Monday, October 11, 2010

Family Obstruction With My Son's Activities & Psychic Impression

I have email from my aunt saying they would accept a guinea pig or hamster for my son. I went out and bought one, and a turtle, and then I was told to return it because "he doesn't pay attention to the fish he has" and "he already has a pet" (the fish).

I asked my cousin if she thought that was really my aunt or if possibly someone was holding a gun to her head and pressuring her to say something like that. My cousin said, no, she thought her mom just didn't think he "needed" another pet. A FISH is a far cry from something that a child can HANDLE and which was PROMISED to him.

So I did my part to make good on the promises I made. My aunt chose not to.

I am the mother of this child. It is clear why biological parents should typically have the child, because in most cases, they are the ones who are bonded and most invested in the best interests of that child. It is possible to be invested with an adopted child, but nothing takes the place of a bond that was nurtured from birth, by a mother who would do anything for her child, to improve his life and keep him happy.

So then I sent email asking to have him involved in at least ONE structured activity, like karate, or gymnastics, or horse riding lessons, or music lessons--something I was going to pay for out of my own pocket.

My cousin was laughing and just being friendly and normal, but she said, "My mom said,'he already knows karate!'" refering to his active stuff.

Which, to me, is just negligent and dismissive of a child's potential gifts and interests and the responsibility to nurture those possible interests, talents, or gifts, in a productive and professional way.

I was going to have him signed up for a class that is 3 times a week, and includes the uniform, and has little self defense techniques, among other kinesthetics for kids, and it was only $60 for several months. For ages 4-7. And the response was, "He already knows karate!"

No one even answered or responded to my email about wanting to pay for lessons for him, for something he would enjoy and it didn't have to be karate. It could have been horseback riding or music, or anything. It required a small time investment and a little gas money to take him there and back. And it breaks my heart that while no one is even responding to my email, it's being joked that he doesn't need anything because he already "knows" how to do things and is happy enough.

That is not the way I would raise my son. At age 1 1/2 my son was enrolled in gymnastics (free play times, I took him to all of them), mommy & me preschool, swimming lessons, and storytime at the library. And that's not including all the times I took him to the playground and to visit with other kids.

Now, the lucky kid gets daycare. Real fun.

So, since no one even responded to my desire to give my son a gift, I decided to get him the pets. These were turned away as well.

And then tonight, my organic cooking for him was refused. It was accepted this time but not in the future, I am told they will not take groceries or food from me, that I buy organic or prepare for him.

To me, I keep defending my family. I keep thinking, with regard to my aunt's response about the hamster, "Someone is pressuring her. Someone is holding a gun to her head. Someone is saying don't accept this out of intimidation because they want to make my family look bad and then take my son out of my family, or try to."

I keep coming up with excuses, and sometimes, I do think I am correct. Other times, I think, this cannot be possible.

But then I think about the Korean exchange student who lived with them. The woman hardly knew any English at all, and what did she decide to do? She was telling me SHE too (!) was going to do this missions program that lasts 2 years, which EVERY SINGLE KID in my aunt's family has gone to.

This is fucking nuts. They ALL go to this missions training for 2 years, and then get a KOREAN EXCHANGE student to do it too! What the hell. And in the meantime, for all of the holy-moly-speak, no one can even manage to squeeze in time for a child to go to an activity that would be fun for them, because they are lazy and selfish with their time and would rather sit him in front of the t.v. and teach him to make idiotic remarks and learn expressions from some of them (not saying all of them are idiotic).

Attitudes like "hahhaa! he already knows karate!" are the kinds of attitudes which led their own biological children to work at places like merry marts and never finish (or even begin) real college degrees. When they were blessed with brains to do so. I am not impressed. But, I keep making excuses, because to my ears, it sounds crazy. To my ears, it sounds like someone is pressuring them to do this, and to keep my son out of certain activities and most of the time, in some situations, I DO know, that state workers have been involved. Telling them whether or not to take my son to doctor appointments and sending him to doctors where there is a serious conflict of interest. Telling them to keep a turtle or not because of possible "salmonella". Withholding organic milk from him because of possible "salmonella" as they steal money I sent with them to begin with.

My parenting style is diametrically opposed to theirs.
I got a confirmation on a small psychic thing I got about my son. It was when I was asking to see something about William of Wales. I saw William doing something with both hands (which I already wrote about) but I am not totally clear on what. And then, I say him on a camel. I don't think William was ever on a camel as a kid. At least I've never heard of it, read it, or seen any video clips or footage of it.

So I was wondering about this and then it morphed and I saw my own son, and he was riding something or pretending to ride something, and I didn't know what though. But I saw my son pretending to ride something. That same night I was asking about W of Wales.

And then tonight, without having said anything to anyone about this impression, I asked my cousin what my son had thought of this sign I gave him, sent to him, that was a large sign that just had his name on it and my cousin started to laugh and she said, "He rode it like a horse." and I laughed and the other store person there laughed and I said "Really? what do you mean?" and she said, "Really, he put it between his legs and galloped through the room, like he was riding a horse." I said, "Does he do this a lot? to other things?" and she said, "What do you mean, like a broom?" and I laughed and said, "No! and if he did ride a broom I wouldn't want to know and have the town know about it either!" and she said, "No, I don't think he's been riding brooms, he too much of a boy."

But anyway, when she said he had rode the sign that had his name on it: OLIVER, like a horse, I thought, maybe that is what I "saw" him, psychicly, riding.

Which was a really small thing, but a nice thing to have confirmed.

How it got mixed with William of Wales on a camel I don't know. I guess I'll have to do a look-up and see if he was ever on a camel as a child.

