Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stolen Photos of my "Borscht"

Someone is still exporting my photos. It's not a mistake or a computer error I'm making. I took a few photos and had a couple in particular that I wanted to post. One showed it from a normal view and the color and then the next one showed the sheen on top from the bullion (not fully warmed up) and how it's sort of orange-red as well as purple. On that one, I showed my housemate bc instead of the bowl rim showing up white, as it is, it showed up turquoise and I laughed and joked about the accident of lighting. So I was going to post them, and that one where the bowl showed up turquoise was the only close-up I had of the texture.

I'm just pissed that someone is interfering with my computer. Period. And why exactly would someone export THAT photo but not a couple of other photos of the soup I took which did not show up as well?

What is the point?

Now it's back. I went back and then it said my webcam was being used by another user and I couldn't use it and then it quit and then my photos were back. ?

Well, I'm glad they're back because I was planning to auction them off at Christies next Spring.

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