Thursday, October 7, 2010

this morning is depressing

Down vibe this morning. I don't know why. It's probably my son.

I woke up early this morning, no sleeping in and woke once in the middle of the night. I turned on the t.v. which I don't usually do, and watched C-span live for a little bit, and some Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore movie at the part where he's not ready to be a father and doesn't want to give up his car and she says what are they going to do? strap the baby to the top of the car like a deer? and then they get into an argument about cats. And I watched a few funniest animal planet stories, and the one I laughed at was the hunting dogs all packing around a helium balloon as the fox is happy about the distraction. It was from March 1997. And some old b&w movie with Ziegfield folly girls singing around a bunch of balloons. Then a LOT of Cindy Crawford commercials and she was featured on some show too. Cindy. Oh, Cindy again. And there she is again, talking about "marionette lines." what the hell are marionette lines? . I kept turning back and forth. Shined my shoes with a cloth that I saw was from Pakistan (after I was going to use it for polish for my boots) and then turned on t.v. and it was C-span ambassador (former) to Pakistan, discussing India and Pakistan stuff. As for Osama bin Ladin, I don't think the U.S. really wants to capture him. I actually think that for all the talk, and maybe wanting to get a certain group under control, I think the people at the top have compassion on him or something. I think they figure they trained him and gave him weapons to start with and while they maybe don't agree with a lot of the terrorist stuff on any side, they're okay with letting him live. Which is not something I think is bad, I think it's just they decided he has some morals of his own right, and he's just a symbol or something. If people really wanted to capture him I think they could. I just don't think "HE" is the big priority. I don't really understand all the history and politics behind things, but probably something historical comes into play with decision-making. I don't know why the ambassador was wearing Putin's tie and striped shirt that matched the inside lining of his white zip up pullover. It looked like almost the same tie he was wearing the other day. Maybe these guys do tie-swaps by mail kind of like Granny used to do a naughty panty exchange with her girlfriends. These figures should get a little tie-friendship-exchange going where you keep the ties circulating.

"Putin, I liked that tie...I don't have anything to wear with my blue denim shirt, ya got something in silk?"

"Hmm, I don't know. I'll have my assistant check into that. I'll swap you my raspberry tie for a polka dot one."

"I don't do polka dots. Ask the French president."

"I don't think he does polka dots either, but I've heard he likes bolonga and doesn't want the French people to know--maybe I could swap him a bolonga sandwich for a cream puff."

"Putin, I didn't know you liked cream puffs. Do the Russians even have bolonga?"

"No, but I was thinking that if you could send him a bolonga sandwich on my behalf, then I could give some rye bread or something."

"Sure. Hey, I saw that calendar. I might swap you some bolonga for one of those calendars, if you don't mind."

"I don't know if that's a fair trade, but I'll see what I could do. You got any girly pin ups who did some stuff for Obama or Biden? wait, wait, my wife says she wants a calendar of the guys who did the one for Sarah Palin."

DOH! just read Russia has a bolonga process. I stand corrected. wait. corrected again. They're fighting about whether or not they really want bolonga. Look it up. bolonga process on wiki.

Since I was thinking about this, I had to look up "hankerchief, vladimir putin" and found an excerpt where he took out a hankerchief and used it after journalist left a room (?) and then offered it to the French president who said thank you and showed he had one already. So this is the first I've read he uses a hankerchief. Oh, and the guy featured on the article I looked up is wearing C-span man's striped gray shirt. (from a post from thursday, may 31, 2007).

Which sort of goes with some kind of striped lining I saw yesterday inside the collar of a white shirt worn by Putin. From a blog entitled 'russia's true tales of terra." Terra, which is the same brand of coffee I asked the store to grind for me last night. Whadddya know. I think it's time for me to get tips from Osama bin Ladin about how to hide well. Seriously. Right before Osama thinks he might be getting old enough to possibly pass away, he should write a big bestseller giving out tips on how to hide out.

Oh thanks Wenatchee. Now some radio DJ has decided to play the song "Nikita I need you so." which is sort of funny, considering.

I found more hankerchief stuff. Like, he gave them as gifts and things. Who knew? I guess everyone knew. I never read about it, I just had this idea the other day and today I looked it up.
At any rate, someone brightened or lightened up a tiny bit somewhere. Maybe my son is feeling better. Still heavy feeling but a little better. Still feels very depressed. Maybe I need to eat some oatmeal. I probably need to have breakfast.
I feel better. Had oatmeal and milk and took a shower and started the day over. Not that it was bad before but I think maybe my son is happier now. Or something. I don't know what.
ON the way over I had some kind of march song to mind too but I think that was totally sent by a sender. "I don't know but I've been told..." It's some kind of military march song. "...sound off, 1, 2, THREE FOUR!" something like that. But I am not saying this is it, or that however I got this song is great. It just came to mind and probably totally independently. The Duckworth chant? by Private Willie Duckworth?

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