I just looked and typed into bing: william of wales, camel and what came up? a NICKNAME! I had heard of "wombat"! but never knew he was sometimes called "camel"! Which is weird! well now I wonder why they called him camel. Did he ride one? did he act like one (how would one act like one?)...really curious now.

I have always assumed wombat was just given bc of the trip to australia when he was so young and they have things called "wombats" there so guessed it was an expression that stuck. I have heard of "wills" too but never camel. I don't know where camel would come from.

Camel because he was able to retain water like a camel? i mean, seriously, how is one like a camel?

I looked and can't find anything. I don't expect I ever will.

Anyway, in some ways this day was alright and in other regards, it turned out to be a very shitty day.



Horrible, the sum of all things and what some have done to me and my son and the magnitude of this and other things factoring in.

I feel like someone started to cry or was sad somewhere after I wrote about the camel stuff and my son riding something so I just have to stop here.

I said tonight, to this man at the house: "I don't think about rebecca, or leah, or rachel, or esther or any of the others...I think about, with my son, I think about Hagar. The single mother that God saw. And for those conservative christians who try to downplay and diminish the dignity, power, and worth of single mothers, I saw to them, read about Hagar. God created a whole new nation because of her and her son. Because even God has pity on those who are outcast and thrown out or chased out and bullied, even against others who claim to have the quorem on God's favor."


  1. No offense, but all your "formal" training hasn't gotten you a job either, so before you judge others, look inward. And FYI...he isn't your son anymore, you lost your rights to him. Its too late for you to try to be his mother.

  2. Dear Anonymous,

    For all of your work, you still haven't had a proper education.

    "No offense" in a statement that is intended to be offensive, is redundant.

    This state is the only place I will not be able to work and I will not look for work here either. I have already talked to enough people to know it's impossible. Anywhere else, no problem, but not here, and I got good "intel" from international people who have their own intel and even they know this, along with intel people who were on the East Coast and advised me to not even go back to Wenatchee because I would not get work and it would be impossible.

    As for losing rights, you're wrong.

    My right to my son is intact and especially after I go to the AG Eric Holder and the President about the collusion over taking my son to begin with. There was no precedent, legally, and it was done by criminal collusion. Every order since, because of lack of jurisdiction proper, must be vacated.

    I have to go to Obama and AG first and then UN. If I show the U.S. refuses to hold their own criminals accountable and has allowed an illegal kidnapping of my son to continue, the UN can and will get involved and I have not exhausted this option.

  3. I might add, that when I told a housemate exactly what happened when my son was taken, and how it was illegal, he kept looking nervously back at the windows and doors.

    Why? because the corruption has involved a LOT of Washignton state officials who acted illegally and then went along to create lies in order to make it appear as though there was no wrongdoing in the first place.

    This is why the State and CPS refused to give me discovery and why my public defense attorneys were paid and lined up to keep my evidence out of the record.

    Why? because it makes people look really bad and proves criminal activity occured.

    That criminal activity involved U.S. and Canadian officials who collectively KNEW there was no precedent for taking my son and no legal cause, and that they then had to come up with an "alternative plan" which was to commit crime by staging a false arrest in order to take my child.

    After they staged the arrest, my son was given to U.S. officials when the jurisidiction was Canadian, NOT U.S.

    I signed no papers permitting this, and I was not allowed legal counsel at any time while in Canada and while at Penticton, I tried to call a Crown's attorney I'd talked to who knew I was there legally and the Penticton jail officers disconnected the phone so I wasn't able to reach him.

    They also refused to allow me to make any phone calls for over 2 days. When I finally did, they kept disconnecting my attempts to call.

  4. My guess is that your housemate kept looking around nervously because as you were describing what happened to you and how you're going to get through it (the AG, Obama, etc.)he realized that he is living with someone who needs serious psychiatric help.

  5. Thank you Anonymous.

    And when you are the expert on psychology or psychiatry, I might be interested in having a debate.

    However, I highly doubt that you have been able to see inside another person's body because of a psychic insight and therefore, I do not value your comment.

    I asked to see something hidden about Obama Barak, knowing nothing about his health, and I saw his leg clothed and then in the mind's eye, it went past this to his actual femur. I later confirmed it is true that he has a problem and in fact, it is his ONLY recorded health issue.

    I then had another experience like this, where I saw some kind of organ (I thought heart but maybe not) and then wanted clarification and got the upper chest cavity region with all of the organs. This, for a man I have barely talked to, and have not seen for over a decade, and it is true, I have learned, that he has a health issue related to this area of his body.

    This is in addition to countless other times that I have had accurate insights, which I do not work at or practice and therefore only trust a few of them.

    One other one, regarding insights to the health of others, was when I correctly ascertained a man who I did not know at all, had a problem with his pinkies, and he did. He proved it to me by showing me how they popped at the ends because he had damaged them through his form of work.

    You, on the other hand, have bad hair and low self-esteem.

    I always wanted curly hair, or wavy at least, and maybe you wanted brains. I guess we sometimes want what you can't have.

    I would also guess you are a person who is connected to someone who has been directly involved in this case, which is a shame, because others who have better computer skills than I do, will know exactly who you are.

    Serious mental help is the first thing someone uses to discredit anyone who is alleging that others have committed crime.

    I recommend a hot oil treatment for the do. You could start with your hair and then maybe work your way into a good aerobics step class to aleviate your aggressive nature.

  6. Truly, your psychic abilities are astounding.

  7. Dear Anonymous,

    Not asking for any psychic insight into who you are, and only going on regular human assessment and judgement, I would say you are either a woman who has been given a lot of false reassurance in life, or a man who is either very tall or imagines himself to be.

    Fuck off.
