Friday, October 1, 2010

image last night, copper colored chairs (& other)

I had a distinct image last night, at 10 minutes to 11 P.M. PST, of copper colored legs and bottoms of chairs which were upright, being moved.

Either copper or bronze but on the copper side, in general. There were at least 4 I think, and I didn't see the table, I only saw under the table. Which is weird. They were some kind of metal on the bottom, but of a copper or bronze kind of metal or painted with this.

I don't know why I would see underneath the table. I didn't see any person with it, but the chairs and knew they were chairs and they were moving, or being moved.

Sort of seemed like outdoor style chairs but I suppose they could be indoors. I don't know if it was at a home, a restaurant, a store, or what. I think that's because someone maybe tried to send it or I just caught a glimpse when I was about to fall asleep.

I wasn't praying or trying to get anything.

But it seemed more like a very short glimpse and was remote viewing of some kind. That's what I thought. I would make a drawing and post it later maybe to show an idea of what the legs look like.

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