Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rainbow In My Bottle & psychic sorta (but not really)

I have to comment on something funny that happened today. I was sitting at the bus station and this other guy sat down next to me, on the bench and I was just chatting and had filled my juice bottle up with more powdered amino acid protein mix, and as I was using this U.S. Eastern District Courthouse envelope for a funnel, he was watching and I was checking to see if it was all going down, and I looked and exclaimed out loud, "Ohmigosh! There's a rainbow in my drink!" and he just kind of nodded and he has all these piercings and burn marks and bi-colored hair and everything and took that comment in like I was on really good acid or something.

I said, "No, I'm not kidding. There is really a rainbow in my drink. Look!" And there was. There was a perfectly arched, full spectrum rainbow resting on top of the powder I had just poured in. Green powder.

I said, "I don't know why all the Irish don't like me. I mean, for all the rainbows I come across,..." and he looked and saw it and said yes, there was a rainbow. I added, "...and trolls, I've met them too." and then he laughed. I said again, "No, really. Look. Are you really looking?" and he puts his whole head almost over the bottle to "look" at the rainbow in my Minute Maid bottle.

He said, "It's the way the light is hitting the bottle" and I said, "Yeah, you're right" (but still, I have never seen that before, in my entire life). And believe me, no one was manufacturing it either or pulling a psychic prank. It just happened.

Then we joked about a lot of other things. He was fun to talk to, I was just having such a weird day and I was worked up about too many things.

And then, I had one sort of other psychic moment (aside from seeing him doing Judo), and it was after we parted ways, and instead of going to a coffee shop, I decided I needed to find this old friend or aquaintance and I needed a map. I was going to try walking over since I couldn't get through by phone at all.

I was having problems with his phone. I tried calling and it wouldn't connect at all. It was more weird telecommunication stuff. And at first it wouldn't connect at all and then I got a british accented operator. But I was later told I had dialed the wrong area code.

So I thought to myself, "That building will have a map" and it looked like a school building.

I walked through all these cars and up the steps and then I saw this Army sticker. "Oh NO," I thought, and then "Oh Well." And I rang the bell and this guy comes to the door and I said, "I thought you could help me. I need a map."

He stares. He said, "You need a map?" and I said yes, I need a map because I don't know where this one street is. He said they didn't really have maps and said like a bus map? and I said no, like a map map. I figured they would have a map.

So I walk into the office, and there is a map of Washington drawn on the erase marker board. And rubber duckies everywhere. I said, "I never thought I'd see a huge rubber ducky collection at the Army station." (it was actually reserves or guard) and he said, Well, that was his nickname. He said, "Not the rubber part. Duck." Then I turn and see the t.v. screen and it's a John Wayne movie paused where he's looking at a hand held pocket watch or compass. I didn't ask. To my right was a photo of some kind of sword or saber. It was immediately to my right, from where I stood, at his desk. Then pens in front. That's all I really noticed. Sort of just scanned quickly and he printed out directions and I started walking. I said to him, with papers in hand, as I was walking out, "Thanks Duck!"

And guess what. I KNEW those eggs were revving up for something!

That whole dozen I ate? I swear it has to be a joke because I got there (actually got a ride from a nice woman) and what is in front of the house? A huge sign for:

EGGS. Eggs for sale.

They sell their own fresh farm eggs. I should have bought some because the dozen I had the day before went down just fine afterall. I thought about buying more eggs, but didn't. I'll probably eat another dozen tomorrow.

I did say, "Oh, and you have a map on your board!"

Hey, do THAT CIA camp grunts! (I then walked out like a monkey looking for the vines to climb on trees for swinging over the walls and my Daddy King Kong ROOOOAAARRREEED! just kidding) My second thought was: "Isn't someone from Top Gun named 'Duck'? I hope I don't look like him" (in my black pleather bomber style crop jacket with my long scarf hanging out).

And I rePEAT, I want my son BACK CPS! I think your status is down a few rungs as I gain psychic notoriety. Thank you God for anything that validates me in any way, because of your gift or grace. And make these atrocious people who are refusing to back down, back down.

Oh, and then I saw just a couple of clips from Princess Diaries later that night which was more depressing than anything, considering some things I was made to go through which was horrible. I had/have never seen any part of that movie and then someone pipes up and says "I really liked Part II." I didn't even know there was a Part II and said I feel uncultured. I didn't even know there was a section where balloons are popped for a painting. Someone said, "Yeah, it came out in maybe 2000 or something."

Oh, and there were books everywhere and the one that caught my eye was "World History" and I had never seen it before and opened up to "European diplomacies and pacts 1945-2000." I said, "Hmmph! I wonder if Canada is included." It had a huge list in fine print of all the important dates and times of things. I liked the book and wastn't making anything of it, just looked and then thought I would just shut it and put it back where it belonged.

I liked it but just opened up to one section and then closed it and put it back. It looks like a cool book though--a comprehensive chronology of all important world history dates, like a full index with short descriptions.

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