Sunday, October 17, 2010

Natalie Foster's 15 Minutes Of Fame (marked suspicious)

I don't like Ms. Foster's ad, about calling some stranger for "15 minutes."

I am trying to make a report of how my child was traumatized by a U.S.-Canadian promise that it would be only 15 minutes and he would see his mother, and he was illegally separated to not his mother again for months and then sporadically.

I find it, personally, just me, insulting.

So I tried to look her up and there is nothing about her.

She lists her work experience and her photo all over the place, but there is not even one single college or University credential.

I read a few things from her own blog, and she sounds like someone who kisses up, A LOT.

A glow worm. I have no idea why that phrase comes to mind, but she sounds like a glow worm.

Call a stranger for 15 minutes! How about righting the wrongs of a child who was lied to about his 15 minutes?

On one hand, it's sort of an interesting idea. Random act of randomness, to call strangers. Nothing wrong with that, and it could be interesting. Most of her writing is decent too, and to the point.

I just find the whole "15 minutes" a little much and then I find her college education is absolutely nowhere to be found on the entire internet.

I guess what I find odd, is how this Irish guy from some other state, is going on about "15 minutes" to his kid, in front of me, intentionally, and then I read this glow worm woman took the place of some media guy who has an Irish last name. What the hell. Coincidence? sure, of course sure. And I like the Irish. But all of a sudden, I am just wondering. When I got this from Make a Change, I knew it wasn't from Obama direct. I don't think he would be so crass. But I DO think some others, would intentionally go out of their way.

Why even bring up 15 minutes at all? Because the government is going to put all of the calls on a timer?

My son doesn't even get 15 minutes of conversation with his own mother, and was lied to about seeing his mother in just "15 minutes" and I'm going to start calling random people up, to talk to them for 15 minutes?

I seriously do not know why some of these people encircling, are doing some of the things they're doing. I can't trash them without feeling bad about Obama and Michelle, who I like. I have to just mentally separate some of the things some of these people say, from Obama in actuality. I think some of these people feel I am a threat.

To whom? Their buddies.

Upsetting me, to get a reaction which might insult the President or those he appoints or likes, is the best way to keep him and the AG from taking a serious complaint and report of crime, seriously.

People colluded on how to falsely arrest me in order to kidnap my son.

There is serious liability attached to that and I'm sure that there are persons in very high positions who would like to coordinate a strategy, all the way up, to keep this report from being handled the way it should be, and put a wedge inbetween my credibility and sincerity, as well as respect, for our sitting President.

Which sounds ridiculous, but, well, let me look at something...

It is the first email from this Make a Change mail I get, that came with a warning that the message may be suspicious. I am not kidding about that part either. I usually get my messages from Obama campaign stuff with no filter.

So the other weird thing, in my opinion, is that this woman, Natalie Foster, includes at the very bottom how the President and First Lady are going to be addressing Columbus, Ohio. Where the Headquarters for Knights of Columbus is.

Really interesting timing. That I get this guy hovering around me about "15 minutes" and then this comes up, to mark a date which I'm sure some in Ohio (and otherwise) already knew was coming up.

I am quite sure. Confident, in fact, that delving a little more into who wrote this little ad, whether it was influenced by someone or just Ms. Foster and her background would be interesting.

Especially when, if I've made a comment about Biden and "Who is running the U.S.? knights of columbus?!" (in a sort of joke) the next that comes up is a trip to Columbus, Ohio with a nasty prep about 15 minutes to goad the spitefuls on. Hey, they even came over to Wenatchee in PERSON to gloat in my face! Not kidding.

Real nice team there.

And I think this came after I made a post about Hagar and single mothers. Maybe someone thought that might appeal to the President's sympathies, since his own mother was a single woman. Maybe my report coming up is making a few large groups more than a little nervous.

It would have gone over well, if it were not transparent enough for others to see into the "inside joke". Tragic mistake.

For all I know, she's not even religious at all and just trying to do a favor for someone somewhere or herself.

At any rate, it has nothing to do with the President. I think it's more of an around his back sort of thing. Not behind his back. Around his back.

The difference is that behind the back is when the buck gets passed directly behind ones back and that person doesn't even see what is going on. Let's call the buck sugar. It's when you're giving someone (3rd party) sugar behind their back which is different from passing the sugar around someone's back or maybe under their nose and they don't really notice it's not sugar but cocaine.

I don't care. I still like the Obama's and I love my country.

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