Thursday, October 7, 2010

Iran's Nuclear Worm (suspect CIA)

I can only say this from a psychic standpoint where I am often wrong and this time I wasn't in prayer and I was not focused. I had CIA come to mind even though I wanted to say it was some independent group.

However, after the way my son and I have been constantly treated, and after tonight in particular, the CIA and Federal Communications department, as well as Bethesda Naval Hospital (which services the President) made it clear to me that I have already exhausted my options and that I will need to go directly to the UN about my case with the U.S.

I can say that I had CIA come to mind randomly, and that is all. It does not mean anything because if I do not focus or do not pray first, it usually means nothing. It usually means it is just a fleeting thought or my imagination. However, I had this thought cross my mind without wanting to think it was true. And I concealed this thought until now.

I later had a couple of other ideas come to mind and because it was more than one, I didn't want to say anything because obviously my ideas are confused. I had Germany and Belarus come to mind and these countries usually have nothing to do with Iran and why would they be involved so that didn't make sense to me and felt more like mental "noise" that I was capturing from somewhere or someone. So I have to say, nothing is clear for me. I don't think it was Germany or Iran and would be more likely to think possibly the CIA, esp. after what my son and I have been continually forced to endure. It is unspeakable the level of conflict, and while I have this wishful thought that Obama and the AG will investigate, I already have factions of CIA and Federal Communications department screwing with my phone calls. And medical facilities hanging up on me, already knowing who I am and then just allowing the phone to ring and ring when I am attempting to report a (hopefully) minor bio-chemical emergency. The fact that the Bethesda Naval Hospital deliberately hung up on me and disconnected my call after I asked for a number for such a hotline, and then just allowed their phone to ring when I tried to call back, is indicative to me, of the attitude that some power figures in the U.S. are taking towards me.

What the problem is, is who is in control and in charge of the CIA. And the Federal Communications department. If the right people were in charge, the subordinates would not be so bold as to continually harass me and feel they were getting away with it. Certain military groups would not be experimentally immorally and unlawfully on their own U.S. citizens and then attempting to conceal this and poison me on top of it. Or allowing a few members in their group to try this.

I told someone I have been staying with, that the problem with mind control research is that sometimes someone finally figures it out and outsmarts them. I said, "Yeah, I finally realized I'm an MK-Ultra kid and they just never thought I'd be fucking seeing the stuff I'm seeing. I saw this and I saw that, and thanks to you, now I just saw right into your fucking program." They have pulled my son out from my own arms and attempted to intimidate other family members and have already been using and abusing my son. They intentionally wanted to create an attachment disorder with my son in his formative years. This is what they do. And this is what the State of Washington has allowed with several of my family members, esp. on my father's side. There is a long history of using Garretts and Howards for government control and purposes, with zero compensation.

It seems outlandish, even to me, to imagine it's the CIA. Even when I continue to have phone problems with every single communications group and company there is and my calls are constantly intercepted. When I am constantly blocked from accessing the normal routes of justice and summarily have persons in the government circling the wagons for persons who are immoral, corrupt, and have no respect whatsoever for human dignity and free will. They have been users. They have used me and their people have been allowed to steal every single thing I ever owned, as they continue to steal my ideas, and use me for their own billion dollar research programs. They put my son in exactly the same position, to start working on him while he is young and even though he's been tortured, see what they might still use and extract from him. They have used people posing as gangsters and friends. Who are indirectly employed by the U.S. government. The people who know about this, are those who have an agent or two tucked away somewhere who found out and tried to somehow convey to me the magnitude of my problem. They couldn't even tell me without risking their own lives and lives of their colleagues and end up in jail for either treason or espionage. What has happened to me and my son was supposed to be continued as a classified project and in secrecy.

If I look moldable enough, they could have used me as a Manchurian candidate in some regards. At least, they could continue to extract information from me for their other persons who want to do research. Someone approached me with an idea to be paid for this kind of experiment through an Ivy League college. But that idea, of right compensation, fell through. These fuckers want it cheap. They want it for free and want to keep me and my son in chains. The United States of America had persons who deliberately conspired against me, to set me up in Canada to have me under false arrest so my son was taken. It wasn't just "bad groups" or adversaries I have had who hate me, it was government officials who didn't want to "lose" me or my son.

You cannot tell me, after I have continued to be exposed to non-lethal weapon experiments and given all kinds of medications, to where my heart has been affected and my memory and even my legs swelling up to disproportionate size, and after seeing how the State lined up people to guard and control my son, and our visits, that the CIA is not involved.

Leon Panetta went to India because he was curious as to why I developed an interest in India. Call it whatever you want. I call it treason and kidnapping, when those in my own country, treat me and my son in this manner and expect me to do nothing about it.

How many times have I been intentionally poisoned? or have there been attempts of poisoning?

I just had something totally new happen to me and tried to contact a bio-chemical hotline and every single call I tried to make was BLOCKED. Poison control or a hospital should have that number. When I was misdirected and made to hold forever, I finally went straight to the Bethesda Naval Hospital, where I visited before. They know who I am there, and I was cut off from even getting any help or accessing the right number there. I am not going to any medical facility within the State of Washington and after my treatment by BNH, I find it almost completely implausible that going to Obama and Eric Holder will make any kind of difference, even as I see they are in a battle, against people who just want to send in flush amounts of cash and buy off the next candidates.

