Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Illegal Kidnapping Of My Son (brief summary) & overheating

My report is still being written, but to make it short and easy to understand, I will explain as much as I explained to my housemate the other night, which, apparently, frightened him enough to keep glancing back at the door and the windows.

Why? because it's a very big deal that involves corruption among many government (and of course non-govt, but not not going into that) workers. My housemate knows, just as I do, how big it is. The part that I did NOT understand or discover until late, was how premeditated it was.

I always knew it was wrong and that it was false arrest and illegal but I didn't know why or what the motive was. I couldn't find a motive. Because I was refused discovery all the time, and my lawyers wouldn't obtain evidence, I was kept in the dark as to what exactly the motive was, and WHY collusion and false arrest was essential and necessary in order to create an appearance of legality for taking my child. I also had thought maybe it was impulsive and hadn't realized that the kidnapping of my child was pre-meditated on both sides.

NOW, after I discovered what the laws are regarding jurisdiction and CPS responsibilities and laws, I realized I have a case for having every single order vacated because the State of Washington never had jurisdiction to begin with. I didn't know why not. I didn't know about the national or international laws. I also didn't realize they were 'waiting' on things to evolve in order to take my child.

Because I was kept in the dark, I had absolutely no way of being able to draw the lines and make the connections I needed for then making a report to higher authorities.

I have already looked up case law. If there is not proper jurisdiction to begin with, all prior orders must be vacated.

The idea that if "later" some kind of grounds for taking the child arises, doesn't apply.

All I have to do is show how the officials involved would lie about even anything later, and make things up, to cover for their original crime, which was illegally kidnapping and conspiring to kidnap my son when they lacked authority to do so.

The people who held onto my case lack credibility after I prove they are criinals to begin with. Which is why Russ Haugen, director of CPS almost dismissed the whole thing. He didn't do the right thing, at AGs poor advice, and they will all be held accountable for this.

I can prove motive for obstruction of justice, and for lying, and for intimidation of me and other family members. I also prove motive of some medical professionals to go along with all of this, for their own motives and reasons of wanting to keep my son out of my guardianship so I am unable to sue on his behalf, for medical damages he incurred in the State of Washington.

The only thing which could have possibly "saved" the state officials, was this loophole idea that even if a child is improperly taken, without evidence, later, if something comes up, they can then use THAT instead, to justify the case.

So they tried to do this, or felt they were "safe" and had things all tied up in a neat fashion. They spent millions on my case and on covering up what they have one.

The problem is, is that when someone proves you are a criminal to begin with, and that your little group initially conspired and colluded with others in the beginning, you hold about ZERO credibility, regardless of your legal status.

People who do extreme criminal acts, like conspire and collude to kidnap a child, do not suddenly turn a new leaf and convert to becoming "good people" who are law abiding. If they were willing to lie and collude in the beginning, they will follow and continue in the same pattern with smaller things, which may end up becoming large things, by the amount of work involved in covering up for the original "sin".

Additionally! the caveat or loophole, allowing a later justification of removal of a child, follows a proper JURISDICTION to begin with.

Which, alas, they did not have.

So sorry my pretties.

One may not have the right "grounds" or evidence for removal to begin with, but at the very least, the jurisdiction must be proper, and it wasn't. So that negates all that followed after.

What happened with me and my son was UNPRECEDENTED. NEVER, in the entire history of CPS, has there ever been a case like this one. Which is why money and lying was poured into it.

Not only was it unprecented to take my child from me while we were in another country, for the State of Washington, what was done was unprecented in the entire United States, to my knowledge.

Therefore, because it was unprecented and was illegal and a frank kidnapping, this case became a HUGE, HUGE, liability to the State of Washington.

For me, without first understanding this, I could not grasp the magnitude of what was going on and how this was deemed "impossible" for me to win by so many. I didn't have any idea how big the motive was behind it and how necessary it was for the State of Washington (and some others) to win at any and almost all costs.

I had someone ask if it was my family, but even if my family wanted someone to pursue it, none of them work for the State. None of them (my family members) are government workers and they could not share any of the legal responsibility that state workers have, as a burden for their crime.

What is the definition of crime?

