Sunday, October 24, 2010


I have been in this town and it's just a mess. Someone was figuring i'd be going this direction, got in ahead of me, and screwed everything up for me.

I cannot tell you how many people had already planned and staged some really horrible things, ahead of time.

I know for sure that some UKers thought I might be, and that would mean everyone else then,too.

It was logical.

If I was going to the Spokane area, I might be going to the other area to go where everyone already knew I knew my grandfather had a place.

So then this man comes in and talks with this other woman who was here and they nodded off at one another. Her name is Orah and she told me it was Hebrew and then this man sitting down said he was Canadian.

The whole day was gaming and I got a feeling of where things are, but so many mean things set up it's not funny.

I had the police even into it. Which was great when I haven't been here more than a few hours.

I had so many mean games played on me, it is not even funny.

I am sure I will have plenty of time to write about it. I got some plate numbers too. But it's not been good.

I wasn't able to do anything productive all day, and instead just had people follow me around, including police, and play a lot of dirty and mean games. I think I would have had a better chance if I'd done something really unexpected and went far enough away so no one had time to plan things out ahead of me.

I had people insinuating and implying jail for me, too, to freak me out and, all kinds of crap.

I was told where one place might be, for my grandfather's ex, but I don't know if I'm getting reliable info.

I think I found the area for my grandfather but it might be the wrong I rmeembered the name of the station his place was near. I just have only been there about 3 times and always as a little girl. The last time I was maybe 8 or 9 I think, and I never drove so I don't remember.

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