Sunday, October 17, 2010

Coat With 9 Buttons

I bought a coat I like but then I didn't really like how it went in a full length mirror, but it's still fine. I still like it because maybe it is good luck in some ways, I don't know.

I also was given another coat, and it fits my jeans and boots better at the moment, but 2 buttons were missing. So I was going to add random ones and then thought I could move the ones up top to the front where they would be seen. So I sewed 2 on and someone else sewed the other one and then after all that, I found 2 buttons so I figured I would sew those on as well, back to the spots where I took the 2. It's brown though, and the other one I got is black and I might wear that one since the cup that made me think of my Dad has Dad in black. So maybe for better luck, to symbolize him, I will go back to black even though it doesn't look great on me. Then again, go with what I look better in? the energy was so weird I wonder even about what coat I'm wearing and what it could mean.

I felt really horrible horrible energy today. Shifting back and forth all day. Really all over the place.

I felt good in Wenatchee this morning. Something good, or someone good, was there. I felt it and something was right. Even though everything is "wrong" and I needed to get some things done, outside of the area, something there was good. Then I got on a bus and left and the further away I got, the worse I began to feel.

It was so bad, that I almost got off of the bus at Peshastin and was going to take one back.

I have things to do, but as I left Wenatchee, I was approaching something that was not good or sensed this very sad vibe. It was distinct and got worse and worse. Right at the part where Cashmere intersects at a 4 way stop, with the main highway, I really sensed it. I saw some woman, to the left, with dark brown hair that was longer than shoulder length and curled, and she was pulling out in an SUV as the bus was passing, and I picked up really bad energy from her. She was right there where at the main exit for Cashmere, the first one from Wenatchee and it looked like she was making a right turn.

I had such a BAD feeling about something, I was literally thinking about getting off of that bus.

Then, it changed again. When the guy turned from Peshastin area to go up the pass, it began to get slightly better again. It was the strangest thing.

Either, I was crossing into all kinds of good and evil territories today, or someone was feeling good and bad all day. And no, it wasn't me and it wasn't mood swings. There was really something that felt out of control. It's been this way, and the evidence of some things being really out of control, is all over this State.

It was really weird though, because last night, I sensed strong positive energy at some point and then this morning, woke up and it was good, and it was something about leaving the Wenatchee area. On Friday night, as well, I sensed someone with their psychic stuff, while I was at Quiznos bloggin, distant or near, and of a certain nature.

So then I went on and felt no, this morning I had thought, just go ahead and go. So I did and I didn't turn back. And then getting further up the pass, it got better (the energy or something) and then when there was the first drop off, at the first station, I felt so disappointed again.

There were some nice people but a TON of people were there, expecting me. It wasn't natural anymore. And then this guy was in the restaurant saying he had just talked to his buddy from the CIA who works in Air Force and on and on,and he looked halfway professional but I just wondered why he was saying all this stuff in front of me. And then he's talking about how his friend worked with people that keep guys in boxes. That was at Perkins. And I was given 2 Irish creme creamers and the rest were regular. Okay, so I used all of them. So many people really watching me though. And even there, driving past the window and looking over at me while driving past.

The whole day was major zoo day and then parts were very strong and good and other parts were terrible.

Then the internet wasn't working so I moved to this other place and I sort of thought the vibe improved a tiny bit from where I was sitting maybe. I don't know though--everything was weird.

Then I was wondering if I should continue on the one bus or go a different direction to take care of something else and I just tried to say a short prayer and went with original plan and the energy felt very strong and good on that part of the trip. At least someone was praying for me or something.

Next I was at a restroom and I just felt low again because someone had gone in and done something different to every single stall. I mean, staged it I guess and then there was someone there to report on which one I actually used and then which sink.

I am NOT kidding.

