Wednesday, October 13, 2010


From what I am reading, it may be possible to literally prosecute CPS workers under RICO. Only 2 of the 37 or so listed criteria for crime must be met. That is only 2.


Seems to be a big number in this town for some reason. Might be even bigger in a federal court of law.

RICO is not just for mafia. It is already understood to be an act which may be used on blue or white collar crime, of any kind. It is not just an act which is used against mob behavior. That's how it was first used, but that isn't the original intention and it's been upheld in court as an act which may be used and applied to other businesses and organizations, if only and at least 2 of the crimes listed have been committed.

I am able to list "kidnapping" as one of the crimes. My son was kidnapped by State workers who did not have a legal right to take him and they conspired and colluded with others to effect the crime.

Someone would also be able to easily prove and apply Anti-SLAPP laws in this case. Anti-SLAPP is a set of laws which protect people from being harassed or retaliated against for any form of whistleblowing, and it includes the USE of legitimate appearing legal or governmnet business and authority to intimidate or punish someone.

From wiki: "Anti-SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) laws can be applied in an attempt to curb alleged abuses of the legal system by individuals or corporations who utilize the courts as a weapon to retaliate against whistle blowers, victims, or to silence another's speech."

This would apply to the multiple threats I received, to take down my blog and quit talking about what was happening.

So when someone laughs, or thinks what the State of Washington did was a small thing, the Attorney Generals knew all along, what they could be liable for. Which is why the amount of corruption and money has gone into this in the first place. This further supports motive to harass me and steal from me and try to lie and make me appear mentally ill. It shows motive for continued unethical behavior.

There is a very long state of limitations for RICO.

In fact, my case meets more of the elements for RICO than many of the ideas other attorneys have come up with, for filing under RICO. The bill fits.

I believe Mr. Holder has a case, and that someone in the U.S. has a case and charges to pursue.

I also believe my son should be returned to me at once. Obviously. No wonder I was refused any kind of normal legal representation and any discovery or evidence. No wonder. And no wonder the State of Washington poured more money into retailiating against me and punishing me and my son, more than any other case in the U.S. history, at the level at which they did this. The State of Washington saved over $200,000 inn denying me legal representation, and spent money well into the multi-millions, all things considered, for this case alone. And used taxpayer money to do it, and THEN...when I bring up "kidnapping"...

Guess who wants to make a hasty law, all of a sudden, to give the State of Washington immunity from lawsuits.

RICO is no small fucking thing and for once, it is going to be used against government workers who are corrupt.

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