Sunday, October 24, 2010

Morning and Gymnastics

It's morning and I prayed and feel good energy.

I am getting interested in the gymnastics on T.V. though. I love gymnastics and forgot how much. Floor and balance beam routines.

I was fortunate to stay without charge at a place and bought a lot of groceries with $10, trying to be economical, and then cleaned everything when I was done.

I pulled down the sheets and took off pillowcases and didn't use whatever was not necessary to take or use. There were make up remover things but I had something already (oil and soap)and used that. That sort of thing. I took one of the sample shampoos bc I may need it but that's about it. I washed my hair in the sink to save time because I was too tired to take a bath last night (I would have drowned myself bc I'd gone 6 days no sleep) and then in the morning didn't have time with many things to do, so washed hair in sink as I did have a shower the day before and have only traveled and not done anything very strenuous. Washed dishes I used and put them away.

I had 6 eggs with Hawaiian mango/orange juice this morning, and a banana and last night for dinner I had tuna with mayonnaise and spinach sandwich. There were pull top tunas but I could "see", for some reason, a cream colored can opener and the one I saw was there, even though I hadn't checked and doubted myself.

I mainly, admittedly, pulled down the sheets partly to be nice (put all used towels in the tub) and also so no one knew what side of the bed I'd slept on or which pillow I'd used. Privacy!

Anyway, hoping this will be a good day. I felt very good energy when I prayed for my son.
I had to rescue my MinuteMaid bottle. I left it and need it for the other 6 eggs I still have, for making into a shake. It was washed out and I don't have another bottle with me and have been using it for my shake stuff. I can eat eggs raw, but not without being shaken up, otherwise the texture is disgusting and I would gag. I grabbed a fork and packets of mayo whch I got last night too, because I'm sure I'll have another sandwich today.

At any rate, these gymnasts are adorable.

Last night I saw the end of a Kanye program and hadn't seen any of the videos before. I thought, while seeing the bird woman drinking champagne, thank goodness I didn't take the flute for my champagne when I was in Spokane sitting at the long table or I'd have been a laughingstock. I said no, it was fine if they used the wine glass. I wasn't celebrating. I was having a drink no one needed to know what kind of drink, and having champagne in a flute to indicate campagne would have been odd after I had just threatened to expose some things.

The main section I liked was the section with the ballerinas in the black tutus. I paused in eating my sandwich to watch, even if I wasn't facing the t.v. exactly.

The taping and video work of gymnastics has REALLY improved since I last watched gymastics. They're filming it like The American Friend cinematographer. I'm impressed with the camera work, actually, it's like they have aerial video cameras that are on high wires or something the way they can swoop around now. She did a flip and the camera man caught it like it was something out of hidden tiger, something-dragon or whatever.

At any rate, I had more extremely horrible things others tried to set up and insult me with, but it is water off of my back, as I feel excellent. I have never felt so good, and I don't care how many people set up mean things against me, I feel absolute peace with God and my son and that I am in the will of God, in my heart. If nothing can ruin this, people can paly whatever they want and not win. I'm not crying at all (didn't cry last night or today at all) and I am only stronger.

I love this color of leotard on the U.S. gymnast. What a start. It all sounds like gypsy music. Even the Chinese music sounded like gypsy music. She did very well. Strong. Super strong. Oh my gosh. I had "amazing" to mind and then the man said, "Amazing performance." He kept saying what I was thinking. I like this song, that the Russian one is playing. Arabesque? from a classic piece...I can't remember. I guess they're all doing really well. I liked it but I thought the other one was better and more exciting to watch, personally. But I only saw the end. I only saw a few but I guess if Rebecca had been like that throughout, maybe she'd have been first place because her last performance was amazing. I was watching idly for a 1/2 hour or less and then only the last couple of performances with a critical eye. I liked Rebecca's uniform best, that color with her hair and the earrings was very delicate. Bright and catchy but also delicate.

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