Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dreams Last Night & Impressions

I had a few impressions and dreams. At one point I woke up laughing from my dream. Which I haven't done in a long time.

Before I fell asleep, I saw someone not just crying but sobbing but it was like a still and I didn't see any movement so I wondered. She had fairly blond hair, and her head bent a little and mouth open. She looked sort of young--teen maybe to early 40s, I couldn't tell, Probably in the middle range somewhere. I saw this and felt she was crying because of me or my situation or someone she knew but maybe I'm wrong. I don't thnk I got the rest of the information right bc then I said "Okay, who is she?" and the name I got was "Lydia" but I don't really believe it. I think it must be my own imagination that a name came to mind. And then the next thing was "Russian". I don't know any blond, russian Lydias. I thought maybe this name came to my mind bc I was just mentioning other biblical kinds of female names, but I don't know. The hair was very blond and straight. sort of broader slightly angular face.

She reminded me a little bit of this blond woman I saw at starbucks, very pretty, who followed a different tall blond pretty woman. I don't know about the first one but the second one who went in, I felt, was vey psychic. i turned and she was looking my way, and this happens with non-psychic people, just instinctively, but I had a feeling there as something different about her.

Then, I had an impression of some kind of circus feat or something, with a ladder horizontal and someone walking across it while it was somehow up higher in the air. I had a very vague impression of some big verbal blow-out with different people in, or connected to the royal family. I didn't know what about but serious sparring and yelling. There was some motion to this but it was very blurry and just a lot of talking and like a big disagreement about something important. That one I saw like a passing piece of lace or thin sheer sort of cloth with delicate details all over it. Like, an impression that while sheer and blurry, had a lot of detail and movement to it, but just sort of went before my eyes quickly. I had absolutely no idea what it was about and probably wouldn't share if I did know.

I have a very strong positive vibe having written this much though. Something is right.
Then I fell asleep and probably dreamed things but I don't remember anything except from the very end. I woke up laughing, literally, giggling from my sleep. I can't remember the last time I've done that. I remember my son doing this but I don't remember doing it.

The first part I remember was that I was looking at a visual of what was supposed to be, in the dream, a French castle. It was a coral colored castle. (dear God, now that I'm thinking about it I hope to God it wasn't one of Kate Middleton's cakes!). first I saw it from above and I was telling my son it was a French castle. It had a high wall all the way around and then a moat inbetween and I was pointing out the moat. But then, I was inside of it. Which is weird bc first it was like a figure I could point to and then I was inside of what was supposed to be a castle but as I was noting all the architecture and detail, I thought, it seems more art nouvea or deco and 20s or something. I saw this design in the light fixtures or trim on the ceiling and it was like wood but very ornate and floral. Something made me think of 1920s but supposedly, we were in this castle. It was beige or pale gold sort of, or something, the interior with sort of a vaulted kind of ceiling but what I saw made me think of 20s in some ways. Then I was back outside of the castle and pointing out details again. the color of the outside of the castle was like the color of that coral colored faberge egg with the little clock in the middle. When I was inside I seemed to be inside with other adults but back outside, I was showing it to my son, as if it was a figurine (larger) of some kind. And you couldn't see the moat unless you got in closer to the the wall. The moat was inbetween this tall wall. I saw it like it wasn't a painting or photo but a tangible thing I could touch almost and show my son. On the outside, it didn't look like a real castle, it looked like a square kind of ceramic or enameled thing and then had this wall but then inside, it was like a real place. I just looked up "List of castles in France" on wiki, and I guess there are some that are more square. It was more like that, and not a large sprawling thing with lots of turrets.

Then, I am sure I had other dreams but I can't remember all the little bits. Next thing I remember, someone was showing me something really stupid from a book, about an internet conversation between inbeciles or uneducated. In my dream I read a whole page or page and a half. It was funny but that's not what I woke up from. But I was reading this and it was really funny and then the last thing from it that I remember was something about the _______wine and it made no sense whasoever. I remember waking up and thinking about that phrase but can't remember what word preceded wine now. It wasn't a kind of wine, it was some word that was weird before the word wine and the whole conversation was just out there.