The wrong people are in positions of power. The good are outnumbered. There are 2 bad for every 1 good person with integrity who tries to be honest and fair and really loves and would die for their country and their people. The rest are a bunch of greedy rats. Not only that, we have certain groups who have aligned to control all the intelligence and justice system groups and if you are not a member of their particular group or religion (or church) then forget it.

There is no excuse whatsoever, for this latest thing that has happened to me. There is no excuse for the deliberate abuse.

There is no excuse for the multiple false arrests and constant surveillance and then sheer use of me which really amounts to nothing more than exploitation. They have had people buy off lawyers and justice system persons to withhold records and evidence which would really allow the TRUTH to shine and immediately have my son returned to me. I am not against the country, my country, nor am I against the good persons. But they, the good, have their work cut out for them at this point, because there is 2 for every 1 who will stand in the doorway to obstruct justice and use and accept Big Money to control them.

So, for the Bethesda incident, Iran gets my "ideas" about whether or not it was a "nation-state" that did this. It was probably a small group within such an organization and maybe they went with others too. Maybe it was part religious, maybe not. But I will pray about it some more.

The other thing, which I kept to myself is some short haired blond woman that I saw with Obama not too long ago and I'm not sure what her influence is. She was pretty and had very blond and shorter cut, hair. But I don't know what she does and I just had an impression of her even though I've never seen such a person in photos.

I support Obama and Michelle. I also support someone who was giving a very depressing lecture today about the gap between the rich and poor, who was on C-span this morning. I think that is partly what depressed me today--the shape of the country and feeling the fear.

The Federal Communications department, military, and CIA could do themselves a BIG fucking favor, and start treating me and my son with respect and censuring those who are stepping out of line, from stepping out of line. DO NOT disrespect me or my son.

These marks on my body, and in my soul, are because of some of your poor stewards, who are running this country into the fucking ground and We the People want you OUT. You do NOT obstruct someone's ability to make reports, or take action, or get help through the right channels and you investigate and protect your citizens against those who are using and exploiting people as if they were natural resources of the land--in essence, no more and no less than American dirt or soil.

Back to Iran, I don't know for sure. Don't hold me to anything--however, since I did have a couple of countries come to mind, right or wrong, I do agree with Iran, in all honestly, that it was probably the work of some organization within a country. I would not allow any other U.S. prisoners to be freed. But that's just me, and maybe that sounds "mean" but why not put pressure on the U.S. to treat their own citizens with some fucking decency. Do I want Iran to invade? of course not. I want peace. But maybe Iran and other countries can start showing some of the big shots who are foul, what kinds of civil rights should be in place for all, in sincerity. That is also a step towards peace. Innocent people, no matter what, shouldn't be pawns. So yes, if they're innocent, they should be allowed to go. But why is it that some of the assholes in the U.S. can't pay the same respect to me and my son?

Just as I start to feel like I could really make a difference and contribute to something great, I am shit on all over again. I start to feel slightly patriotic and even think about how can I bring people from disparate backgrounds together, and then I have the fucking FCC and more government employees, standing in the way and doing a major disservice to their country.

How are they doing a disservice? by constantly harassing their own fellow citizens and attempting to provoke a response and distress. By trying to block and force their own citizens out. By using their own citizens and by allowing SOME of the U.S. employees, to really screw up all the good work and hard efforts of others, who should be the persons in charge.

I can better detail my reasons for writing this tomorrow. I will detail exactly what I have been exposed to and how Bethesda knows about it and shut their doors on me tonight, which to me was symbolic. They made a choice then and there, to show me who was behind all of the smut and the corruption with regard to the harassment of me and my son, and the kidnapping of my son from me by the United States of America, or if you prefer, Washington state "authorities" who, some of them, had the approval of the larger U.S.

I didn't believe this Prosecuting Attorney, when I called over to Idaho for ideas. He said to me, "I don't know how I can be of any help. I work for the federal government of the United States." I said, "But you don't work for Washington so it's okay." He paused and said slowly, "I still work for the federal government of the United States of America."

So what the fuck is that supposed to mean? It is not just about Washington state? It is also about federal persons? Apparently so. Apparently some have a stronghold over the few who would do things differently. Umm, recalling the intelligence hearing where I saw shadows, white shadows, and reps were standing up to question who gets to call out the "orders" and make the "calls".

I would like to know as well.

I am not going to refuse to make my report to Obama and the AG, but I will be making my complaint and report to the UN at the exact same time and I will be able to furnish the UN with plenty of reasons why.

I kept a log of how many attempts I made, to contact the right people tonight and how many times my calls were obstructed.

After that, I am pulling up the Dept. of Justice website and I will be asking God to give me insight into some personal things. I will begin with the McKenna offices. The same offices that harassed me when I tried to make a report of criminal conduct. I hope you washed your fucking underwear.

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