Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Want Out Of Here

I want out of this town, out of this State, and if this is how I'm followed and stalked everywhere, out of this country.

All I did was walk to a place that was close and it became this huge thing. I paid or tipped for a basket of chips and salsa (which I didn't even eat more than half of) and then was insulted with this whole game playing and then found out a perfume packet I had was leaking onto my laptop and taking off the finish. So I left it out and someone thinks it's some huge symbolic thing when it's not.

I'm tired of this.

Find something better to do with your time than follow me around.


  1. So leave. We don't want you in this state anyway. You are a drain on the social service system and will be no matter where you go. You'll find all your problems will follow you no matter where you go because the problems is with you (your mind), not the entirety of society.

  2. "We" comprises who?

    The only drain on the system is the one that the State has created for itself. It has nothing to do with me. For my every 10 cents, that I have paid in taxes as a FT employee or employer (I have been on both sides), I am getting back less than 1 cent when I need it, and kept down intentionally.

    No need to falsely arrest someone on the day they are hired for work at a restaurant with $300 bottles of wine, which prevented me from going to training the next day.

    No need to falsely charge me with driving with a suspended license when it was never suspended, and having my car towed so I had to quit college at PSU when I was on the Dean's List with a 3.6 and almost through to a degree.

    No need to falsely arrest me the night before I had an interview about FBI corruption and failure to respond to my multiple FOIA requests.

    No need to interfere with my Washington state unemployment which would be paying me $700/week instead of $300/mo on migraine disability.

    Why was I getting unemployment? because I have worked my entire life, and worked hard, and been blocked from this only after suing a newspaper and Catholic church/monastery and then reporting some FBI agents. I am only blocked from succeeding by those who hate me, are jealous of me, or who are afraid of me.

    My "problems" WILL probably follow wherever I go, because it appears that I am the shepherd and they are the sheep. Or, I am the shepherd whom wolves know would guard the sheep, given the chance to do so.

    If you want to complain about drain of resources, start taking a hard look at those who are in government positions, clammoring for "immunity" from lawsuits from citizens, and take a look at how much they spent, of YOUR tax money, to defame me and my son, and destroy our lives, and then abuse and harass us with certain military and others who are not military at all and just psycho. When you start calculating how much money was spent to illegally entrap me and collude with Canadians,

    You may realize that I am not the cause of the rise and fall of the Byzantine Empire.

    Or the demise of your personal relationship, your business, or reputation.

    Spend your energy writing to someone who might care about being written to, like your family or orphans.

    Thanks for the other comments too, but I'll just post this one.