Then, someone showed me a cartoon and it was like a The Far Side cartoon and that was what I woke up laughing about. It was a black and white drawing I think and just one frame like from a Far Side cartoon and was of these guys or people standing at the site of a foundation for a new building. It was kind of like someone was going to christen the site or something, and it was just the foundation and was square foundation, and the captain or saying was something like, "Well, I guess we'd better bring in the birds." or something like that. I have no idea why it was so funny but the idea was that then this summoning of a bunch of birds was going to descend on the site like out of an Alfred Hitchhock movie. I guess there is a Greek play called the birds, but it was just for a cartoon and I don't know why it was so funny. And I giggled in my dream and then I woke up and found I was giggling and had wakened myself because of it. And then I was awake and thought about it and still laughed.

Now, I sort of don't know what was so funny about it. But it was funny, in the dream.
looking up french castles, out of curiosity, because I've never done so, it most closely resembeled the Chateau de Murol but there was, I thought some kind of moat. However, this one is squarish and had a "curtain wall" that was a wall inbetween. It was a lot like this. I guess there is a faint coral color on the side of the lintel in the wiki page for it but in the dream the whole thing was this beautiful bright coral color. I just read somewhere else too, that there was a moat. I don't see it in the photos but I typed in chateau de murol, with moat, and found a link that states there was an associated moat.

I also just noticed the french name Guillaume is french for William and I always thought this middle name passed down forever, "Guy" was for something else. I just thought it was a name in its own right but maybe it is also short for William?

It's sort of interesting. I wonder if someone has an enamel or ceramic kind of thing. Maybe it was a dream intercepting different things. I don't know. It looked, in my dream, the way it appears in the photo on wiki. There was greenery around it. In the dream though, it was more like a high wall was all the way around the squarish tower part, that was about as high, but confusing to describe. I might have to see if I can see about the interior of this one. There aren't photos of all the others though. Anyway, in the dream, for some reason, it was definitely a French castle.
Just looked up legends of lord Ganesh part ii. interesting story about a battle with demons who have overtaken everything. the "avatar of ekadanta". I just found it bc of this painting I liked of Ganesh that came up after I saw some art about christians in India as well.

I looked up Syria next, out of curiosity and there is a photo of ruins in the desert, on wiki that is really astonishing. Beautiful photo. Vey ghost-like. Palmyra. I guess you could say it leaves a lot to the imagination. It looks like a negligee without a body.
This photo of a woman crying looks like what I saw last night. It was the same angle that I saw too. I found it from the BBC, from the article about a Ukranian bus and train collision. There is a photo of a woman with her head bent and hand to her mouth and I saw the impression at the same angle but the hand wasn't up to the mouth, but the mouth open like that. And I had the impression of hair being blond, not dark brown but I mainly saw the face, not really hair as much or colors. I did think blond hair though, but the form of expression at least, is like this woman's from the article on BBC. I don't know when the collision occured though bc they have it in military time. I'm not saying it is this woman, but it was the same angle and it was the same expression. It would have been exact except no hand, so as if right before a hand went up to the mouth.
I am not sure why, but I feel very deep sadness about this situation and I am not sure why I maybe got an impression about it.

Last night I saw some blond woman with straight hair drive past when I was walking to a 7-11 in East Wenatchee at about 8:00 p.m. or so. She looked upset and I didn't know what was wrong.

Then I went to my house and dropped off food for my son. I got back about 10 p.m. and took a shower and went to sleep at around 11 p.m. Someone was watching Princess Bride for a few minutes and turned to it and then turned it off and I think I was already in bed or I was in the shower and closing my eyes and I asked God to show me something, whatever it was, but I almost wondered if someone was sending it to me. And I kept getting it like a still photo. Everytime I closed my eyes, I got the same angle and same face and same expression.

So I said, "Okay God, if I am seeing this woman's face, can you tell me her name?" and I got "Lydia" and then I said "Who is she?" and got "Russian". That's the part I doubt most--I think it must be my imagination that I really got a name and then "russian".

But I did see blond hair. I saw the face more than anything, but more blond hair, I thought. So it maybe was someone else but similar thing. I know, when I go back to my impression, that it couldn't have been this photo exactly, because I saw the full mouth open, but the angle of the head, from how I saw it, is the same, and same expression except this woman has a hand up and dark hair. I saw blond hair and the same bent of the head. There was a sadness with it too, it wasn't a joke. Whoever she was, she wasn't making a face to make a face, she was seriously grieving about something.