Do I mean crime as in someone killing someone? no. I mean white collar crime. Which seems like a lesser crime, but it is still crime and one which people may be charged with in a court of law and pay a penalty for.

I am not speaking of he civil suit I have which I could fight. I am speaking of white collar crime in colluding to arrange an arrest which was false, for purposes of illegally kidnapping my child and trying to make it look legal.

When those involved with the collusion are working FOR the State, this becomes a massive State liability. One which would be shared by Attorney General offices IN The State of Washington.

If it can be reasonably proven that CPS and the AG of Washington State knew they were acting outside of the scope of the law, and colluding with some Canadian officials, they then would know, as lawyers, that they have made themselves susceptible to being discovered and then charged with criminal obstruction of justice, disregard for the established law.

It is not just a Section 1983 case, where the state actors have abused their authority to make it appear legal. It is crime, where there is pre-meditated collusion to defame, falsely imprison, and hold hostage a mother and child.

The original act shows clear motive as to why there would then follow such obstruction to my access to discovery and evidence.

I am going to look at it more closely, because I have not even considered this, but I think it's very possible that some of those involved could be tried under RICO but I don't know if this would be a stretch. There would have to be enough qualifiers.

In the sense of pre-meditated collusion, RICO fits. However, usually there is some monetary exchange which also establishes grounds for a RICO case.

I think too, that RICO may still be civil whereas some other things are more things where someone could be charged with crime, and where State actors are not immune.
1. Children are taken from parents if they are out of country if:
a. there is a parental abduction (there is international law to protect against this)
b. a parent is arrested (in this case, the child only goes back to the other country if there is another legal guardian involved.

In my case, there was no parental abduction. If I had committed an abduction, then international law would have allowed WA to take my child or go after me.

In my case, there was no crime or warrant for my arrest. I was legally in Canada with my son. Therefore, there was no way to extradite me.

The jurisdiction law for the U.S., where jurisdiction follows the state one last resided in for the prior 6 months, does not apply. There is no international agreement or law for this--it is inter-state, not inter-country.

Therefore, the only way that WA could get to me and my son, since there was no prior jurisdiction law for inter-country, and because I had no warrant or crime, and because I didn't abduct my child, the ONLY way to get me and my child back, was to "hope and pray Cameo commits a crime!"

Now, how in the world can we get a law-abiding good citizen to commit a crime while she is in Canada?

The liklihood was nil.

Therefore, in order to hastily take the child as soon as possible, some persons had to first "wait" an allow Washington State to put together some court paperwork which they didn't even have filed. Why not? because there were never grounds to take my son.

So, Catholic Canadians (almost all involved were--every single one, and I guess they were the ones who had a chip on their shoulder over my lawsuits from Oregon) negotiated with religious affiliated and otherwise motivated Washingtonians, and agreed that while Canada housed me with their Catholic Border Patrol people, they would have WA set up papers to muddy me and make me look as bad as possible and write up a Protective Order.

After WA had their Protective Order in place, they couldn't use it unless I was across the Canadian border. So Canada waited for WA to line up their "papers" and in the meantime, Canada agreed to fucking HOUSE me and my son until those papers were in place. As soon as they got the nod from WA, then, the Canadian Border Patrol people (who kept saying to me, "I know our SUV looks like an RCMP police car but we just got it used") told me and my son we had to leave. Not only that, the Border Patrol's sister was in Canadian Social Services.

If we were told to "leave" then we no longer had "friends" who were supporting us and suddenly we would be illegally in Canada. For good measure, they tried to have me take a job with a woman whose husband was RCMP. She was a nurse at the hospital and the Penticton hospital had communications with Central Washington Hospital.

However, what no one expected, was that I would find someone new in the meantime, and my instincts would lead me to be looking out already for a different solution and place for me and my son to live. So when Canada thought they were forcing me out into being in Canada "illegally" they didn't ever expect me to have been so resourceful as to have found a different friend who wanted to have me and my son stay with him. I maintained, throughout, a line of legally being in Canada.

But I was going to "mess things up" if I went from the RCMP Border house to the real friend's house. So, they asked me where I was going when I left and I said I was going to Wal-mart to kill some time first, before moving into the new place.

I was arrested while I was at Wal-mart, for being "illegally in Canada."