Every single stall had something different done to it, and I checked after I saw that freshly glittered pink paint or glue had been squeezed all over my door with a yellow plastic thing at the back. So of course, I was wondering who would do that, and the other woman let out a gasp when I just stayed there and peed. I'm not getting up off of the toilet to move to a different stall, just because someone puts party pink paint all over the door of the stall I happen to walk into.

Then there were little "marks" at EVERY single SINK. A piece of silver duct tape here, and then something else there...every single one. And this other woman was waiting to see which sink I went to even. So she had left the water running at her sink and I went to a different one bc I knew she was just waiting to see if I used the one she had and then after she left, I turned off the faucet for her.

I also then peeked into the other stalls to see what the hell was going on, and sure enough, something had been done to each one of them. It was a locked bathroom, where you had to have a token to even enter.

At that point, I started to feel bad, of my own accord this time, again. Feeling like I have been used as the subject of some big psychic or mind control competition or if not, that someone was trying to use my choices to determine things. If I selectively choose something, that's one thing, but other things are random.

Then things were still decent but a few low levels. As we were going from Pasco to Walla Walla, that whole trip I started feeling very bad energy and I had a few impressions of someone being beat up, and I felt it was real time. Earlier, I'd had these vague impressions of throwing up maybe and some kind of torture and then I saw it more as someone getting beat up. It kept flashing before me. Very vague and not totally sure who it was, but it kept coming up.

I wanted to get off of the bus and blog to let people know to stop the beating or torture immediately or I was going to pray for more insight and expose it. So I voiced it out loud and started talking about it out loud because I didn't know what else to do. I was stuck on a bus and I couldn't do anything. So I thought maybe somehow if anything I carry with me is tapped or anyone somehow can listen to what I'm saying in some technology way, they would quit.

And I didn't know too, if it was the area. It was so bad at one point, I wondered what in the world was happening or if something really bad had happened in that specific area. I started wondering even, if people had been murdered sometime in history and buried around there, or what. But I didn't know if it was that area or something else.

It was right at this point where we were out of the Pasco station and it was this kind of park-like area or reserves area. I sensed such bad, BAD energy. And maybe it wasn't that location. It looked so peaceful but I finally said, "Something is really eerie about this location" and this guy was really chipper next to me and I did some laughing with him, but we were then passing this little area and there was an old fish and bait store that he said went out of business. On the way from certain areas, it was good energy still, in general, but when we left this Pasco station and took the grapevine little bus (it wasn't the greyhound anymore) then we approached this little tiny tiny town thing or just little residential area where there was a long white building that said fish & bait and there were hills all steped and shaded and then to the other side, these grassy and treed plateaus with water around. I don't know that area very well, I might look it up on a map so I can describe it.

The guy on the bus was being funny but it was something else. I did guess something really randomly right about him, not really trying but just curious. I asked him if he did martial arts and he said yes. I saw Judo and he'd had lessons in it (among other things) and I saw some kind of white face mask (with guards and things, this afternoon, around 3 p.m. or so) too but since he said he did it without, I thought maybe it was someone he grappled with. And he did NOT look like someone who you would think did Judo or martial arts even. The other night someone was telling me a lot of stuff which I didn't really think was right and I just amused him. But I think this other guy was telling me the truth.

I thought, well if nothing weird happened there, maybe it's something else going on, or maybe even, I later go the idea miles more down the road, about Hanford and asked how close it was. They said they didn't know.

However, it was at this same time I had these impressions of someone being beat up so I couldn't pinpoint exactly what I was picking up on.

Had hamburgers for dinner (SO good) but I had to eat again bc it's been a long day.

I looked on a map but I don't think I'd know until we go back and I look at the area. It probably isn't that area, maybe not. It was probably more of this person I saw being beat up. Which was weird bc I was having a perfectly good conversation with this guy, and it wasn't him, it was something else.

But the area was somewhere around Wallua lake and the Highland lakes, I guess, the resevoir areas which Columbia River feeds into. I'll have to pay better attention next time.
So then other things happened and just not great. Will write more some other time, maybe, or maybe not.

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