Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cat Woman

I felt like Cat Woman last night. I rinsed my hair and skin with milk and cream. Half and half (organic) and then put it on the top shelf because it had a big "O" for Oliver and he is half white and half hispanic.

I think I might rinse my face with milk cream more often. When it dried, there was a light sheen and my skin was SO soft. Different from cream or lotion, where there is a residue. There was/is no residue.

But as I had all this milk and cream pouring through my hair, and I was squeezing it out, I thought, "This is like a scene from Cat Woman" because I also drank some of the milk straight from the carton.

It's not weird though, or out of character for me because when I was younger, I tried natural home remedy tricks all the time. One time my Dad came into the kitchen and I was standing with my back turned to him, facing the sink and washing dishes. I had packed on a bunch of honey and oatmeal onto my face, with egg white, and it was sort of sliding around but still on, and he didn't know. I was just standing there with my face mask and he said something and I turned, and he jumped out of his skin: "AAAAHHHHH!" I think that is one of very few times I actually saw my Dad let out a reaction like that. I had forgotten it was even on my face until he jumped and let out a yell. I think it was my Dad. Maybe it was my brother. Anyway.

Last night I looked at all of these toys that I wanted to buy my son. Little imagination kits with pieces for make believe, and lots of tractors (I guess he's really into tractors right now), and machinery and then my first laugh of the day, out loud, and I don't know why, was when I was in the aisle for stuffed animals. I was looking at all of these stuffed animals and just thinking and thinking and then I looked up and there were all of these huge stuffed animals suspended from the ceiling and I saw this green frog that was enormous and I don't know what got into me, but I imagined my son's reaction to something like that and giggled and couldn't stop laughing.

It was this HUGE stuffed frog with a little smiley face and a polka-dotted bow and I first imagined myself, with people expecting me to buy little toys, with something like that, carrying this, and then I imagined the look on my son's face if he were to see that in his room. Like, a shy slow smile and eyebrows raised or something. And I just laughed and laughed. I also saw this cute giraffe that made me think of my favorite stuffed animal when I was little. It was tall too.

I saw a lot of things I wanted to get but I had to wait for a little bit.

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