Sunday, October 3, 2010

this morning's news: iran and amy bishop

This morning I looked up article's about Iran's nuclear spy arrest and also about Amy Bishop. I have had Bishop cross my mind several times in the last few days and maybe was picking up on turning points for her in her case. I've had "Carmen" come up several times as well, and thought it was about my brother's Ex, but I didn't feel it was the right Carmen. Now I find out the U.S. Attorney handling her case is Carmen Ortiz. It was maybe a week to less than a week ago that Carmen came to mind. And a lot of mentions about "Bishop's" but I was getting it as "Bishops" and thought it might have something to do with priests for some reason. I think I was picking up on stuff about her case. The University of Alabama is also directly tied to a major military group, and I think it's Army but I will have to check, and they do this kind of research. According to the University of Alabama site, for 43 years, from 1860-1903, this college was military. It included teaching of martial disciplinary. The college maintained ties to military and is currently connected to...(I know I looked this up before...will find later).

There was some recent news, of the U.S. attorney's deciding not to charge her for an old bombing case. I don't know why they tried to dig up old stuff that had already been dismissed and had nothing to do with the recent case.

Amy Bishop's case speaks of mind control. It is so Red Flag for Mind Control I can't stand it. And that's coming from someone who is a little bit intuitive.

It is my sincere and firm belief that she was picked out at some point, and used for mind control experiments and possibly later began clueing in on some things. It is even possible that she was involved in this kind of research herself, ironically, and was required to keep it confidential. If she leaks anything about her own work, it works against her and it also works against the U.S. So I think is a very interesting case, all the way around.

My second tip off into the magnitude of her case, was actually when the FBI Quantico profiler jumped in so fast. He wouldn't have done this if there wasn't something at stake, to make disclaimers over.

And I felt something was "different" before that guy (the profiler) ever jumped in too.

Everything I found later, followed this conclusion. Her proximity and attendance at universities which practice this kind of research notwithstanding.

Free Amy Bishop. (hmm. recall comment! just kidding. I mean, set her free by the truth, whatever that would mean one way or the other and that doesn't mean others should be at risk of being shot either).
I feel bad about Iran's arrest of nuclear spies, for those who are innocent and have been arrested. It makes sense, their explanation, that possibly it is a nation-state, because of the expense of resources they say is needed to test such a worm. But I still wonder because there are some sophisticated and rich groups that have money and do projects too.

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