Monday, October 11, 2010

Bad Feeling At Pet Store & Pets for my Son

Why should I have a bad vibe at the pet store? It wasn't the workers there, but I started getting a feeling that smoething wasn't right.

Even though I was happy to be getting some things for my son.

I looked at water turtles (to replace the turtle he had and then was taken from him), and then I looked at guinea pigs and there were only 2 females. I got one but I might take it back for the other one.

One was soft and sort of sweet and the other had rougher fur and was more perky. I got the spotted one (the soft and sweet one) bc it reminded me of the pinto pony coloration my son likes. I am thinking this one that I have is too skittish and nervous, though, and the other one would be tougher, which is better for a 4 year old boy.

I don't think it has to do with the animals--it has to do with the fact that when I was there, something that wasn't as good was going on, with regard to a bet or some persons and some kind of gaming. Or somewhere else, someone was not happy.

Something just isn't right about this whole area. Stupid things are made out of stupid things. Things that should signify nothing, turn into massive games and hysteria here and it's just nuts. Probably bad people in the area today too. Something is off.

I looked for hamsters but I didn't see any. There were gerbils and guinea pigs and no hamsters. But I figure they can return things if they need to, but I might start out with the other guinea pig. I don't know.

I also looked at chameleons and actually, I think my son would LOVE to have a chameleon. I think a turtle to replace the one taken from him, a hamster or guinea pig, and then a chameleon,, because the chameleon is super cool. It would fascinate his mechanical mind for hours. The turtle and cham would be best intellectually for him, watching the mechanisms and physics of how they move, and the guinea pig or hamster for affection and bonding with taking care of a pet.

But the chameleon has eye that roll to the back of it's head! which I didn't know! It has these really cool hands and it crawls up the sides of things and hangs upside down and the eyes and how they go all directions, would be super super cool for my son.

Oliver is getting a chameleon next. So, turtle for healing and to replace what was lost and restore to the idea of something being taken but will be returned. Guinea pig or hamster for affection, responsibility, and bonding, and chameleon for intellectual curiosity.

Yes, a real live "menagerie" smartie pants. I got that word from a little physic out-take. Menagerie.

At any rate, I saved some money by not buying things which were not essentials and which could be made from natural resources. I am not spending $16 for rocks when I can go down to my grandfather's river where my son and I played and select some of those rocks, sanitize them, and use them. And they would have more meaning too.

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