Friday, October 8, 2010

Where Is My Motion To Terminate c/o Judge Nakata

I filed a Motion to Terminate the restraining order which Michelle Erickson falsely filed against me. I argued I had not been given even ONE continuance in order to collect evidence which would help defend me and show liklihood of perjury by Erickson.

I have asked my lawyer repeatedly to obtain this. I have also wondered what the hell happened with this because I filed this before I was arrested for allegedly violating the order. My Motion to Terminate has not been addressed.

I filed it with other documents, with Sharon (I believe is her name) who is the clerk in the separate office for the District County Courthouse. She was submitting all of the pleadings to Judge Nakata.

It has been over 2 months and I am wondering if my public defender did try to request it and that's when the Judges tried to send something back to him instead, and omitted this important document.

When I was in jail, there was a guard or officer there as well, who had some kind of goatee and knows Chris Rozollo and I told him I needed a copy of my Motion to Terminate that order. He said, "You filed a Motion to Terminate? (or vacate)" and I said, "Yes I did." A different guard even appeared to maybe be trying to look it up but no one ever said anything to me. They said to let my lawyer know.

So it's been 2-3 months and WHERE IS MY MOTION TO TERMINATE?

Why is this being omitted from this case and file records? It's important and I deserve an answer. I have requested this document so many times from my public defender, this is the only thing (I think) that I am finally making public on my blog because I have a right to know and I think it's strange there has been some kind of communication with the Judges (both Harmon and Nakata allegedly) and yet no production of my Motion to Terminate.

I don't think it's my lawyer's fault. I think he has maybe made a request and is still waiting on the Judges and trying to be nice about it and hasn't had a response so he's just being nice. But I need this document.

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