I looked at the time and it was at 8:30 a.m., their own local time. Which means, for them, Wednesday was yesterday to us. We are on Wednesday now and if it's noon for us, it's midnight for them (12 hour difference). So if we think about when it happened, matching our time, it would have occured at approximately 8:30 p.m. last night.

I really hate living here though, because Wenatchee people just go hysterical weird (some of them) when I write stuff like this, as if someone is telling them, "Yes! I was the one who sent that impression!" (when it's not even true) or just to make fun or be weird. I mean, psychic stuff is a little strange, but people who treat it improperly, to me, are the weird ones. It's not a joke. It's serious and it's not a game, unless you're just doing silly things like wardrobe calls.

If I say I saw Obama's femur, it's like heh,heh, (cough, um...SHIT. what can she see about ME?!). If I say something about seeing a small jar of cream, suddenly it's people trying to make a correlation with a little jar and "potted meat" which has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

It's driving me NUTS. Not the psychic stuff...the weirdos who get off in a really weird way about it. And it has nothing to do with THEO or any other Wenatchee person. Some of these people, I know, fabricate things for themselves, to make it appear as though they are "getting" something that came to me, when it's totally off.

Remember, Theo is the one who told me, because he was POSITIVE, that I was the wife of Obama. That I had to stay "PURE!" for...OBAAAAHHHHMAH. That was when I looked at him and said, "You idiot. I was reading the Bible and just got that phrase for Obama."

He bursts around the corner, after harassing me all the time, and said, "I know this for SURE! You have to stay PURE, because you are the _________'s wife." I can't remember what the word was. Not "chief assistant" or "master something's" but it was some descriptive term and here he is, trying to read my mind and he he got a small bit but not all of it! And the context wasn't right either." I just raised an eyebrow and said in a flat voice, "That is the term I just got for Obama when I was praying to get something about him, so you're telling me I'm Obama's wife?"

And then he says, meekly, no, he thought about that term for himself.

NO idiot. Not you, THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD. Quit while you're ahead man. Go have some tea. Stop trying to speak into existence things that will never happen. I said, "I'm sure Michelle would be real happy to hear how confident you are, that I must preserve myself for her husband."

This is why people shouldn't assume that they know exactly what I'm thinking. Because someone may get a small part of what I'm thinking about or doing, but get it totally out of context. I'm not saying there isn't a gift that shouldn't be practiced. But it first has to be free of self. Maybe you (I also mean 'we', in a collective way) get insights that ARE about yourself (ourselves) but withful thinking just screws with what God or human intuition is really trying to say. It doesn't mean that seemingly impossible things can't happen, but I think one has to be so careful and then if it's right, there is confirmation on other levels and it comes to pass (or doesn't, i suppose, depending on free will and choices). And yes, sometimes things get screwed up because others intentionally interfere. That is hard to fight.

"Wait! I have something to tell you, and THIS I know for sure! You have to stay PURE, because you are the WIFE of the "servant of man" (or whatever it was)!"

(me, Bible in hand, with pen to paper where I had just written down this verse and term about and for Obama Barak, President of the United States who is married with children.)

Me: "Thank you Fairy Godmaster, for missing your cue."

Me again: "EAAAYYYY...ADRIENNE, Yo, You're makin' me feel like Virgin Mary in the Annunciation but it's not possible!"

him: "YES IT IS! YOU are the WIFE of ____. Stay PURE!"

me: "Dude. Leave me alone so I can play Pac-Man."

him: "I want to talk! All you ever do is play video games!"

me: "Dude. I'm a man. Leave me alone so I PLAY IN SUM FUCKIN' PEACE."

him: "I made some tea for you."

me: "Thanks but I don't want any. I"M TRYING TO PLAY MY GAME!"

him: "You can't have a relationship with a computer."

me: "Yes I can. (now go away)"


Any psychic (not just Theo but another one I know of) that tries to share with a group of guys how they think "she want's it" ('it' being sex) is not someone I will ever be with, no matter what you look like and how good the chemistry is otherwise. I still remember all the guys in green shirts driving by "you want it! you want it! you want it!" as if cheering for their chosen psychic guy and thinking they knew something about me that they didn't.

I "want it", in this town, like a bird wants a cage. This is great place to practice celibacy. There is no tunnel that goes underground far enough to convince me my business is private, and not one person I would trust who isn't just wanting something for a conquest or gossip fodder. Believe me, I am very happy as I am.

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