Sunday, October 24, 2010

Terrorists Are The Freedom Fighters

I prayed this morning about several things and felt directed, specifically, to follow a "path" that I already knew some assholes had set up.

I am not supporting any country but the one that others call "terrorists" becaue they are the only freedom fighters in this world, and the only ones that don't do very sick and shitty things to their own citizens.

I just ran across a bunch of military, Catholic, Jewish, and a few Russians (not as many) and Canadian assholes while following their little set up.

And what I discovered, is that all of the time wasted on ME and harassing me, has been a fucking waste of the time of a LOT of people.

I think, really, the point has been this. To so alienate me and drive me the other direction, that what the actual plan was, for my life, is distorted and unattainable.

Because this is exactly what the larger groups that have power have wanted.

But now, I believe in only those who are not wasting a ton of group time, money, psychics, and some seriously weird and bad shit, because there are very few here.

I know that these people should know what bondage is. I know they should be subjected to invasion because they waste their time following ME around, and enjoying, in the sickest sense, getting entertainment out of ME.

They should know what real and true suffering is.

These people, who have all this spare time on their hands, and don't put that time to use helping others, and humbling themselves to serve people and do good, who use their time instead, to harass ME and follow me around and try to destroy my life, these people are those who should be destroyed, by their own folly.

I have people and groups who even hoped that I would end up saying such things and writing this kind of an email, because I knew ahead of time, how they were setting things up.

This man here, where I stayed, also is a part of it. He made some sick comments about veterans and implying me and just did some bad things and then tells me that 99% of the people in this town are "good people" and they're all Mennonites.

They're not. There are people here, who are mainly Catholic, and I read about that before I even came to this town.

This is not a Mennonite town.

This man who let me stay here, said he is Army and that it was either the Army or prison.

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