Friday, October 29, 2010

Harassment Continues

I can't get on a college computer without the main tech person screwing with the system so I am forced to go to the other computer and see what this libarian (who dislikes me) wanted me to see: her work on a page called "memory lane" because lately, and ever since I ran into an asshole in Spokane, it's been about making fun of me, my memory, and a number of other things. Her name is Barbara Oldham.

I prayed today and got a little bit of clarity about who is not on my side and it should be obvious, but sometimes, when you're forced into a certain position, it's not obvious. Especially when someone just wants you to hang around so they have proximity to you to gossip about you, harm with non-lethal weapons, poison (or medicate, in whatever form), and keep you down. Meanwhile, making money off of it.

I even went back to a place I knew not to go back to, because I have been forced into this position. But I know they are not friends.

Friends do not use you and degrade you and work out plots against you with others.

I have been deliberately forced to take residence with people who are not seeking my good, and whom I am forced to stay with as a natural conclusion of being pushed out of normal housing by groups with more power and money. They know that if they do this, it puts me in this position.

And the people I've been forced to live with have had ties to others whose motives have been to ruin me. They steal from me, lie about me and to me, try to convince a few who care about me that they also care when they don't, they lie about their religious and spiritual affiliations (if any), and are motivated by personal ego, greed, and money.

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