Sunday, October 3, 2010

Housemate A Criminal & laser dot (red) on computer

This one guy who is in charge of the place went to the hospital for a surgery today. The people upstairs, both who have some kind of record I guess, decided to try to get me out.

There has not been any of the "burning" stuff that causes palpitations and other until the one guy went to the hospital.

The guy upstairs, who has been living with his girlfriend when they have restraining orders against eachother, decided to bring something in, some kind of technology and use it while I am downstairs alone.

He made sure to tell me his girlfriend wasn't there tonight, and I know why, because if I called the police to come over because of what he's doing, they would find the two of them still living together when they've already been arrested a number of times. She just bailed him out of jail AGAIN for violating a restraining order, and he moved right back in with her. They both have restraining orders against eachother and still cohabitate.

Then, my sweater was destroyed by them, and put into a garbage can where I had to retrieve it and she also physically assaulted me by hitting me on the head (I did nothing in return and just walked away).

When I walked out, after he started this up today, I noticed a car with hispanics outside who were looking up at the window and nodding off to him and laughing.

He is doing it because it happens in a location and he would just move with his girlfriend, to wherever she's moving temporarily because he wouldn't stay there and put up with it. He's doing it!

Then I walked outside finally, later at night, and at least 3 cars went by, all with white guys in black t-shirts. I don't know why wearing the black shirts unless they just wanted me to think something in particular about them. It could have just been part of a mind game. Almost all of them were about 20-30s.

Earlier today, there was very bad stuff going on. And I don't know why, but a lot of people from out of the area and just bad news.

One guy who was serious bad news, had dark hair and was hanging out of the window of an SUV at me, in Idaho plates, K271183. This guy was seriously harassing me and he was from IDAHO. Another guy from Idaho who just came into town to harass me. This guy was a serious asshole. A total frat jock type with a very bad attitude. Actually, maybe he wouldn't be frat then, because to harass a strange woman, he must just be a loser and have esteem issues so he either went for frat at a public university or he decided to be a sore thumb out of college.

The guy who was hanging out and harassing me was on the passenger side, and I didn't see who was driving.

Then another guy who was Irish I think, was just sitting outside in an SUV, waiting for me with some woman and it was absolutely nuts and THEY were nuts. They were parked in the middle of nowhere, just waiting for me to walk up and walk by. They had plates that were Washington and something like EYESQ. I am quite sure that was it. It was a special license plate.

The other person who was in town, who I don't have a good vibe from, was a guy named "Andy". I am not sure about him but I believe he has a brutal side to him. I might be wrong, but I am pretty sure of it. All I know is that when he was in town last, when I saw my son for a visit the next time, I was told some "guy" punched him at a party.

I also had a couple of weird things about "Knights of Columbus" but think it was a woman or someone just trying to cause problems and stir things up. She was saying she wanted some knights of columbus belt buckle in front of me and was making sure I heard about it. My guess is that it was because worse was going to happen today and she knew it and wanted to incite others to think, wrong or right, that it was going to be because of them.

Other people I saw with unusual interest in me, when I was leaving the house, after the initial stalkers who were goading on with black tees, there were a few mixed cars, Washington plates 353 YPA, and 089 YPA.

Not only that, the rest of the town knows what is going on. A lot of them, and I could tell by the music being played. Not only that when I listened to OPB, the British people or reporters sounded normal and maybe somewhat subdued but then the ones for here were playing all kinds of "Mary, mother of god" music, which I think, again, is more of a smokescreen for other things. Then I turned to a different Wenatchee based radio station and every single song they played was about "packing up and leaving", taking a train, get out of town, and songs about "burning". On that one station, I am not kidding. Every song was about "fire" and burning and all kinds of stuff, in combination with songs about leaving town. When there are that many songs about this, it is a very clear tip off to the fact that people in town, at least those DJs for the little Wenatchee radio station, have serious issues.

I do not believe it is just about religious stuff, like Mary or catholic stuff. I think other people want to use that, possibly, to further their own hate and agenda. There may be some fringe assholes that are bad, but it's not about that. At least I hope not, because I met a lot of nice (I thought) Catholic people today.

I contacted my family and let them know I am contacting a couple of friends who work for the FBI in other states.

The local police and enforcement here won't do a thing. If anything, some are in on it.

My guess is that someone feels threatened again--some group must believe I am too close to something and they paid off people again, to harm me and my son, in order to make me sound nuts, punish me and my family and who knows what.

It has nothing to do with something "psychic". I know what can be done on that level, but this is not that. It's technology.

I told this guy that maybe that's why I was a little down a few times, or sensed very sad and bad energy today, because maybe the one guy had had problems with health. But I don't think that's all of it.

I felt bad because there was rotten shit in town. Rotten people and rotten shit brewing.

Whatever mis-steps I made today, I will not repeat.

Maybe someone doesn't like the fact that I thought about who infected Iran's nuclear computer systems with a virus. I would say that would be the smallest thing.

I made a drawing for my son today.

It is not made with a lot of time spent on it, and I just kept going and added things, and didn't have a plan in mind. I don't like it very well, but it was sort of to generate other ideas. That's what I was doing, just sitting in the kitchen drawing when this other stuff started to happen which I picked up on right away.

I didn't really know what I was going to draw and it's just too busy right now. One part makes me laugh, of a turtle I made, bc it's not done well. It sort of resembles Christopher Hitchens. On one end I started with a sunrise over water and then made the water pouring out and was going to have the world underneath it but supported by a turtle, like old days before Galileo when people insisted the world was round and there was no other way. Then I added elephants and cats and I used a dove of peace with an olive branch that bent to hold up two scales. I had the dove sort of parting a curtain of night as well.

Then I had roses and violets at the top sides.

Then when you turn it around and look at it upside down, the dove is hanging down and I drew a symbol in shadow color in a way, of me on one side, with my son on the other side, and a pearl necklace inbetween us. I was going to use a thread at first, to symbolize a bond unbroken even even in separation but the idea of a pearl necklace came to mind and then later I thought, is that my son? or is it someone else? and it could mean different things but I intended it to be my son.

Anyway, I think someone is just bullying me around. Maybe something good happened today and all hell breaks loose when that happens because some group(s) hate it.

I have something else to report.

A red dot, in a circle shape, which was on my keyboard for a split second right before someone was able to shut it off remotely. This happened while I was at Safeway typing this. My computer shut down, just turned black screen and quit. Right after, there was a perfectly red dot which showed on the keyboard, sort of in the middle, and it was about the size of a dime. Dime to nickel size but closer to a dime size and perfectly round.

I think this town or someone out of town decided recently to move in a bunch of bad people and get things stirred up again.

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