Friday, October 15, 2010

This Morning

I changed my clothes 3 times yesterday, and threw away a scarf too. I thought last night, before falling asleep "that must have looked crazy" but it was rational. The problem was that I kept smelling something that smelled like throw up to me. I couldn't shake it so I kept changing to see if it would go away and threw out the scarf because I thought that might still be it even though it had just been washed. When a few things came in, from Army gear, they had this really bad scent, which, to me, smelled like throw up. I wouldn't wear anything until things had been washed but then yesterday my sense of smell was pretty good.

I randomly identified or noticed someone wearing a fragrance I used to wear once too.

Between changing and then making plans to visit someone and realizing I had the wrong time for some reason, I felt all over the place. I think some thought I was just taking off forever but that's not going to happen when I hav unfinished business in this State. I might visit people, but it's not like I'm going to take off for any other place until the U.S. federal government holds the State accountable for what has happened and returns my son.

Anyway. I had some dream about a pot bellied pig but it was a dream that was morphing into different things. i had a migraine yesterday and had to sleep most of the day.

I dreamed I was in some room with someone and this thing approached and I was afraid and froze up, and it got close to me and I didn't know if it was going to hurt me or not. I had it in the middle of the afternoon yesterday. I thought it was a small bear at first. Then I saw it was a large pot-bellied pig but it was spotted and had the coloring of a bengal tiger or not bengal bc they have stripes but sort of spotted like some exotic pig. Then I was making sure it interacted well with the dog and then I was feeding it food from a can.

Just a mixed up jumbled dream and the pig came in bc when I was at the toystore, someone said I should check out the pigs in a teacup but I didn't. I saw them but that was it. I guess I was too busy laughing over the enormous stuffed frog.

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