How convenient. Dontcha think?

While I was in jail, I was refused to be able to call the other man we were going to stay with as guests. I was also refused a call to the Crown's Counsel that I spoke with, who told me as long as I was "with friends" in Canada, my status had changed and that was all there was to it. This was an older man with 30 years immigration experience.

I'm sorry, but that is a pre-meditated collusion to kidnap my son. Not only that, to falsely arrest me and defame me as well.

I tried to call for a lawyer while I was in jail. I wasn't allowed a phone call to anyone.

I wasn't allowed even a pencil to write with. I was told, in Penticton jail, that no one gets to write or take notes with pencils and paper.

I was refused any kind of medication and told unless I was on the B.C. healthcare plan already, I wouldn't get any kind of medical treatment at all, even if I had a migraine.

It wasn't until I started The National Anthem and America the Beautiful that the immigration officer finally allowed me to use the phone to call for a lawyer, after like the 3rd day, and then they kept disconnecting my call because I had told him I was legally there and I wanted him to speak to my lawyer.

When they flew me off to immigration detention camp, they again refused to allow me to talk to that lawyer. They said they would give me a lawyer, and I saw him for 1 hour before the immigration hearing.

These people in Canada and WA had everything set up the way they wanted it to go and there was no way they were going to allow me to deter from THEIR illegal plans and strategy.

First, they tried to get me to go back to Washington on my own. I said I was there legally and I was told, no, if I didn't have more money I couldn't stay unless I had "friends". The claim they tried to make was "insufficient funds" and I said, no, I was there legally because I went over for a few days and then woud have played it by ear. So I said I wanted to stay longer because of a real political asylum claim that I had, which I could use. But at the point I was told to leave, I was still legal and I wouln't have been allowed entry if I wasn't.

So they said I had to leave and they made me sign a paper saying I would leave voluntarily when I was coerced to sign it.

I then stopped to look up some things about political asylum from a library and I was sobbing. Because no, it is not as though my own country had been good to me or my son. I had a real claim and several Canadians DID believe I had a claim as well.

I then ran into someone (Border Patrol) and because, I think, they saw I was not leaving voluntarily, they knew they didn't have right grounds to do anything about it really and I could foresee the Washington people on the other end, waiting to take my son and I fought like a Real Mother would and was willing to do ANYTHING (that was legal or in the scope of legal and moral) to spare my son this tragedy and trauma.

I was offered housing for me and my son by "friends". We then were taken to visit a lawyer and I noticed when we went into the offices, that some guy walking out was smirking at the man who took me so I wondered then if it was real or a set up. But the lawyer showed me the actual law and books and explained how we were now legal and would be, up to 6 months, as long as we had people (friends) supporting us.

This was Queen's Counsel and he was very wise and older and had a LOT of immigration experience. I was legally there.

My circumstances had, as he said, "changed."

Therefore, The State of Washington had no right to tear apart a family.

The State of Washington never had a right, in the beginning, to even DEFAME me and pursue me in Canada to BEGIN with. It was unlawful for Washington State and Wenatchee CPS to even pressure Canada when they had not even ONE document filed in court against me, knowing they never had grounds to begin with.
By the way, I have been having problems with this laptop since I began writing this post. It wasn't happening at all until I started blogging about what happened, so someone is deliberately trying to punish me for writing this.
In the meantime, Washington State got their legal line-up together, and used this time to set things up on their own end. They enlisted not just the Wenatchee AG offices but consulted with Seattle. They also enlisted buddies they had in other agencies in Seattle.

Which then brings out how widespread the liability and interest became.

Which is another reason why it became almost impossible for me to get records, evidence, and discovery that I needed. Some of these people, I believe, resorted to even using gangs they had some kind of connection to, to threaten people from getting involved and exposing what really happened with me and my son.

People were willing to put millions into MY case alone because of how badly they screwed it up in the first place. Every dime and effort then was necessary for keeping me down, any way possible. Steal from me, set me up for further false arrest to keep me from having money and work, keep me from getting State unemployment, because the moment I had money in my own pocket, they knew that I would use this to pay for and obtain records and evidence myself. They knew that I would pay for a private attorney that was not State-interested, paid, and invested. They knew that I would use this money to pay for my own psychological evaluation, which would definitively clear me from the claims that the State was making of being a risk to my own child, when I was not. It was and has been, of utmost importance, to keep me out of the basics so that I was powerless to make a difference in my own case.

