Friday, October 15, 2010

HEALED! (the man who lives with me) HEALED?

I went to the house and the guy I've been cooking for has been HEEEAAALED!

Sorry for the exaggeration.

Actually, the doctors said his tumor or whatever it was, has gone down so much he no longer has to have a surgery (which was planned and scheduled).

I think it's my cooking personally. And good tips.

He was about to have a surgery on his pancreas.

Which is a huge deal I guess. It was a surgery to cut or remove something from his pancreas and he has no gall bladder so it's hard for the pancreas to keep up. But now it's all gone down to where he doesn't have to have surgery anymore.

I don't really fully understand all of it--like, how big of a problem it was, but it's fine now I guess.

I told him, in response, to keep eating cabbage and saeurkraut. And I guess, fish and the other things I read about that are good for you.

I think the right foods and minerals are huge. And, how weird is it that good oxygenation and humidity can help some ailments like even cancers? (some kinds).

I think it is a small big deal because they initially said it can't go away on it's own (I think they said this) but to eat the right things. The thing is, he wasn't eating poorly before, maybe too much fried stuff, but not bad.

I don't really think much was different except he exercised more, and cut out even more oil and I made a lot of things for awhile that were very healthy and passed on some tips (which I also shared with others).

By the way, about the hot chili pepper, for colds, maybe don't take my advice on that one. I shouldn't give anyone advice like that because that might be a big problem for someone. I ate 12 eggs today too, and I am not going to recommend it to others. I joked with the banker that the plan was to do some train jumpin' and when I found out it was a federal crime (I didn't know this) I ate a dozen eggs raw in apple juice. I told him I know I'm revving up for something! I said i wasn't going to ever go tanning after eating a dozen eggs because I imagine them scrambling while I'm in the bed.
I was thinking though, which is random, but I was thinking about trying to volunteer at the Healing Room, to pray for other people. So it's kind of interesting to hear about someone doing better, not that I had anything to do with it (I think his own health choices helped). But I was thinking about this.

I have tried to even volunteer here in town and had a problem with it. I have been turned away from volunteering even when I am qualified to volunteer and for no reason other than that, I guess, it makes me appear to be a normal productive person.

So I have been really stuck here and some have known how true this is for me.

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