Saturday, October 2, 2010

today's impressions and hello mr. putin

I'm sure Putin knows about my blog by now. Howdy. I went to look at photos yesterday and saw he had been having bread and milk in a room that had the same colors I randomly ended up wearing. The chair was copper colored, but it was wood. The photo was of him backing out and that was the impression I had, of a chair moving, that was copper colored, but my impression was that it was copper colored metal. I think these guys are all testing me, trying different things at the same time which are similar but wondering which one I'll distinguish. Am I right? ;)

Anyway, in the photo, he is backing out with his chair and the movement I had, at 10 'til 11 P.M. PST (my time) was of someone moving a chair back or a chair moving, but I had the impression it was going back and when I asked what time it was, to my housemate, I wondered if Putin was about to have lunch.

However, I got a metal copper colored chair. So, either I was off a little bit, or it was someone else's chair, bc it didn't look like wood to me at all.

So anyway. Yesterday I had an impression of someone in a wine or crimson color sort of, but didn't know who.

I made O'Brian potatoes today (Idaho potatoes chopped up and then s&p and usually I use cayenne pepper but there wasn't any so I sliced two small green peppers lengthwise and added to the oil. Then I make sure the outside is crispy and browned or even blackish and the inside is soft). They're really good.

I also made some honey & sesame seed candies, by mixing sesame seeds with maluka honey (it's all you need) and broiling (or baking) them until candied. They peeled well off of foil but not wax paper...that was a little more work so I will pour them out onto foil next time. I put the honey and sesame seed mixture in a small glass bowl until it was bubbling or boiling in the oven and frothy and brown and then directly poured out onto foil and it harded up (still soft but not sticky) like brittle or toffee. It's the first time I have tried making them on my own. Usually, I would buy them at the store and I just figured it can't be hard to do. And it's not, and they're very nutritious.

Then, I figured out how to get the bitterness out of greenish walnuts, or walnuts which were fresh and hadn't cured. When I tried to roast them with honey, straight, they were still incredibly bitter--nothing a child would want to eat. Or even adult. So I boiled them, in honey water and it took the bitterness out. I regret the fact some of the nutrients leached out as well, but it made them palatable and then I braised or roasted them in the oven with additional honey. I ended up mincing them and adding them to something for a hearty oatmeal. I had to use a nutcracker and crack and shell them all. The first batch I burned and tossed bc I wasn't watching, but then the second batch worked out well.
Last night my impression was of baguettes. In the middle of the night. It wasn't right before bed, it was sometime in the early morning hours. I have no idea when. But long loafs of bread at least, which looked like baguettes to me and lying on a table. There was more than one and they looked like the long french bread. I didn't notice any design. Color was medium, not dark colored bread and not the whitest either. Just normal.
This morning I went to a store, to use markers, already seeing that they had markers. I saw the bin they were in and everything and thought, "___________, they have markers" and I needed them for something so I went in But someone was expecting me too.

Oh, and I saw 10 flying contraptions today. 7 planes then the 8th was a heli and then 1 more plane and then after a space, a 10th. It's airplane or flyers day here in Wenatchee. I think it was yesterday too and noted that after I had thought about this man I knew who was a flyer and wore these jeans he gave me which said "Let her fly!" on the inside. Then I found out it was flyer day.

That's about all for now.
I've been mulling ideas for books. For my son as well as maybe other children. I have one I want to do, bc I told him I would, about bubblegum planet. Another one I want to do, maybe just about him and our lives and times we've shared. Then, the other which came up sort of unexpectedly, and I think could be something new, is a "recovery" book for children who have been harmed by CPS actions. Something that acknowledges their real feelings and emotions as they have been torn from their parents, wrongly, and then suffered because of it and not known what they've done wrong, or felt it was them, or suffered from attachment issues after and nightmares. I think there should be a book for children who have PTSD because of CPS. Where to find a publisher? ummm....will be looking into anti-CPS and family rights groups.

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