Thursday, October 7, 2010

India Games & Marilyn's Secret Diaries

I just read the CIA director went to India for security concerns. ? I haven't heard of any security issues really, just some health complaints but some of those complaints have come out unfounded.

I read, for example, that some swimmers got sick but the pool was tested and the water was fine. It may be just normal travel adjustments.

I know I had to get every single shot in the book before I did housebuilding and volunteer work in the Dominican Republic and we still got sick, all of us. You just had to go with the flow, so to speak. We had shots and then we took some kind of tablet when we were there as well.

I saw a few people today with physical problems and tried to close my eyes for a few minutes and pray for them and see if anything came to mind. One man left before I could talk to him and ask questions. But I had a few things come to mind and wanted to talk to him first, before wondering if I was correct with the ideas I had to mind. I had an idea about lyseine and tyro-something.

I looked up India games this afternoon after I found a really cute elephant mother and child figure. It was very cute and I saw it after noticing a Ganesha statue at Ross store the day before. I liked the Ganesha one, and noticed for the first time how the leg is positioned, with one foot down and the other bent at the knee with foot resting on inside of the other leg and I had to smile because I did this all the time when I was younger. My family said I stood like a stork. I would wash dishes standing and do this. Don't know why, it was just comfortable for me that way. I thought the little figure was endearing but I cannot really buy things for myself right now. I have no place to put things.

About the man I saw who I prayed about--The man was older and looked like he had some kind of skin cancer. He was sitting there with his wife who had on a blue and green shirt with white. I didn't know what though because it also looked like something else. I got something about tyrosine and just found out it is used as a cancer blocker, and esp. for skin cancers. tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Tyronise is an amino acid that affects melanin. It's a precursor to building melanin. I found this info by clicking the first link which was Cancer Help UK from a Cancer Research site and then I got info about tyronise in general from wikipedia.

The other thing, lyseine, I looked up on wiki and then on Nova affiliates and it says of all the cancer cells, melanoma seems to be most responsive to lyseine, with a 85% (up to) inhibition rate. Might want to do more research on that one.

I got these after wondering what he had and what might help. Maybe I was wrong about skin cancer but he had dark growths on his skin and then it also looked like some swelling. I spent about 5-6 minutes just praying and focusing and then thought something with a P came to mind, with regard to something he suffered from, but it may have been something else. I wasn't clear on it. I have taken lyseine myself before, as part of a supplement but had forgotten what it was and I've never taken tyrosine or anything like it and never researched it.
On a different note, upon reading the Vanity Fair article about Hitchens' debate and then seeing the Marilyn feature of her "secret diaries" I would like to thank some for protecting my own private diaries so well.

That is all. For now.

I also think it is incredibly tacky to publish a dead woman's personal and private diaries. She isn't around to confront these things or defend herself and unless she stated in a will, that after so many years of her death they were allowed to be published, the person who betrayed her trust should be forced to stand out on the street corner naked.

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