Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Email From Mom & Protection From CPS

I also got another email from a parent who is trying to get help from someone, who is being bullied and whose son is being abused by CPS.

Since I've had my own case, I've had a handful of people write to me to tell their story and try to get help. Maybe a dozen?

She emailed me with her filled out complaint to the Omsbudperson, and a photo of her kid.

I highly recommend, if parents are trying to get help, to include a photo of their kid because it makes it more real. When someone sees the face of an actual child, it makes a big difference. It shows, in some ways, the mental state of a child as well, and their overall health.

This woman had her kid taken for no other reason than accusations she is abuing PRESCRIPTION medications. These are, again, meds that a doctor is prescribing and then the State has tried to turn it around on her and claim she is a "drug addict."

The child looks great. Very happy, content, healthy. 2 years old at the time he was taken.

What she describes in her complaint, and to me, is the same thing I witnessed and can testify happens on a regular basis: state workers intentionally and deliberately railroading someone, and then forcing "services" and THEN, trying to trip the parent up over and over.

For example, telling this mother that she is not in "compliance" because she missed an appointment for a service when the worker knew she couldn't go to the appointment and the worker agreed to reschedule and then failed to do so and blamed the parent.

I don't see any reason why this mother's kid was taken from the mother and I feel intuitively there are not grounds. The only problem with this mother that works against her is that her writing is bad, and so makes her more vulnerable as appearing slightly illiterate or unable to spell, so then the State assumes "poor" and "dumb" and thinks thinks they can do whatever they want with the kid.
In my case, I wouldn't waste time with the Ombudsperson.

That is basically an organization that does nothing to protect children's rights and abuse, and instead acts as a way to screen complaints about their state workers and line up their own legal counsel. The Ombudsperson is part of the Governor's offices and they don't do anything and shouldn't have funding to begin with at all. They're impotent.

I have even called the offices before and it's just a stalling organization, that tries to make people feel like they have someplace to go when really, the clock is ticking and no one is going to do anything except find ways to get legal counsel involved and protect the State interests, not the interests of the child.

The only power parents have, against CPS, is the lawsuit. And when you look at how many lawyers even represent the poor and fight these cases in court, you know why CPS is allowed to continue as one of the most corrupt organizations that this country still sponsors through state and federal funds.

When there is zero check-and-balance to a program, that program should be eliminated for the safety of the public.

More damage is done by CPS and their workers, than good.

The child welfare interests should be completely abolished and go back to the original basic protections that any adult has, of police investigating when or if there is abuse of any kind. It should go back to the Social Security and federal protections that were originally in place in this country because these State workers are profiting off of harming kids. There were protections in place for kids before CPS. CPS has damaged the poor children of America, by taking the wrong kids for political and monetary and research reasons, and then failed in their duties to actually investigate serious incidents where kids die. Not only that, they deliberately discriminate against and target low income families when the rate of actual abuse of kids crosses all social strata. This is a discriminatory program that targets the vulnerable.

This is how they are making their own money and they literally get paid incentives and bonuses for the more kids they have (like police quotas) and how many adoptions go out.

More money means more fiscal profit for the State, which directly enhances and boosts the Governor's standing as they can then boast about all of their generated revenues.

The Governor, and any program through the Governor's offices, is the last place any concerned parent should go.

Wasn't it the Attorney General offices in Seattle, for Washington State, that harassed me and then were trying to get a law that BANNED citizens from SUING the State?

The Attorney General offices in Seattle, right after I made an initial post about lack of jurisdiction and the kidnapping of my son, put out a proposition and published it in a major newspaper, with an "idea" to BLOCK parents and families from suing the State. These offices wanted to restore IMMUNITY from lawsuits for government workers.

I don't know why, when hardly any of the lawyers in Washington State even have the balls to take on cases against the State for poor families.

In the State of Washington, there are only about 4 attorneys, that I found in the entire State, who even have knowledge of Dependency and how to sue on these kinds of cases.

Out of those 4, they only take the select few cases where someone in the family is NOT poor, and is willing to pay for the litigation rather than go on contigency.

There are not any lawyers who are protecting families and children, against CPS abuses.

As for Senators, Pam Roach is supposed to be a big advocate for family rights but so far, I haven't heard anything about the big plan to file a Class Action against the State, even though this should have been done long ago.

Out of all of the Senators in the United States, only 2 (NATIONWIDE) have tried to expose the corruption of CPS. One of them is dead because she and her husband were murdered in Georgia.

The most vocal and STRONG and credible activist, was a Senator for Georgia. Her exposure of State corruption cost her her life. Not just her life, but the life of her husband as well. It also cost her her job at the very end, after she went international and talked about CPS to international people from around the world, in Copenhagen.

THAT Senator, was the soft spoken KICK ASS Senator that the U.S. needed, who some political groups had bumped off. It was made to look like a "double suicide" and that's a bunch of B.S. They were murdered and it was staged to look like a suicide and anyone who looks at the history of their activism and their religious beliefs, knows they would never kill themselves (Southern Baptists do not believe in suicide because they believe if you do that to yourself, you go to Hell).

The only other Senator or political person left, who has been willing to even (no pun intended) "broach" the subject, is Pam Roach. But I'm really not seeing much action for all of the talk. No offense, but the other Senator was concerned enough to be flying around the world and really exposing corruption, giving lectures and really willing to take a stand for children.

Senator Roach needs to step up to the plate. I don't know if her husband's connections with the military presents the conflict or what.

Where is the Class Action?

Maybe Senator Roach feels she would rather stick with talk than go down in a Blaze of Glory. Meanwhile, hundreds of kids are taking her place. Children are carrying the cross for Senator Pam Roach because the grown ups in this country, can't manage to come up with the courage to assemble and do something that will shake up the system.

At least the Georgia Senator, Nancy Schaeffer, proved she and her husband Bruce, were willing to try to take the cross from the shoulders of other kids and families, by placing it squarely upon themselves, and bearing the burdens and consequence of being true activists for change. Their crosses that they assumed, on behalf of abused and exploited children, were crosses of threats and intimidation, loss of friends and political support, loss of their position, loss of their house and harassment by creditors on the house, and finally, the crosses of being murdered for being the only solid people who cared enough to use position or office for the purpose it's intended: public interest and service--to make a difference.

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