Thursday, October 14, 2010

impressions, goons & goonies, & vibe

I have a sad vibe tonight.

This area, with many good people, has also become almost unbearable, as I step out anywhere and there is so much...I don't know how to describe it. It's like a zoo sometimes and then this morning, I kept having this word come to mind, which I never use: "goons" and "goonies" and I have no idea who I was picking this up from. I wanted to refer to goons or goonies. I read something about brandy in milk with goons (a t.v. show from UK) and then a pirate treasure search with goonies (I never saw the movie).

At any rate, court went fine this morning. Everything is okay, but I just feel sad.

I also noticed some things which were, again, sort of shocking to see, this time again on the British monarchy site with images. I also looked up Obama news and cnn and bbc and st. petersburg press. Just read a variety of things and checked email.

I miss my son so badly and this injustice has been overwhelming. It is one of the most horrific things that has been done in my life, and I am delving into ideas of how to get out of the trap. So many traps and not a ton of people to trust really, which maybe others can relate to at different times in their life.

I'm thankful for many things, and thankful to others too.

Maybe I will write more tomorrow, about impressions and my dream this afternoon about a pot belly pig.

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