So my son and I were legally in Canada, throughout.

When I was driving to the border, I wasn't disobeying either. I was still driving that direction, but my son and I ended up staying with "friends" anyway.

At no point, was I EVER in Canada illegally. Never.

I went from one legal circumstance to another legal circumstance but I was legal. Period.

Then, the second time I was arrested, it was when my son and I were at Wal-mart.

SO, to make things clearer, first I was arrested and not held in jail but my son and I were in a room and we were together. They could tell by observation that I wasn't mentally ill and that my son was bonded to me.

However, because of what Washington fuckers were pressuring them to do, they said I had to leave because of insufficient funds. So because of Washington defamation, this occured.

I wasn't in jail at all. I was just "held" with my son.

The second time, was when I was at Wal-mart and they arrested me and separated my son from me and told my son he would see me again. He didn't. They lied to my son. I heard my son screaming bloody murder, hysterically, for me when I was detained the second time. He was on the other end of the room or other side of the wall and he was horribly distraught.

Then they argued with the U.S. (Washington) about whether my son should go to Social Services in Canada or in the U.S. My son never should have been separated from me.

I was never allowed a lawyer, or to call one. My son was taken back across the border tO Washington State, where they had everything already set up, and then I was thrown in jail for 3 days, without pencil and paper, and nothing. I didn't sleep for 3 days straight. This has never happened in my life. I didn't care about myself...what I knew was that my son was devastated. My son was going to be injured emotionally for the rest of his life because of what some Canadian and most Washington and CPS workers did.

After my jail time, I was sent to immigration detention and then put in front of a Judge for what was, essentially, a "mock trial". It was all for show with no substance. Everyone knew I was there legally. But now, they just wanted me to be charged with SOMETHING to force me back to Washington state to be with my son.

I was not allowed to see any of the documents but I saw some of them anyway. Which implicated Washington for grossly defaming me.

I was accused of trying to "immigrate illegally" and they all knew, including me, that it wasn't true.

I was told afterwards, by Canada lawyers, NOT to go back to Wenatchee unless I wanted to end up at Eastern Hospital (a psych hospital for nutsos).

I saw in the papers that they had defamed me to Canada as having the worst of all mental illnesses: paranoid schitzophrenia. I didn't have this, and I had been cleared by 2 mental health pros, immediately prior to leaving for Canada. I was never diagnosed with anything but I was defamed anyway. So there was going to be a very serious motive to then diagnose me and discredit me, by sending me off to some hospital to try to undermine anything I might ever say about my son's improper removal.

In order to prove I had been defamed, I refused to go to Wenatchee and took work, even though it was PT and I had to quit bc of my childbirth damages affecting me still. I proved by working around a whole crew of BP people, that in a different circle of people who were not motivated to hate me and lie about me, I was normal.

I was as concerned, after seeing the magnitude of the lying, about this as well. They already said it was highly, highly unusual that this large of a group would be out for me this badly. I already knew what was happening to me and my son was not normal, or even anywhere the normal sphere of normal.

Every single thing I did was rational and not impulsive. I based all of my decisions on protective strategy. Because I did this much, Wenatchee got nervous. They had expected me to go back to Wenatchee and then roll with the same smut and defamation about me and seal my fate. They were outsmarted because I did not go back and gained more outside credibility as someone who was being persecuted.

I was urgent about trying to see my son right away and CPS stalled, instead trying to prevent me from seeing my own son unless I moved back to Wenatchee where they could snare me and keep me down forever.

I knew they had no legal or lawful basis for doing what they had done. So I was trying to set myself up somewhere else to stay out of clutches and have others with an outside perspective see me, and then visit him but CPS intentionally OBSTRUCTED me and my son from seeing eachother and tried to blame me.

I was refused all discovery. Why?

Because they had my sn illegally and didn't want me to know.

The motive for concealing the discovery was that THEY didn't want to get caught. But they lied and claimed that they mailed me discovery when they never did. I was told, by my attorney, that he "didn't believe" what I had to say.

