Thursday, October 14, 2010

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

I read this now, having typed in "Princess Diana news" and seeing an article come up about a Judge who was on her case who is on some US/UK extradition matter.

I went through the list of rights, and then noticed at the end it is from the UN.

I can definitely claim violations of several of these rights.

I am going to my own country to ask for the investigation and then return of my son to me at once. I have to exhaust this option anyway. If I don't get anywhere, and I feel that I might, I will go to the UN knowing I have more than sufficient grounds to do so.

I feel, or have, some confidence that this will be investigated in the U.S. because I specifically prayed and asked God to give me something, anything, and something important, about Obama, which might cause him to take me seriously or convince him it was the right thing to do...I asked for a "sign" of sorts and I know in my heart that I got this when I saw his femur. However, I don't know who else will attempt to interfere or ignore what's happened and what has happened is serious.

A lot of people have been covering up what happened and many horrible things have been done by different groups with different agendas but one goal: to keep me down for their own cover and to advance their own aims.

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