Friday, October 8, 2010

despite it all, vibe is good

I have no clue why there is a good vibe today, when all around me, mean people suck. All that I know is that my son must be, for some reason, maybe having fun and someone else I care about is better or who knows why. I have no clue at all.

I had a small impression of Kate Middleton but it was only because I was curious (this was earlier in the day before I was pissed). I just wondered if it would be possible for me to get someone outside of the royals, who is somehow affiliated or connected to a member of the family. First I thought I saw a pen and a lot of writing, but I figured that is just typical and to be expected and then the next thing I saw was her holding a jar of cold cream. Not in order, as if she went from writing to then a jar of cream, but more like separate little segments. I don't picture her with cold cream, but it was this little jar of a thicker kind of cold cream, for the face, not hands. Very small, not a huge jar and I think glass, maybe white and just a smaller kind of rounded pot. However, could have been someone else I suppose. I know it was for the face and not the hands. It was either a small thing of face cold cream or a small jar of cream for the under the eyes.

I also saw some other woman, and I don't believe it was her (the above) and she just fell back on her bed in maybe some kind of swoon. Not swoon exactly, sigh. I think she had her hands to her chest but not positive and it was like she was sitting and then just fell back naturally with this contentment and sigh. Sort of in the way one would if they got a call from someone they are in love with, or whom they admire a lot and are amazed or thinking, and fall back to contemplate.

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