Friday, October 1, 2010

CNN vs. BBC on Report: U.S. Infects People With STDs

I just read both reports, from bbc and cnn, about the infection of people in Guatamala with STDs.

The reports vary slightly. The bbc makes it sound like it was only mentally ill and prisoners and that it was done through use of prostitutes.

However, the cnn report says it was mentally ill, prisoners, soldiers, and prostitutes as well. Not that prostitutes were used, knowing they had it, but that they were also intentionally infected with this.

The bbc mainly lists syphillis while the other report lists at least 3 types of STDs.

The bbc reports that the Guatamalan government actually consented to the experiment so that would make their government as responsible as the U.S., but the cnn makes no mention of any consent having come from Guatamala.

If it is true that Guatamala's government consented to the experimentation on their own citizens, they need to apologize as well.

The thing is, this kind of thing still happens. It is only because this indpendent researcher found evidence in an archive, at her college at Wellselly, that it came to light. Otherwise, no one would have talked about it.

There are plenty of other experiments which occured, and are occuring even now. There is no change to policy to it comes to "classified information" or black operations, or experiments done under a non-official guise.

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