Friday, October 29, 2010

Osama bin Ladin's Health

I don't think my connection was very good, but I tried to pray and I maybe got vaguely close to some things.

First of all, I want to say, I believe he is alive because of the grace of God and because there must be even some CIA and others who feel it would be wrong to kill him. Even if he has opinions of killing a lot of people, out of frustration, I believe there must be some reports of his attempts to have integrity (in his own way I guess) that a few have found deserving of some respect. I do not believe Osama will be captured and I believe he will be allowed to die in old age or from other infirmities.

He does not, afterall, seem to be an "evil" person who is so cold and cruel that he would kill and torture his own famiy, friends, and citizens. His animosity torwards enemies, too, grew out of a rationale that if they were persecuted (his people), the enemies were more immoral and I think his zeal increased commensurate with this frustration, which probably profilers pick up on.

There are some people, who even have white collar jobs, who do things with no conscience, that harm a lot of people, and while they may not become "terrorists" they do bad things, with no principle and no purpose other than selfish gain.

Having said that, I asked the question today, because last night I picked out a book and just skimmed it but then wondered today if I might be able to pray and get anything about Osama's health.

I didn't spend much time and I didn't feel my connection was perfect. Usually, it is best if I fast first and then pray. Then, it seems, I have very good clarity.

I got some vague things and then went to the internet to check it and found a lot of theories which seem to match what I got. So that was interesting.

And I did sort of a run-down, wondering if possibly I could go head to toe, and "examine" in the minds-eye. I asked in general, and then from there I tried to ask from head down, running through, quickly, arms, hands, body, that sort of thing.

But, like I said, everything I got was very vague so I didn't think it was perfect.

The first thing to mind was his feet. Vague. I then got something else and then when I later got a run down, asking specifically, when I was back to feet, I went to his toes and I thought maybe a couple were broken.

I later read maybe he has a couple of toes missing. I don't know if it's true but it did cross my mind that he had a couple of broken toes.

After feet, I thought something respiratory perhaps. Something about his breathing which made me think lungs or something or that maybe he'd been exposed to a toxin or just had a cold.

I asked about heart and didn't get anything. I wanted to "see" it and I got the impression of a heart and then something radiating out from that, like a light, but that was when I was asking God to show me anything about his heart or around it. I later read someone thinks it is enlarged so maybe this is why I saw a kind of pull going out from it but honestly, I got absolutely nothing about his heart condition.

I asked about arms and hands and tried to "see" but I saw long arms extended out and palms down but couldn't pick up anything about his arms or hands. I wondered even, about any special marks or scars, and maybe had a vague idea of a line somewhere, maybe on forearm but that is reeally more my imagination I think, and nothing else. Maybe I thought this about his right forearm, but like I said, I felt this was more interference and I couldn't see anything different at all.

I did get very thin.

I also got something sort of different and I don't know if maybe it has to do with ideas about him having kidney or other problems.

I saw his spine, especially lower spine. Lower spine to tailbone. I think I saw this from a hunched over position but I could be wrong, and it didn't look broken or anything so I don't know why I'd see this, but the lower spine and pelvis area so I wondered if there was something going on there. Before reading anything about his health, having only seen this, I wondered, "Is it osteoporosis with his spine? lower back? arthritis in lower back?" I did also have kidney stones come to mind but wasn't sure, and wondered about some other functions but didn't know what is okay to share, esp. to not offend Muslims. So I just wondered about things, in general, from that region, that maybe something affected him. Since I did see the actual spine, I do wonder if there is not just an organ issue (maybe) but something to do with his bones in this area. I saw the spine, or a spine, from halfway down to the tailbone.

Then I asked to see legs and just saw thin. I wondered about knee or joint issues, but nothing really came to mind.

Back finally down to his feet, and thought maybe something about broken toes.

And that was it.

Whatever I got, was by praying, and asking God, and not with a bad motive or purpose, but with a good heart and no ill will. I also prayed that whatever I got, if right, would bring glory to God and not be attributed to anyone or anything else.

As for remedies, I didn't ask that. I didn't feel my connection was perfect and clear, so I didn't spend much time on it. I maybe could have asked about remedies though.
I then went online to check it and I don't know what is true or not, because it's just online stuff. But I read there is an idea about something to do with his toes, and maybe feet, his heart, and breathing (I believe breathing is the only thing I have ever heard about in the past, through the media) and then talk about something called "marfan" syndrome, which would fit some things I got about him but it may be he just has other issues which fit some of the descriptions for this.

I prayed for this information earlier in the day after I woke up and then later this afternoon I prayed about my son.
And for the record, I don't want this stalking and harassment to continue, by U.S. persons and I want my son back. I also want compensation for what has happened to us and a relocation package.


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