Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oatmeal Bread! (with my Mom's recipe)

My mother sent over the recipe for my favorite bread that she would make. It's oatmeal bread, not potato bread. It is so, so good. The best toast, and with a little real butter...

I asked if I can share it with everyone but waiting to hear back. I have no idea where she ever got it to begin with.

I looked up oatmeal on wikipedia and there is a very funny exchange included between a Scottish man and an English one, about eating oats.

Haaha! and then there is another funny quip between Scots and English, on the wiki for "oats" (not oatmeal, but just oats). It says on the oats page that England first manufactured oat bread but probably the Scots would disagree or say they were making it by hand first.

The kind my Mom makes isn't a flat bread, it raises like a regular loaf of bread and then sliced thick and toasted, with butter.
Here is the Recipe! I asked if I could share it and just cut and pasted it here:
(from email with my Mom)
Hi. I don't mind if you share. I just went into it below and made a couple changes...for the "thirds" portions...
doing it into 1/3'rds makes it sort of awkward...changed some of those numbers to 5/ get more accurate at dividing it.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, Oct 13, 2010 8:31 am

thank you!!! do you mind if I share it with the public on my blog or is it to be kept more of a secret?

Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2010 22:01:28 -0400

Hi. Here's the Oatmeal bread recipe you wanted. This recipe, as written, makes 3-4 loaves, so I'd cut it at least in half, or maybe in thirds if you only want a loaf or two.
It is good bread the first day or so. After that, it still makes good toast, but not quite as good for bread.

OATMEAL BREAD Cut in Thirds (approx)

1 1/2 Cups boiling water 1/2 Cup
1 C rolled oats 1/3 Cup
3/4 C honey 1/4 Cup
3 Tbsp. soft butter or oil 1 Tbsp
2 tsp salt 1/2 to 3/4 tsp (5/8)
1 Tbsp. dry yeast 1 tsp
2 C warm water (about 80 degrees) 5/8 Cup
8 C flour 2 5/8 cup

Pour boiling water over oats, let stand 30 minutes.
Add honey, oil, salt and yeast dissolved in the warm water
Work in flour for med.soft dough. Knead ten min. or till smooth
Rise till double, approx 1 hour
Punch down and knead again. Place in well-oiled pans
Cover and rise till double, about 45 minutes
Bake 5 min. @ 400 degrees, then 40 min. @ 350 degrees
Brush tops with butter.
(I didn't know this was in my inbox until today. I didn't see it for some reason. But it is SO SO good!

Probably my all-time favorite bread and everyone in my family loves it. When things got dull around the house, every now and then it was, "Mom! how about making some oatmeal bread?" and the bread went fast. We got a special toaster back when I was a kid, just to accomodate thicker slices of oatmeal bread. No one wanted a skinny slice of oatmeal bread.

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