I was punished for filing a lawyer who not only stated he didn't believe me, but was refusing to obtain needed discovery.

This pattern has continued with every single public defender I've had to this very day.

Because what the Judge and law enforcement, AG (State of Washington) and CPS did was illegal, they prevented me from getting records, intentionally. I was forced to go through Contested Sheltercare and Fact Finding hearings with no lawyer, no notice I would be without a replacement, and no discovery.

After I was refused even a chance to defend myself at Fact Finding, where the Judge hung up on me, I figured the next illegal thing was going to be an unlawful Order permitting someone to covertly medicate me or have me admitted. It would follow the next thing was to mess with my mind and try to do things as if they really thought I needed help.

When THEY are the messed up mother fuckers.

At that point, I left for D.C., hoping to get a better distance and protection and also to gain records and evidence to prove some things which happened to me and my son (including torture).

When I did this, the State of Washington punished my son again, by cutting off his phonoe visits to me and refusing to set me up with services as required (while I tried to get information to turn the whole thing around). They refused to help and threatened me.

The rest, is sort of history. All the lying that followed, was to cover the original wrongdoing.

I found out from some lawyer that the Judge doesn't care if he hung up on me because if he did and I had no lawyer and didn't appeal that specific "Dependency" part, I couldn't go back.

So I've been told, even if I appeal, I would only be appealing Termination of my Rights and would still be forced to go through Dependency with Washington state.

I said, "Hell no. I am not required to do ANY services with this fucking state, when they have been keeping records from me, screwing with my life, and when they are CRIMINALS."

Everyone kept saying, "Well, you might have a civil case"...

But I say to that, "Yeah, I know I have a civil case. But that's not how I'm getting my son back. I'm getting my son back because of the crime that went into taking my son to begin with and lack of original jurisdiction."

I read case law that states if there is not proper jurisdiction to begin with, each and every order must be vacated. That part might be a civil thing.

However, I am making a report for an investigation into the criminal activities by Washington state "authorities" and officials, in colluding with Canada to kidnap my child.

That's not all that has happened, but since that is the point of origin, I expect the federal government of the United States of America to fully and thoroughly investigate all persons involved with the illegal negotiations and collusion which transpired between some Washington State and Canadian officials.

I want a criminal investigation and it is also AG offices in Washington D.C., and the OPR, which would examine the AG offices of Washington State, from Anne McIntosh and Tomas Cabellero from Wenatchee AG, to their superiors who know about this case quite well, in Seattle.

This will require cooperation with Canada.

I believe, after looking at the law, that I am able to make an "Amber Alert" claim of my own, by accusing the State of Washington, as an "actor" or "person" of having illegally kidnapped my child. And then, obstructing justice to keep my son and I hostage to the State's agenda.

I know that I was told, after my false arrest in Canada, that I couldn't go back for "1 year" which was convenient because then I had no way of obtaining records myself and they kept telling me I would have to go in person to do it. Then one of their Border guys tried to say I had tried to cross their Border when I didn't. He made me sign a paper, under coercion and maybe that was the thing which made it impossible for me to go back for 1 year. It was a false claim and a lie.

I had gone back to the U.S. border to ask how to get my CAR back and people were trying to keep me from getting my vehicle. So the Border man said I could cross under the Peace Arch (what a name) to go to the Canadian border people and ask them. So I did and then this guy there, tried to say I had illegally crossed into Canada again and he forced me to sign a paper that stated I had attempted to cross illegally. He said, "You either SIGN this or you go to jail."

I went back to the U.S. side and showed him the paper and said WHY did he tell me to go to the Canada station because they said I had violated their laws and crossed their border? and the U.S. guy said he knew I didn't cross illegally. He said, "I watched you and I know." Then the Canada guy said just going under the Peace Arch was crossing the border.

The U.S. guy said that was a lie. He said it was neutral territory.

So when I was in D.C. I went to the Canadian embassy to try to clear this up because I didn't want a false charge to my name when I was ordered to sign something. At first a few diplomats I met were very friendly, until others, with their own agendas, "got to them" and said something and then everyone was instructed to not talk to me at all.

There was all kinds of weird political dirty stuff going on.

I want the AG and the President to Order that my son is to be immediately returned to me.

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