Thursday, October 7, 2010

had to delete & discriminaton and corruption in Wenatchee

I had to delete. I was joking around, but today has not been a funny day.

There is a lot going on.

And then, I post only this much and finally read the Mackenzie Cowell news and read details for the first time, about how an arm was supposedly almost severed.

I didn't know that or I wouldn't have posted one of several photos I had taken with accidents of lighting--one that made one of my arms appear differently.

I didn't do it intentionally.

However, for the record, this town is FUCKED up.

I have had more people come out of the woodwork who are just up to no good, and then more of the non-lethal weapon category stuff happen, which is being done by individuals in this town.

My son and I deserve much better than this.

I had some guy talk to me for awhile who seemed nice and then he started saying how it would be natural for a mother who was traumatized by having the state take her son, to do "irrational" things. I had to correct him and stop the conversation and say, "No. I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you. Nothing that I have done has been 'irrational'. I've been stressed out and upset by what has happened with regard to my son, but I have not done anything irrational. Going to Canada was not irrational. It was logical."

I had no idea how many people here are seriously disturbed. I do not mean slightly disturbed. I mean, very seriously disturbed. I'm not saying he was, specifically, though he seemed to be too interested in me and I questioned, at some point, what the agenda was. He was a black man with dreadlocks who said he was from Leavenworth and then he was insisting on knowing where I was "going". I had more than one person with a more than passing interest in what bus I might take and where to. But there is just bad energy in town. There were a few pockets of good, here and there, but mostly bad.

At any rate, now I know positively, that I have been discriminated against and my custody case with my son affected by hysteria and perversion of judgement, with some people and officers even thinking I somehow, even remotely, had something to do with this case. If I had something to do with it, why did the police refuse to even interview me when I said I might have possibly seen her at a specific time?

If they are conducting "hundreds" of interviews, I would think they would follow up on any possible leads. I would think that instead of ignoring my calls, as they did, when I thought I had seen her one night right before, that they would have done a cursory follow-up. They didn't.

Instead, I've been harassed and had my laptop illegally searched and seized by police, who thought my photos or computer content had something to do her case, and they held all of this under the auspice that I had committed some other kind of misdemeanor.

Then, I had Wenatchee Judges recently try to jump in and do some really weird things. Giving my lawyer things that had NOTHING to do with Wenatchee at all and sending this note to me, through him, to tell me I had a "pattern of conduct" and he went on.

There is no "pattern" of conduct with regard to me, in any way. There IS, however, a pervasive pattern of discrimination and corruption in this town.


  1. Hi, I'm making a response without posting your comment, for the sake of privacy for the person I talked you and yes, that was his name. He seemed nice, I just wasn't sure why so interested.

    Did I have any impressions about the case? I never asked to have any impressions and I never have asked for anything regarding anything criminal about others. To me, it would be unpleasant and maybe if I got something right somehow, it could put me in jeopardy or at risk of being thought to "know" and a threat. So I just never ask for info about criminal stuff. I was curious about Iran's computer bug but I didn't even focus and pray really, in the way I would to really concentrate.

    Randomly did I get anything? I don't think so.

    I was willing to say if I thought I saw her and what she looked like or was wearing, like a normal person would, but I wasn't comfortable trying to get other info.

    You know what I mean? just not interested in trying to be a psychic detective. What I've done has been more out of curiosity and self-discovery, and through prayer as well, but not really with an agenda.

    I need to know how much of a gift God gives me before I can use it for bigger things anyway, if that's even something I would do. I feel that for the level of interest in me from others, however, I should be getting some kind of compensation. I believe that would be fair.

  2. I do think that it's a useful skill which I will be able to use in the future maybe, for protecting myself and knowing who is responsible for different things. But I'm careful with that kind of thing and it's dependent upon, I believe, for me, God's grace.
