an attempt to accomodate the State of Washington.

So many bad things happened, and there are more details, but I can't go into it all right now. I will tomorrow.

Claytie Huber
Spencer Varga
Landin Buttler

just a few names, for me to consider later.

I tried to report the matter to police and it was just more stunts. They are in on it. They knew what was going on, and what happened to me, and they are a part of the problem. They showed up as part of the act even.

I got the names of all the officers, 3 showed up and then they just watched everything I did. They refused to give me a report number or case number. They belittled my claim but wanted me to go into detail about how I was affected, more like someone was testing to see how things worked than anything else. I finally looked at one of the guys and said, "YOU'RE the one who is military." Then they stood there to watch what I did next and there was a whole BANK that was in the parking lot which was supposed to be CLOSED and as I walked by I could hear what sounded like teenage or older boys/men talking about what was I doing or where was I going. Why the HELL would a bunch of guys be scouting out from a BANK.

I found out this is an Air Force base area as well.
I tried to go to this appointment, which DSHS knew about and was supposed to fax info over for and they blocked me.

So today I have a different appointment in Wenatchee scheduled, and it's with the same group Wenatchee was scheduling me with earlier and I am wondering if someone is going to try to block this one too, to try to kick me off of benefits and plunge me into complete and absolute poverty. As if I wasn't in dire poverty to begin with.

I am ready for offers from a different country.

I do not want to live here and I don't want my son being raised here either.

I'll work for a different country that at least first asks my permission to do research and work with me. No one in the U.S. has asked for my permission to use me, nor have my son and I been compensated on the most basic levels.

So I asked for something about Michelle Obama this morning but I can't trust what I got, because I am exhausted and I didn't pray or focus right, but I did try to tune in a little. Still, I can't say I felt I made my direct connection, so I am not sure. But I got "cyst".

The only reason I asked for anything, is because I want my son back. I sat in the lobby waiting for the bus and thought about how sad and desperate my son looked one time after a visit, to go to the truck with Pablo and he kept looking back, and looked afraid too, and was trying to go back to me.

What these State workers have done, is something they should pay for, with every dollar they have now in their bank accounts. What they did and continue to do with my son, is aggregious. It is a violation of civil and criminal law.

And no one has stepped in to do one fucking thing.

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